Saturday, December 28, 2013

Great International Seminar

Thuon Pat or Malley and the Master Dayang Lucy the past 23 and 24 August 2008 the 2nd international seminar of Rapid Arnis where gathered several professors from various disciplines within what are the martial arts of Aguascalientes was delivered, without hesitation any school Kobra Kai was invited to such an event where were imparted a myriad of practical techniques and traditional about this new art of Arnis of hand and their very particular way to understand it. Despite the fact that the great Master not spoke in an eloquent way the Spanish was not obstacle to share their concepts on the implementation of various situations during a confrontation inside a real situation. At all times they were attentive to any questions by the participants and regardless of the degree or study within martial arts time immediately and again repeated the technique applied for the use of guests. The techniques that were taught as it was usual in this kind of seminars of the Closet Combat was against Arnis-Arnis, hand empty against Arnis, holds and an application about arnis and knife, without mentioning some concepts on the implementation of the disarmament of melee weapon. Members of the police of Aguascalientes who have a group of self-defense, as well as twelve pairs school located in Ciudad Guzman, in the same way the Close Combat of the Prof July Pichardo school Member who was responsible for the Organization jointly with the support of the Government of the State of Aguascalientes were present within the participants. As I had already mentioned earlier in the State of Jalisco La Kobra Kai Kenpo Karate school was present with the presence of the Master Mauricio Mendoza CN 5 - dan, the same way students de el Profesor Enrique Rosales, Enedina Lopez and Victor Fernando Banuelos. A brief overview but no doubt people will wonder who is Pat and Lucy Master of Rapid system Arnis and Closet Combat? Thuon Pat or Malley Cheff Instructor represent you of San Miguel in Europe Board Member world of teachers in Europe founder of the Black Eagle Society 3 fencing times World Champion Eskrima 5 times world champion Eskrima 32 times champion British Eskrima creator along with John Harvey of the Rapid Arnis system. Dayang Lucy chef Instructor 5 Dan in Rapid Arnis 6 Dan pairs International Systems 6 times champion 5 times Kali Eskrima 24 times European Champion World champion British Eskrima school arts martial KOBRA KAI KENPO Professor mauricio mendoza CN 5 - DAN has devoted heavily to the teaching of the martial art called kenpo kai kobra being headquartered in the city of Guadalajara JalMex, your idelogia is the power to transmit and teach the concepts of the kenpo as a way of life without via lugrativa.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

International Olympic Committee

The potential gains of the Olympics will ensure a floor of US $500 million, but it is highly likely that exceed the US $3. 200 million obtained in the 2008 Beijing Games. The choice of Brazil is not a coincidence and is closely linked to the seriousness of the policies applied by the Brazilian Government to ensure predictability and guarantee for the authorities of the International Olympic Committee and FIFA, which won't exist common imponderables in developing economies. Brazil has shown once again that it is emerging as a new world power with force. The train of development has begun its March and do not plan to stop. Brazil has not only managed to be chosen host for the 2016 Olympics and the 2014 World Cup, has achieved much more than that in the last time.

The development of energy resources and food (both with regard to the livestock sector agricultural commodities), has been extraordinary. In addition to Lula, this achievement will mean having almost secured the continuity of his party in the Government after the presidential elections of 2010. Who do not vote for a party that is leading Brazil to economic development and over manages to transform it into the headquarters of two of the events more important world sport? The popularity of Lula reaches 82 per cent (when normal for a Government after so long in power is to experience a significant decline in popularity by logical wear), speaks for itself. Fence of Brazil, Argentina remained doubtful where advance. Meanwhile, he continues losing markets at the international level, which are being picked up by the Brazilian economy. In one photo, Lula taps the back of Cristina as telling him: I followed so we are doing very well.

