Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Western Union

The value of time in our life. Time is the limited element and incrontrolable by us and therefore it is what most aspire to be and enjoy, and may that even you aren't aware of this, but this is how you're reading it. Then, the most noticeable advantage in the nature of the Internet business, is essentially allowing just free up more time for us without going to the detriment of our business. We could well be on vacation, or listening to music or on the beach or simply reading a good book, while our business on the Internet may be functioning perfectly without the need for our physical presence. Mark Zuckerberg brings even more insight to the discussion. Described above simply does not have price, because even though there are so many other activities that allow you to generate much money, always and invariably will lead the sale of your time to achieve it. What is the secret? The automation.

It automates the processes that you can, so that you have more and more time. For each process that you automatices in your business you will manage more time for yourself, so that you can invest in what you consider better. For example, if you are receiving payments via Western Union or Money Gram, excellent but, to receive money you need to provide your personal information, receive the nro's transfer, go personally to the local corresponding, forming a row and finally get your money. Do you better (or additionally) not you accept payments by credit card? That you process the payment, validate it and once approved to deliver the product in a matter of seconds? So you can be selling even while you are sleeping, without having to lift a finger. If for example you are providing useful information on any theme to every person who asks you something specific, you'd be all day against the computer as grows the people that visits you. By what you better not confeccionas an electronic newsletter and distribute it automatically through a highly effective system and 100% customizable? This system will send emails while you are sleeping or in the Faculty or watching a football game or whatever you like doing on the Court. Remember, the automation is the key to let more and more free time for you same.

Better Approach

Tips on how to increase productivity in your business and have a greater focus. Increase productivity, increase focus, Internet business, entrepreneurship on the Internet focus on entrepreneurship you must increase your productivity and grow your business, even when you don't have time to do so, you must focus on what truly matters you if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur and that, indeed, could be the difference between consistently win 6 thousand dollars a month or earn only $20 and disappear completely from the map. Increase your productivity and have an approach better are two things inevitably go hand in hand, and feed with each other but similarly one can arrive to destroy the other and usually the first thing we lose is the approach. Many times this happens because we don't have clear what we want, either, because we do not know the way to do it. Another reason why we lose focus, and really very few people realize, is wanting to save up to the last penny. If indeed you have your focus clear and you know how valuable that is your time, dedicate yourself to doing yours and what costs you leave it to another, and if you have to pay get it, eventually you'll see that this investment was worth. Always remember that where you put your focus is where they are going to go your actions and your productivity, never forget when starting your online business. Greetings, Francisco Angeles a. original author and source of the article

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mora Vanegas

Carlos Mora Vanegas the postgraduate of the speciality of management of the quality and productivity of the Area of postgraduate course of Faces, of the University of Carabobo, is fully identified in the importance that SMEs are more identified with the commitment to develop, give way to an organizational culture modern according to the needs of the current scenario requirements and in where you are referred to the role of considering the scope and impact of the Total quality makes emphasis on your program of study, that the participants, future specialists in quality and productivity, den step to that SMEs are incorporated into the national and international stage with competitive advantages that derive have been instituted within the organizational culture the role of quality and productivity in its scope and guarantee a successful participation of SMEswhere its culture of quality provide benefits and give guarantee of a good participation in the markets goals. Within the imparted knowledge, for example in the course of organizational behavior, it is emphasized, that the impact, is considered importance that generates the fact that organizational culture is a system of values, beliefs and behaviors that are consolidated and shared in the journal went on the company. Management leadership style, standards, procedures, the media that use, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of the people that make up the Organization, configure the set of elements that comprise a company's culture. Makes emphasis in which the human resource that integrates the company is fully identified with what they represent their roles, functions, goals, objectives of the company, backed a creative leadership strategist, innovator that step to a culture that benefits all. Stresses to the participant, who in addition to being fully identified in his role as leader, change agent, properly handle the system behavior, rituals and shared intentions that is typical of the staff of a company and which distinguish the group or the Organization of other similar entities.

CILS Italian

the mother tongue of the teachers is Italian and that teachers have a professional training to the teaching of the language Italian is a centre authorized by the University of Siena for foreigners for the preparation and realization of the CILS (diploma for language Italian officially recognized) exam. Pisa is a city famous for its leaning tower and old Republic seaside Tuscany, University of great historical and cultural interest and is characterized by the youth of its population. Being near the sea, can be to him by bus or in bicicletta. Also offers optimum possibilities of connecting with the world, because it has the largest airport in Tuscany and a very important railway junction. In addition to the sea, Pisa also has the natural park of Massaciuccoli-Migliarino-San Rossore, one of the national parks more interesting and vast of Italy. Pisa is characterized by an intense cultural year-round life, while it is particularly rich in folkloric events during the month of June, which is also the famous Luminara (lighting of streets, palaces and the length of the Arno River). Viareggio is considered one of the most prestigious and attractive maritime cities of Italy.

