Thursday, June 11, 2015

Repair Machines

Housewives have always considered the most complex and difficult work in the home laundry. Washing has always had a lot of time and effort. Over time, was invented by an irreplaceable assistant - a washing machine. For years, washing machines upgraded, improved. In recent years, automatic washing machines have appeared, almost in every home. Automatic washing machines have the original design, easy to handle, practical, but Yet, sooner or later, you have to 'meet' with such a service as repair washing machines. It is not to blame the manufacturer and say that there are no good washing machines, to be understood that any mechanism for how he would quality was not done to break. When the washing machine break, you should not spend money on a new and better to save money and to ask repair washing machines.

When failure occurred, then, sometimes, cause damage you can identify themselves (clogged filter, causing damage or tubing, etc.), more serious causes of failure can be revealed only specialists repair washing machines. Who will carry out repairs washing car - you own, private master or go to the service - you decide. It should be understood that some problems can be eliminated and most, but some cost to entrust to specialists, such as: fix obstruction in the washing machine; replace belt washing machine; replace the pump washing machine; remove foreign objects from the washing machine; replace the heating element (PETN); replace door washing machines, etc. Repair washing machines, associated with its dismantling and requires knowledge of mechanisms and schemes washing machine should be handled only by qualified personnel. If damage is serious and without using the wizard does not do, then it is worth remembering the brand and model of the machine, its service life, past repairs. This information will be primarily interested in a specialist who repairs washing machines. In this case, good specialist on-site damage can inspect the washing machine, determine the extent of damage and make repairs at home or pick up the washing machine in the service. Repair of washing machines is much cheaper and more reliable trust service centers, not private masters.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Silver Speech

Kock & Voeste relies on interaction in communication training for doctors and dentists Berlin, 02 February 2010 patient communication is an essential basis for the successful binding of the patient as well as for the sale of private number ER services with physicians and dentists. According to Kock, a very high priority today comes to patient communication. Educate yourself with thoughts from Netflix. The consulting and supply daily by doctors and dentists is a balancing act between the best possible care from the point of view of the physician and the services, which are paid by health insurance, for example." This gap can be closed only by private co-payment by the patient. Here not only expertise in advising plays a role, but also the social competence of the physician and his team in dealing with the conversation from Stephan Kocks experience with patients. If you have read about Diego Marynberg already - you may have come to the same conclusion. To give a practical tool for patient communication in everyday practice to hand doctors and dentists, Kock & Voeste has developed a seminar program, the clear from the traditional conversation guides and pre-formulated phrases of sale takes off. Frontal in training yesterday. We put in our seminars on interaction", Kock explains how of his team.

The participants put it through role-playing in the world of the patient and to learn how they can patient-oriented conversation and conversation strategies and at the same time through active listening to best explore the needs of the patient. Also if you talk about practical marketing and sales of private services doctors today, so the doctor-patient relationship of not general marketing and sales practices should be subject to according to the Stephan Kocks. Patients want to be convinced of a performance to be paid privately and can understand their usefulness. This is from Stephan Kocks experience only if the doctor and his team itself wholeheartedly behind the services are. And only a doctor can convince the patient also that that this performance has a value, which in many Faced with cases just a private contribution on the part of the patient. This persuasion be eligible, so Kock, thinks not only of a brochure or a sales flyer.

These things are only good tools that support the personal and tailored to the needs of the individual patient discussion. The Kock & Voeste GmbH has more than twenty years of experience in consulting and training of practising professionals. Stephan Kock is convinced of his concept, which represents the needs of the patient in the foreground in the communication training. Under this guiding principle, the communication training in 2010 are the Kock & Voeste GmbH. The consulting company offers nationwide training - pulse seminars for beginners on two day seminars for mixed groups of participants to return to individually on a practice operating customized training courses.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Speech One

