Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Venezuela Y Sus Treaties Shops International

New openings are made with dynamism, respect and actions that give step to results that favor all Venezuela in the last decade has given way to new international treaties, especially in the opening of new shops, participation in international markets, which obliges the scholars of this specialty entering in its scope, impact, strengths, threats, this generates. This opportunity presents opinions Forum product that participants of the Chair of international trade of the master in management of Faces Universidad de Carabobo under my responsibility program performs, where Orlando CASTEJoN participant says, that international treaties have as main scope to promote integration between the various actors in the international system so that its guidelines are the result of a fair and balanced interaction in global decision-making, and thus reverse the concentration of power in international organizations and encourage concerted action by countries in developing (monografias.com) international treaties have their impact on international relations between Member countries and each country's individual environment. I.e. foreign policy directly touch the possibilities to enter increasingly more international treaties and Venezuela do not escape to that reality. The Venezuelan Government has made bilateral agreements with all countries of the American continent from Canada to Argentina, in different aspects and different areas of interest. This makes the Venezuelan foreign policy purely active. One of the treaties more important is the MERCOSUR, the incursion of Venezuela in the markets of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay (MERCOSUR) has decided as a foreign policy of the State, but it will be effective through the dynamism and the direct participation of local entrepreneurs and this is considered to be point of incision directly and indirectly by this Treaty, because the Venezuelan industrial park comes into play, everyone must find a way to be more competitive and This point in a challenge for Venezuelan management.A direct impact with the entry of Venezuela into MERCOSUR is the expansion of its commercial border within the current process of openness and integration.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

International Tourism

International tourism in the Isla Margarita La Corporation tourism of Nueva Esparta, noted in a report the decline of international tourists to the island of Margarita, thus confirming a fall of more than 50 percent between 2004 and 2010. More information is housed here: Facebook. In 2004 entered 214 thousand 765 foreign tourists at Margarita compared with 60 thousand entries in 2010. The highest point in this period appears in 2006 with 260 thousand visitors. In 2010, two million 563 thousand visitors entered in total to the island, of which 98% is domestic tourism. The Corporation of tourism with the private sector has embarked on a tourism campaign where you have traveled the country promoting the destination, also have been in Colombia. However, they need the help of the Executive to develop more effective policies.

The Corporation has sent a dispatch to the Ministry of tourism when it started the fall of international tourism so that they apply the incentives that appear in the law for tourism, as it is the fuel at a preferential price, among others things and not nothing has been done, he said. Also, he emphasized that this worries them because they make a great effort within its possibilities. In addition, the fact that Venezuela did not have a booth at the tourism fair in Madrid, Spain was widely criticized. Delimiting, how we develop international tourism if we don't have a space beyond.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy International Day

: unless you realize: already I wrote with a silent love, and realized that you are everything; MAS, what you've loved, are all women, are all my love, woman that you go and leave me today, already you wrote love of all my loves, even when I leave sad today, I remember, even though I understand that every woman you are tu, who resembles, woman of all women, I cry sad because today, also all leave me, if every woman I see love, Muse of my life I would like you to, musa God to man to give, to love woman, as a mother, sister or companion, so it will write until it can be so in silence, quiet without you realize. Ryo. According to molliere, the secret ambition of woman is to inspire love. I say that it already inspires love since you look. Ryo. Original author and source of the article

Thursday, July 4, 2013

World Trade Organization

The Doha round began in 2001. The protracted negotiations receive such name in the World Trade Organization (WTO) to liberalize world trade for the benefit of impoverished countries, according to what was said at the beginning. Fair and free trade that could raise about 100 billion dollars a year, according to the WTO. In the last phase, 35 countries have discussed during nine days to agree on cuts of acceptable agricultural subsidies by rich countries and the allowable import tariffs. After seven years of negotiations, the result is a failure. The main reasons of disagreement have been how much should be trimmed its United States and the European Union (EU) agricultural subsidies, and far we must liberalize commercial banking. According to correspondents of the BBC in Geneva, the most controversial issue was the discussion on the mechanism of safeguarding proposed to India and China, the United States opposed. This mechanism would have meant that countries impoverished they had been able to increase their tariffs of immediate mode in case of massive imports of foreign agricultural products.

United States said to be willing to cut their agricultural subsidies to achieve an agreement on world trade, but China, India and Brazil (the so-called emerging powers) should open their markets to agricultural and industrial products of rich countries, virtually without limit. According to NGO Intermon Oxfam, dedicated to the development and the trade fair, the alleged cuts in agricultural subsidies would have meant almost nothing in the case of United States and for the EU would have only meant a reduction of 2.6 billion euros of a total of 30 billion. Rich countries should have shown greater political leadership for trade reforms that would reduce poverty, but have defended their interests only and have undergone great pressure poor countries to make concessions that have no place in a round which aims the development of poor countries, denounced Intermon Oxfam.