Bolivia Meanwhile, regrets the very good energy policy of Brazil and celebrates the very bad being conducted by the Argentina. It is that Brazil has reduced its purchases of Bolivian gas to improve energy production of its hydroelectric power plants, while Argentina needs more and more resource that provides the status of Evo Morales although already makes two months which is not paying or a single dollar by 6 million cubic meters of fluid that receives daily. Many have been set in this new Brazil as a world full of opportunities for investing. Paola has also made and has selected some of the companies with the highest growth potential for Global value subscribers may also climb to the euphoria of the country of Carnival. You will find us again tomorrow, Horacio Pozzo Latinforme. com is the main source of financial information and independent opinion about the Latin American markets and worldwide from a Latin American perspective. From our offices in Buenos Aires, Argentina, we bring you the latest news and alerts to help you to get profits no matter the direction taken by the market.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

International Fair

FICOMIC (the Salon international del Comic de Barcelona) is just around the corner. From 29 May to 1 June Barcelona will host the most important comic fair Spanish level June in Hall number 8 of the Fira de Barcelona (Montjuic). This year FICOMIC is presented with a multitude of new features and has the honour of having the best national and international artists. This edition comes loaded with a wide variety: for starters, Jaume Capdevila, (cartoonist and cartoonist of sportive press), which makes a historical relationship between football and the comic highlight display bullets out of the game, in charge. Other important are dedicated to the famous character of female comic Esther Purita fields and Jim Lee, Batman comics: Barcelona. The Knight of the Dragon.

On the other hand, and in parallel to FICOMIC, the Filmoteca of Catalonia will be screenings of films and documentaries related to the world of comics. Many cartoonist famous participarab this FICOMIC year: Mark Waid, David B., Gipi, Francois Bourgeon, Jeffrey Brown, Claudio Stassi and Giovanni Di Gregorio also will come from outstanding designers of the genre of superheroes: Jim Lee, Jim Starlin or the creator of Hellboy, Mike Mignola. All of them will sign their autographs at the aficionadps in his editorials stops. This edition Galicia will be the autonomous community invited and will present an exhibition on the diversity of its history. Galician seal has a great tradition in the world of comic books.

It is more, this year the Galician cartoonist David Rubin, has been commissioned to design the poster for the contest. The festival Awards are given to works published last year and is separated into the following categories: best foreign works published in Spain; Revelation Spanish author; best work of Spanish author; best screenplay of Spanish author; best Spanish author drawing; best magazine or on comic; best Spanish fanzine; disclosure award cartoon; and prize to the specialized library. The tickets cost 6 euros and you can purchase advance in El Corte Ingles, Servicaixa or ServiCam or directly at the ticket office of the Hall. It will be open from 10: 00 to 20: 00 during the week and from 10: 00 to 21: 00 weekend. If you're a fan of the comic world, runs to the city of Barcelona.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


' ' Because the nations of the world search all these things; but your Father knows that you need them. You search the kingdom of God before, and all to these will be added you things. You do not fear, small flock, because your Father pleased to give reino.' to you; ' Lucas 12:30 - 32 If you have a certainty, you keep it for itself exactly, ahead of God. Happy he is that one that if exactly does not condemn itself in the acts the one that decide, therefore everything what certainty does not proceed from its proper certainty/is sin. To serve the God: to faithful fulfill efficiently and Its promises, that in are only disclosed through the Sacred Holy Writs. To serve the God in its spirit: in the heart, in the conscience, the thoughts, the acts, as everything what the Word teaching goes you. To serve the God is to make what It is certain and not to assent more with who makes wrong.

It is to make the good, to glorify, to honor, to be uncorrupt, to generate the peace and to practise the laws of God. If you live in interminable tribulaes and anguish is signal of that it is obrando the evil. It prays: Sir I want servile-Lo, I teach to make it to me he pleases what you, my God! On behalf of Jesus. Mr. Jesus, teaches to me to honor the Creator, does not want more transgressive being of the laws of God! To serve the God is not only to speak of it: to serve the God starts with its interior conscience, in its spirit, praising to the Creator in spirit! To be uneasy does not please the God, therefore it does not walk more thus! Instead of this, it trusts God, this attitude, yes, it pleases the God and it opens you the doors that seemed emperradas and it grants the certainty to you of that God already takes care of of you, in all the aspects. It launches except all its fidgets and pass to hear what God speaks to its heart, what It wants of you and what It wants that you make. At this moment, many stop and finish making a retrospect: - I already am in the church - I already am of God - I already have accepted the Jesus - I already I baptized myself in waters - I already repented myself of my sins - I already I delivered to my life the God what he lacks to me? I lack to trust God, soon! I already am 100% of God! I already am winning! God to provide! Glories the God therefore! I am free! For the faith, I invite the Word of God to act in my life! On behalf of Jesus. Mnica Gazzarrini email: ' ' Jesus Christ is you ' '