Tuesday, June 25, 2013

International Conference

What editions of a work in particular there are in the Library (International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, 1971). This was the first widely recognized enunciation of the goals of the catalog from the Cutter in 1876. Reaffirms the functions of identification (2.1) and (2.2) of the catalog meeting here. These objectives relate to the author title catalogues, so there are no references to matters. On the other hand, the Paris Conference focused on the study of access points, so the goal of selection or evaluation, compliment in general by the bibliographic description, is present only in way side, subsumed in the mention of editions of a work that somehow must be differentiated. The first objective is basically equal to the first objective of Cutter, with the exception of the mention of the matter as search criteria. The item to retrieve is the book, a publication in particular. The author term encompasses not only personal authors, but also corporate entities whose names are used as access points.

The mention of title covers both formal titles and titles drawn up by the cataloger. The second objective, although it is in general the objective of meeting, presents a noticeable difference with the second objective of Cutter. The objective of meeting of Cutter sets that meet categories are by a particular author, on a specific topic in a specific literary genre. The Paris principles establish the objective of meeting for an author, but also for a work, reflecting the position sustained by Lubetzky and other participants in the Congress. The catalog must identify books/publications, and making works. The conflict between the functions of location and meeting did not escape the attention of the participants of the Congress. Eva Verona, in the annotated version of the principles (International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, 1971), express two different functions, they need are presented in section 2.2 of the enunciation of the functions of the catalogue In addition to different media to be carried out, as if they were a single.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Valencia Paper

ALBA Group enters the Spanish market of recycled paper, acquiring the recyclers of paper recycling DOLAF. ALBA Group, one of the leading groups in the world in recycling and raw materials suppliers, goes ahead with its internationalization strategy and has entered into the market of Spanish paper recycling. The contract of sale under notary for the acquisition of 99 per cent of the shares of the recyclers and traders of paper recycling DOLAF, S.L. was signed on Thursday afternoon. The transfer of ownership took effect immediately. The remaining shares are still in the possession of the family Donoso Lafuente, owner of the company to date.

Recycling DOLAF was founded in 1987 and operates in Madrid and Valencia. Its main activity is transportation, sorting, purchase and sale of paper and cardboard. As a company's size medium, recycling DOLAF is well connected and, among other things, it is one of three recipients of material under contracts of municipal disposal of paper and paperboard in Spain (Madrid). In total, recycling DOLAF has a volume of input and output of 100,000 tons of paper and cardboard waste each year. To enter the Spanish market, strengthen our position as suppliers of raw materials in southern Europe, said Dr. Axel Schweitzer, Director delegate of the ALBA Group plc & Co. KG.

The location of Valencia also offers access to the largest port in high sea of Spain, which is something perfect for the international network of the ALBA Group, allowing us to complement our operations in Spain with additional material. To reflect the integration of the new company at ALBA Group, the name has been changed with effect immediately to ALBA services Greens, S.L. About 80 workers in Madrid and Valencia template has been assumed by ALBA Group. More information ALBA Group plc & Co. KG Bismarckstrasse 105 10625 Berlin Tel: + 49-30-35182-326 to learn more about the two pillars of ALBA Group in. You can subscribe to releases of ALBA Group via RSS feed into media contact: Susanne Jagenburg ALBA Group press spokesman Tel: + 49-30-35182-508 or + 49-170-7977003 about ALBA Group: ALBA Group is formed by two pillars, Interseroh and ALBA, and has about 200 subsidiaries and holdings of capital in Germany and other 13 in European countries, USA.UU. and Asia. With 3.2 billion euros and about 9,000 employees annual revenues * ALBA Group is one of the European suppliers of environmental services and raw materials. The operational activities of Interseroh focus on organizing the recovery of packaging and products and the sale of scrap metal. Operational activities of ALBA focus on services of waste disposal in municipal and commercial sectors, the sale of secondary resource, development and operation of recycling and production plants as well as design and performance of the services of the planta.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

New York TCM

Global TCM is a company of rapid growth that provides an integral service of logistics and international transport offering moving door to door, the domicile of origin to the port, boarding consolidated and exclusive containers for individual clients, families, businesses and Government offices around the world. Global TCM has become one of the leading providers in services in the world, to work with the most modern technology, the most skilled workforce, and highest quality equipment to meet the needs and the standard of our customers. Our headquarters are located in New York, from where we manage a global network of more than 450 agents, affiliates with major associations international removals. Global TCM strives to make each and every one his works prove successful and without problems with a special focus on accessibility. Our moving services are customized according to your needs and budget. Your search has ended: Global TCM is the removal company of your choice for your next relocation, anywhere in the world. Your personal adviser of transfer of Global TCM will assist you in every step of the process, from the beginning of your move to its completion.

Our expert professional Packers, our specialized packing techniques, our inventory tracking, and the modern equipment have been designed and placed at the service to achieve a goal: provide the greatest satisfaction to the customer. Our experience and reliability are unmatched within the field of removals. You don't have to worry about anything! With Global TCM, you will have an experience of moving without stress, efficient and personalized. No matter where you go. Global TCM can take it there. An international transfer challenges are unique. Global TCM our highest priority during your international move is that you have a smooth transition into your new home no matter where is. Your dedicated consultant will contact you to discuss the details of his transfer, special needs, logistics involved and the best ways to carry out its shipping and cargo as efficiently and flawlessly as possible.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

EU Foreign Ministers

Bashar Al-Assad delivered his third speech since the start of the protests, which have caused more than one thousand dead in Syria. He has accused criminals, armed groups and Islamic thought radical to be behind the incidents and being responsible for the crisis. Gen. Martin Dempsey may not feel the same. The Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, has accused criminals, armed groups sought by the authorities and groups of Islamic radical thought to be behind the incidents and being responsible for the crisis that the country is experiencing. On the other hand, has opted for the national dialogue as the title of the next stage, a very important process because the future of Syria depends on him. In his third speech in the University of Damascus - since the beginning of the protests, which have caused more than 1,000 deaths in the country, Asad has again denounced the existence of a conspiracy against his country international and has announced that he will ask the Ministry of Justice to study the possibility of extending the amnesty granted recently by the regime. It is necessary to distinguish between the legitimate needs of the people of saboteurs who are trying to take advantage of legitimate demands in favor of the reforms, said Al-Assad. We are pushing that we abandon our principles; We will resolve the problems of Syria by ourselves, he warned.

False rumors according to the President, since the unrest began there have been numerous martyrs on both sides and the informations that are spreading abroad about what is happening in your country are based on false rumours. The Group of armed men who committed the massacre of Jisr to the Shughour had arms and sophisticated communications, denounced. Are they are hearing demands for the time of the clashes with the Muslim Brotherhood, he continued. It is paying some people participate in the demonstrations, he denounced. About 64,000 people are wanted by the authorities, although some have been already delivered by itself same, added.

On the other hand, the Syrian President stressed that in the current situation, the future of Syria depends on a national dialogue and insisted the process of reforms promoted by his regime, including the lifting of the emergency State, existing since 1963, and draft electoral law and political parties. The reform process is for us a conviction, he said Al-Assad, who insisted that the reforms have been delayed but not arrested. The President said that these changes will create a new political reality in Syria in which citizens will be participating and announced that a new Parliament will be formed next month of August that will write a new Constitution or amend it. Resolution of condemnation for its part, the British Minister of Foreign Affairs, William Hague, has ensured upon arrival at the EU Foreign Ministers meeting that Assad must leave power if it not undertaken the necessary reforms to democratize Syria. For Hague, the role of Turkey is very important, and hopes to use its influence to move the regime of Al-Assad message that is losing legitimacy. United Kingdom and France, with U.S. backing, are to seek support in the UN Security Council to approve a resolution condemning the Syrian regime, but have the refusal of Russia and China, members with the right to veto, and also of other temporary such as Brazil, South Africa and India. Source of the news: the President of Syria denounces an international conspiracy against his country