Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Democracy

Hardt and Negri remember that in the same net where the power exerts its domain, multitude acts with the purpose to create an alternative global society. Therefore, the anti-power of the multitude uses the same strategies that the power: fluidity, inconstncia and multiplicity in an extraterritorial space. Currently, the militancy through the Internet, that bets in the decentralized, desterritorializada action and in net of the multitude, is configured as an important tool for that they act as a lawyer in favor of the democracy, despite this resource also comes being used for fundamentalist groups and of right boundary line to propagate its ideas. A related site: Kurt Bock mentions similar findings. The action undertaken by means of blogs, fruns and messages propagated in the Internet, many times of anonymous form, had to its collective character can most be understood when associated to the concept of rizoma that it appears in Deleuze and Guattari: rizoma connects a point any with another point any and each one of its traces necessarily does not send the traces of same nature; (...) It is not made of units, but of dimensions, or before directions moving. It does not have start nor end, but always a way for which it grows and overflows. (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 1995, P. 32) the certainty of that ' ' we are more intelligent juntos' ' it makes of the resistance modality that we observe in the Web, that if it shows pparently disarrenged what had been coordinated, a force practically impossible to be contained by the mechanisms of tracking and control of the Empire.

The attack in net presents as something similar to a swarm of birds or insects in a terror film, a multitude of attacking irrationals, strangers, uncertain, invisible unexpected. If to analyze the interior of a net, however, will see that effectively it is organized, rational and creative. It has the intelligence of the swarm.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Discarding Really

Therefore, consonant Light (2006: 43) ' ' a proposal to be able to seem true for somebody, it has to seem probably true, in some measure. supports Moser, what it becomes a probable proposal is some type of evidncia' '. In these conditions, we need only probabilities and certezas not to accept some proposal, however, one perceives that it uses itself of the falibilismo as support of its fundacionista theory. In agreement the Moser, the thesis of the auto-probability possesss many problems, since, is difficult to define if such proposal is really auto-probable or not, as well as contradictory, therefore, in the ontolgica thesis I am, I I exist, necessarily to be true, first I have that to think, to have wills and to doubt. Then, it needs certain evidences to be considered true, however, he is confused if it is a thesis of conditional Auto-probability to the truth or needs evidences to have some truth, however, it is not auto-probable. Contanto, for Light (2006: 45), when we consider a proposal as auto-probable due to the terms constitute that it, we are, in the truth, considering that this proposal true must to the use of such and such terms.

However, it supports Moser, ' ' we do not have to confuse conditions for the evidencial probability with conditions for verdade' '. It is not difficult also to understand that the thesis of the auto-probability tends to lead to the infinitismo, let us see an example. I am, I I exist, Discarding I defined this ontologia for the o reason that, it thought, it doubted, it I felt. But, he guarantees what me that it really thinks, he doubts and he feels? Thus, he will have then that to prove the veracity of that it really thinks, he feels and he doubts. Later that to find such reply that it proves the veracity, it guarantees what me that this reply really possesss truths enough to affirm that the reply of that ' ' it pensa' ' or ' ' it duvida' ' she is really true? Thus, Light (2006: 46) question ' ' Somebody can, only based in the proposals that compose the return, to accept the antecedent of this connective? ' ' For Moser, hardly not, therefore, the epistmico citizen will need the definition ' ' pensar' ' ' ' duvidar' ' for only thus, to justify the belief I am, I I exist.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


' She is necessary to love the people as if it did not have tomorrow, because if you to stop pra thinking about the truth do not have ' ' Beginning our dialogue with this phrase that says of what it makes look like, does not teach in them much more of what any school. Words as this, perceived in its colored form, or simply as a limpid and inconfundvel frequency, that makes in them to feel what he was asleep inside of us. Ironically we are pegos of surprise hearing musics with letters that ask for to love those that attacks in them and many times obtain hurting in them. Coincidence? I think that not. Click Steve Blank for additional related pages. This agreement is part of our evolution, all we pass and will go to pass for unimaginable situations and that our mind fits and our heart to decide which way will be most sensible inside to fundirmos of us this event.

We have that to stop to give more attention to the details, them really they make the difference, either it in which universe will be. Perhaps when a friend speaks (Ei, we go to talk one hour of these), it needs somebody very to relieve, and we finish postponing for not giving attention, to these details. Perhaps a simple ones to look at already speaks more than a thousand words one hugs the time does not walk pra backwards and we do not know if still we will be with the opened eyes to see the sun to be born of varanda, to see the birds subtle if to accomodate between the trees really is necessary to love the people, the life each one in its way, but she is necessary because if you to stop pra thinking. it goes to understand the message and the objective of everything this, its existence The details really make the difference in this our hostile universe in the lack dialogue. in the lack respect in the lack love Item that would have to be the basic one of the convivncia between beings of the same species. One more time obliged for leaving that I inside entered a little of its interior if and what I said it had the least a little of absorption in its mind already was valid the penalty our reflection. Abraos. Maicon Moso email for contact: Blog: