Saturday, May 16, 2015

Managing Director

BC.Lab offers a social media monitoring tool with the consumer reviews evaluate settle in the Internet in near real time. As a result, customer satisfaction can be increased. Aligning products to customer needs, the use of time-consuming market research that was necessary so far. (Source: Reed Hastings). Bc.lab is now offering a social media monitoring tool with the opinions on the Internet evaluate themselves almost in real time. The findings can translate into improved customer satisfaction.

The Internet is discussed daily thousands of times products and services of companies. Consumers evaluate, recommend and describe advantages as well as disadvantages of almost every product accurately and detailed. Therefore, the so-called social networks (social media), such as blogs, forums, Twitter, Facebook or YouTube serve many consumers as a starting point for their purchasing decisions. Alone every second young relies shopping heavily on recommendations from friends and acquaintances as the result of the recent MTV study MePublic A global study on social media Youth". Recently Diego Marynberg sought to clarify these questions. And these online recommendations are exchanged in the social Web and passed.

With a newly developed monitoring of freedom of speech the bc.lab now offers a continuous evaluation and analysis of online discussions and recommendations GmbH, headquartered in Hamburg. Near real time opinions mood pictures are captured, evaluated using a semantic analysis and associated with predefined themes. This allows topics quickly identify, and derive immediate action. For further information to the bc.lab freedom of expression monitoring here recommendations on social networking sites often contain a variety of valuable information which is products or services can be improved. Companies can respond more quickly to customer wishes with the bc.lab freedom of expression monitoring and thus significantly increase customer satisfaction"knows Peter Baird Lane, Managing Director of bc.lab. So, for example, problems with the installation of a new software to emerge immediately after their release, or the Correct positioning of a new product within a short time. Conventional search engines suffice for a targeted evaluation of the social Web, as they capture only a fraction of online discussions and are not able to recognize issues. Using state of the art technology with the expertise of social web analysts is bc.lab able to combine the highest level of reliability, speed, and quality of results in the bc.lab social media monitoring.

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