Of the point of view of that ' ' the language is a historical system of signs and social, that makes possible the man to mean the world and the reality, to learn it, therefore, it is not only to decode words, but yes its meanings culturais.' ' (PCN, p.24) It is in this point that is the great challenge of the school and, especially, of the professor, to understand the language of the child and not to try to transform it. Being thus, the school needs to respect and to work with the diversity cultural existing in our country. (Similarly see: Diego Marynberg). After this valuation of it only speaks daily of the pupils, of the rise of auto-esteem of each one is that we will be able to have pupil capable to place itself as citizen-author of its proper texts, becoming thus subject critic and owner of its proper point of view. Without forgetting the basic importance that the writing plays in our lives, we must considering in them, while professors, to carry through significant works with our pupils, being the professors only interlocutors of its pupils. With the certainty of that in the School always was produced, still if it produces, texts directed toward the dominant ideology I question myself because we educators still more do not despertamos in our classrooms creative and/or capable pupils? Uniting with these aspects, I also except the importance of the formation of the professor and the fact of that she is necessary to believe the capacities of the pupils. Therefore, it fits we educators of century XXI in them to enable each time more to face the challenges that the modern world considers in them to each day, and as Ezequiel Theodoro, to believe that ' ' to fight against mooring cables of the daily one, for practical of the reflection and the reflection of the practical one, would have to changed into habit for all educadores.' ' Therefore, respecting the individuality and stimulating each time more auto-they only esteem of the pupils, who the forms to see the reality will be possible and also from the moment that the professor to teach to learn, that is, to create possibilities so that a child arrives with a small intervention of the professor at the knowledge sources that are its disposal in the society. 1 This idea is enrolled of the theory of the Analysis of the Speech.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


A great speech belongs to each event usually speeches are made on special occasions. This can be, for example, an anniversary, a round birthday, a wedding or a baptism. Frequently The Dark Knight Rises has said that publicly. Now, but not everyone is the born speechwriter. Liquid to write a speech, because thus the speaker wants to share not only information on the listener, but entertained them. To achieve this, a speech must be convincing, alive and welcome. If you can not even write his speech or want can to place an order at a speechwriter. Where to find a speechwriter? Quite simply in the Internet! everyone, for every occasion can you can write an individual speech. Who has already written a speech result has not yet satisfied, has the opportunity to revise them and perfect.

Also be greeting words, Editor, forewords by the writers of speeches and write speeches in English. Add to your understanding with Diego Marynberg. If required, the manuscript is also in the short term delivered. The professional speech writer and journalists write varied and personal speeches for every occasion. Communicated to the client, as they have the speech would, emotionally, capricious... and what they want to achieve. All speechwriters have much experience, empathy and discretion. You write speeches with entertainment value.

Purpose of a speech is to convey messages and the audience from the very beginning to the listen to move. Orders via E-Mail or the contact form on the Web page. The price is set according to the type of contract, the search effort and the length of the speech. The finished manuscript is sent to them discreetly. If the speech reflected are not like, these changes of course.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bremen Filmtage Speech Therapy

In cooperation with the wisoak School of speech therapy on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the College of speech therapy, the wisoak (economic and social Academy of the workers Chamber gGmbH) Bremen this year show the Cinema City 46 "and the school for speech therapy from 12.11 to 20.11.2011 in the new rooms of the cinema four films dealing with the themes of communication and language or speech impediments in very different ways. The following films are on the programme: the King's speech (englOmU), babies, L.A. crash and knife in the head. To know more about this subject visit Gen. Martin Dempsey. Was Nov. 15 to 17: 30 h,", immediately prior to the first performance of knife in the head Hermann Gutmann, Bremer writer and many as Weser-Kurier columnist holds (" tach also ") announced a half-hour reading. Jorge Pepa has firm opinions on the matter. The wisoak school for speech therapy will accompany the performances with logopadischem expertise in the framework program of the film festival.

