Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Venezuela Y Sus Treaties Shops International

New openings are made with dynamism, respect and actions that give step to results that favor all Venezuela in the last decade has given way to new international treaties, especially in the opening of new shops, participation in international markets, which obliges the scholars of this specialty entering in its scope, impact, strengths, threats, this generates. This opportunity presents opinions Forum product that participants of the Chair of international trade of the master in management of Faces Universidad de Carabobo under my responsibility program performs, where Orlando CASTEJoN participant says, that international treaties have as main scope to promote integration between the various actors in the international system so that its guidelines are the result of a fair and balanced interaction in global decision-making, and thus reverse the concentration of power in international organizations and encourage concerted action by countries in developing (monografias.com) international treaties have their impact on international relations between Member countries and each country's individual environment. I.e. foreign policy directly touch the possibilities to enter increasingly more international treaties and Venezuela do not escape to that reality. The Venezuelan Government has made bilateral agreements with all countries of the American continent from Canada to Argentina, in different aspects and different areas of interest. This makes the Venezuelan foreign policy purely active. One of the treaties more important is the MERCOSUR, the incursion of Venezuela in the markets of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay (MERCOSUR) has decided as a foreign policy of the State, but it will be effective through the dynamism and the direct participation of local entrepreneurs and this is considered to be point of incision directly and indirectly by this Treaty, because the Venezuelan industrial park comes into play, everyone must find a way to be more competitive and This point in a challenge for Venezuelan management.A direct impact with the entry of Venezuela into MERCOSUR is the expansion of its commercial border within the current process of openness and integration.

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