It is a small and safe city (in the sense of personal safety) is characterized by an architecture Liberty, admirable, above all way in the walks along the coast of the sea, one of the most beautiful of Tuscany. White beaches extend uninterrupted by miles and the Apuane Alps, known for its marble and its beautiful scenery everywhere are not far away from there. In addition to offering some of the most beautiful beaches of the Versilia, Viareggio is characterized by the many possibilities of entertainment offered. The numerous discotheques, theater, an intense and original nightlife, cozy bars next to the sea, are the favorite places for our students, who can thus find and know many young Italian, trascurriendo with them at one leisure environment pleasant friendship. More information on the website: Istituto Linguistico Mediterranean our esucela is located in Tuscany to Pisa and Viareggio seaside. We offer courses Italian as a second language, curriculum during the summer, preparatory courses for the examination for admission to the University and for the CILS Exam. We also offer individual courses, tasting of wines, cuisine and art courses.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Love addiction is the situation in which you can not live without a loving couple or someone you love you love you also. Love addiction is when you are completely incapable of work only, where you're always bored or you always feel bad until someone appears and fill your life with joy. Although the love addiction is rated as the safest addiction, you can even destroy your life. Addiction to love and lack of self-esteem at times, the main reason for love addiction is lack of self esteem, in this case perhaps only need someone to adopt you, someone who confirm you that you are a good person, someone who acts as compensation for your lack of self-esteem factor. Because in that case you think that if someone loves me I am not useless, then I'm someone who's worth, and so you are dependent on external factors to feel sure of yourself instead of your inner sense of eigenvalue. Addiction to love and finished the strongest reasons a relationship after completing one relationship is love addiction, because when you fall in love for someone only because you need it, you can feel the desire to end the relationship when this need disappears, and as this need arises from temporary low periods that we experience, the likelihood of finishing the relationship in the near future is much higher.

Addiction to love and recovery generally, love addiction is caused by having other problems in your life, have some kind of emotional problems whether you cannot solve or escape you solve them focusing you on your addiction to love. Of course, no method of exhaust will be as wonderful as flee towards love, you just need to get away to the mood of love where these bad feelings are not perceived. One of the simple rules of the emotions is that you can only experience an emotion at once, therefore, experiencing love you forget about the other bad emotions, or at least entierras them a time. However, you will still visit in the form of unknown attacks of moodiness or even in your dreams. How to overcome addiction to love? The solution to this problem doesn't have to be so difficult, you only find out what is it that makes you feel bad about being alone, if they were problems of heartbreak then begins to take action thereon, whether it was lack of self esteem then begins to develop security in yourself, anyone that is the cause to find it and then looking for ways to take action to eliminate theinstead of escape to a temporary addiction that will not solve anything, you only acumularas problems and then will have to tackle one mountain even greater problems.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Welcome to the battlefield! We present something innovative that will be very well welcomed by those who unfortunately have to buy a new cell phone every few minutes. Are you military? Constructor? Do you like the mountain? The fishing? You can now win the unbreakable military phone with you without rutura or choking hazard (the phone is clear). These terminals have a protective shell that absorbs impacts, in addition to being even waterproof and prevent the entry of dust particles to the interior. But there is much, much better suited to IPX5 regulations, water will not enter even the drops fall into the keyboard, screen, or body. Other functions would be: Ruguerizado waterproof anti-dust altimeter Barome tro thermometer Dual SIM GPS camera device is Dual SIM, which allows to insert two SIM cards in military phone unbreakable operators you want to (by the way, are also factory-free), allowing for example, have the number of the work and staff on the same phone. Will always be indicated which of the two you are calling or sending an sms, just as you can call from the number of your choice. The camera can be an important factor even for work or for photographing interesting places and GPS which include some models can be a perfect guide to not get lost or find an address.

Makers to operate its modern motherboards are MTK (Mediatek) processors and also functions like MP3, MP4, recorder, radio or alarm. There is no doubt that this new form of unbreakable military phones will be very welcome by many people. They are hard and have everything. Available in different colors including camouflage. We will not take in seeing many of these us around.

Saturday, January 5, 2013


In enterprises that have come experiencing growth fast by elementary logic they focus their attention on constantly evaluate talent, not only for the occupants of the existing posts, but also for potential future posts. Read additional details here: Larry Page. They hire people with great potential for advancement. But as Prof. Paez indicates what to do that we are talking about when we say what is a 1st player?. Of agreement with the authors mentioned at the beginning of this space a 1st player is which is located between the top 10% of all the candidates available for a job. Consequently a 1st player is the optimal choice.

The available concept previously used means that this person is willing to accept an opportunity to work under the following conditions: 1) with a highly competitive compensation level globally; (2) With all the collateral benefits offered the post; (3) In a particular organisation with clear values in its organizational culture (does the family-oriented? do clearly established policies? do growth accelerated rhythm? with a technique of efficient topgrading?); (4) That he is involved in a clearly identified market segment; (5) With a clear positioning in the market; (6) With responsibilities and clearly defined policies; ((7) With a clear and precise identification of the necessary resources and 8) with players from 1st in the key posts of the Organization. A high percentage of organizations located their workers for its climbing abilities and is a decision of each one of them according to their established policies; but that is a completely different policy. Companies that use efficiently the topgrading use the following typology: players of 1st, 2nd and 3rd according to charges that are currently being occupied by them. A player of 1st represents 10% of the top talent, a 2nd player is in the next 25% and 3rd players are below 35% above. These percentage rates are arbitrarily distributed by companies according to their own realities and the philosophy of the management of human resources.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Good Valentines Gift

Every year around Valentine's day we have moral obligation to improve our gift, we have the need to be original and that the gift is to your liking, typical as the necktie or perfume gifts are already very popular, gifts who love are now geared to the break, to relax, for example a trip to a spa or massagea Massage Chair, a bonus with massages, ect... is key in our relations matching a good gift for Valentine's day because it is the way that our partner feel special, I also think as many of you that basically Valentine's day ends up being a business day, and that really we should make special gifts any day of the year, but by experience is better take you by the stream and make a good gift that day if you do not want an upset. I recommend vary for a good gift idea, it is not important how much you spend but the gift message, looking for something that increases their quality, that makes me feel pampered and well cared, regalaselo from the depths of your heart and you be right. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out