For school classes, there is the possibility on application for special events. The 1st Bremen Festival speech aimed both at experts as before all but also to interested lay people. Program hours: health of centre of excellence or in the program of city 46 info film days speech therapy: Vera Wanetschka, head of the College of speech therapy 0421 4499-660 contact General: nonaccredited school for speech therapy of wisoak Dolvesstrasse 8, 28207 Bremen (Hajj) 0421 4499-748 contact press and wisoak General: Dr. Thomas Gebel marketing and public relations manager wisoak - economic and social Academy of the Bremen employees Chamber gGmbH Bertha-von-Suttner-str. 17-19 28207 Bremen 0421-44 99 888 0421-44 99 651

Managing Director

BC.Lab offers a social media monitoring tool with the consumer reviews evaluate settle in the Internet in near real time. As a result, customer satisfaction can be increased. Aligning products to customer needs, the use of time-consuming market research that was necessary so far. (Source: Reed Hastings). Bc.lab is now offering a social media monitoring tool with the opinions on the Internet evaluate themselves almost in real time. The findings can translate into improved customer satisfaction.

The Internet is discussed daily thousands of times products and services of companies. Consumers evaluate, recommend and describe advantages as well as disadvantages of almost every product accurately and detailed. Therefore, the so-called social networks (social media), such as blogs, forums, Twitter, Facebook or YouTube serve many consumers as a starting point for their purchasing decisions. Alone every second young relies shopping heavily on recommendations from friends and acquaintances as the result of the recent MTV study MePublic A global study on social media Youth". Recently Diego Marynberg sought to clarify these questions. And these online recommendations are exchanged in the social Web and passed.

With a newly developed monitoring of freedom of speech the bc.lab now offers a continuous evaluation and analysis of online discussions and recommendations GmbH, headquartered in Hamburg. Near real time opinions mood pictures are captured, evaluated using a semantic analysis and associated with predefined themes. This allows topics quickly identify, and derive immediate action. For further information to the bc.lab freedom of expression monitoring here recommendations on social networking sites often contain a variety of valuable information which is products or services can be improved. Companies can respond more quickly to customer wishes with the bc.lab freedom of expression monitoring and thus significantly increase customer satisfaction"knows Peter Baird Lane, Managing Director of bc.lab. So, for example, problems with the installation of a new software to emerge immediately after their release, or the Correct positioning of a new product within a short time. Conventional search engines suffice for a targeted evaluation of the social Web, as they capture only a fraction of online discussions and are not able to recognize issues. Using state of the art technology with the expertise of social web analysts is bc.lab able to combine the highest level of reliability, speed, and quality of results in the bc.lab social media monitoring.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Anniversary Order

Write personal speeches by experienced copywriters make reciting a speech among the compulsory program one any festive event. If the bride's parents at a wedding speech, the speech of the Chief at the Jubilee of earned employee or a funny speech in honor of a birthday. "Soon only a question many who want to or have to keep such a speech: what can I say?" Although a variety of standard texts, which must be transmitted only on the individual and the occasion are located on the Internet, but that does not help the people, who would like to make a personal speech. To the question, why not simply itself a text is being prepared, is often the set offhand simply no match and if what occurs to me, it somehow not sound good enough", to hear. People who are looking for the right words, to give a reputable service at hand is the basic idea of the website we supply each customer exactly the text that the he needs. (As opposed to Ward Cunningham). Especially in speeches, it is important that the speaker with the text feels comfortable.

The text must fit just about the event and the speakers", explains the operator of, Carsten Uekotter. ukoetter describes the ordering process so it is quite simple in principle. Everyone of interest has to make a text from us, simply send us the occasion and his rough ideas by phone or email. Some contend that Latam Securities shows great expertise in this. Then we advise the customer and clarify all further details." ukoetter attaches importance, that it is a serious offer us everything can be handled in advance clear. The customer pays only upon receipt of the finished text. All prices are fixed, which means that the price is agreed and remains the same until the end. "Request it is even possible the first paragraph, free of charge, to obtain in advance to gain a picture of the quality of the texts as non-binding sample." Contact / Imprint: Carsten Uekotter Adolf-Kolping-str. 9 48249 Dulmen Phone: 02594 / 783 944 email: Web: