Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Valencia Paper

ALBA Group enters the Spanish market of recycled paper, acquiring the recyclers of paper recycling DOLAF. ALBA Group, one of the leading groups in the world in recycling and raw materials suppliers, goes ahead with its internationalization strategy and has entered into the market of Spanish paper recycling. The contract of sale under notary for the acquisition of 99 per cent of the shares of the recyclers and traders of paper recycling DOLAF, S.L. was signed on Thursday afternoon. The transfer of ownership took effect immediately. The remaining shares are still in the possession of the family Donoso Lafuente, owner of the company to date.

Recycling DOLAF was founded in 1987 and operates in Madrid and Valencia. Its main activity is transportation, sorting, purchase and sale of paper and cardboard. As a company's size medium, recycling DOLAF is well connected and, among other things, it is one of three recipients of material under contracts of municipal disposal of paper and paperboard in Spain (Madrid). In total, recycling DOLAF has a volume of input and output of 100,000 tons of paper and cardboard waste each year. To enter the Spanish market, strengthen our position as suppliers of raw materials in southern Europe, said Dr. Axel Schweitzer, Director delegate of the ALBA Group plc & Co. KG.

The location of Valencia also offers access to the largest port in high sea of Spain, which is something perfect for the international network of the ALBA Group, allowing us to complement our operations in Spain with additional material. To reflect the integration of the new company at ALBA Group, the name has been changed with effect immediately to ALBA services Greens, S.L. About 80 workers in Madrid and Valencia template has been assumed by ALBA Group. More information ALBA Group plc & Co. KG Bismarckstrasse 105 10625 Berlin Tel: + 49-30-35182-326 to learn more about the two pillars of ALBA Group in. You can subscribe to releases of ALBA Group via RSS feed into media contact: Susanne Jagenburg ALBA Group press spokesman Tel: + 49-30-35182-508 or + 49-170-7977003 about ALBA Group: ALBA Group is formed by two pillars, Interseroh and ALBA, and has about 200 subsidiaries and holdings of capital in Germany and other 13 in European countries, USA.UU. and Asia. With 3.2 billion euros and about 9,000 employees annual revenues * ALBA Group is one of the European suppliers of environmental services and raw materials. The operational activities of Interseroh focus on organizing the recovery of packaging and products and the sale of scrap metal. Operational activities of ALBA focus on services of waste disposal in municipal and commercial sectors, the sale of secondary resource, development and operation of recycling and production plants as well as design and performance of the services of the planta.

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