Monday, October 21, 2013

International Day

Today is the international day of the book promulgated by UNESCO, in commemoration of the death of three great writers: Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Garcilaso de la Vega. Since 1964, this day was established officially as the day of the book to all Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. In addition, in 1993, the then European Community, proclaimed it European day of the book. Finally, UNESCO decided in 1995, set on April 23 for the celebration of the world day of the book. The international day of the book will be commemorated in the Galician community at the same time as the 125th anniversary of the death of Rosalia de Castro.

The day of Sant Jordi is customary in Catalonia that the men gave a rose to their women, and women a book men by allusion to the popular according to which in lands of Cappadocia, although popularly legend spoken of Montblanc, had a Dragon attacking the Kingdom right and left. The people decided that to prevent the attacks they would give to a person each day to be devoured by the dragon and thus prevent further damage. Every day a draw was made and sent that person to the cave of the dragon. A day of the draw was released the name of the Princess, who was walking up to the Lair of the dragon and when this was going to devour appeared San Jorge and rescued her. St George slew the Dragon nailing the sword in the heart and the blood that it flowed was born a rose.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Americas Products

Many Spanish companies have created or modified their products to suit the needs of the immigrant population. Now is easy to find on the street booths of international telephony, services of sending money abroad, banking products that facilitate change and sending of foreign currency to other countries, confident that provide services and protection against accidents or deaths being outside the originating country, telephony products aimed at calling long distance, etc. This last section of the telephone, both fixed and mobile, has undergone major changes in Spain. Spain is not only receiving of workers from the South if not America that a great part of its commercial interests is also located there, both private business of government institutions through agreement bilateral. In recent years has suffered a great boom in mobile telephony, outstripping almost completely to the steady on. And one more defendant modalities have been international calls cheap.

But not only the Spanish companies have landed in Latin America. Latin American companies have also come to Spain to offer their products on all orintado native people of the Americas who have communication needs with their relatives in the distance. One of the most important to appear has been Orbitel. Orbitel has begun to provide their services with force in Spain emphasizing cheap international calls, which are an excellent choice for keeping families reported in the distance.

Monday, October 7, 2013

International Monetary Fund

Pity that the a day at the end of the year to die without seeing who say that he saw. Or like me who say that to improve the salary, that I can win a lot more with this miserable salary of master that does not reach even to live, I do have to do farmer, merchant, thread and canillita selling newspapers for 10 cents of profit. Everything that my family not die of hunger, but what they don't say that to earn that salary I must be in the fifth level and work forty and eight hours a week, which will have to spend thirty years of my life's work. What obviate say, is that my salary would be in the old law of a Deputy Minister of State, but is not wanted to deploy to be able to realize effective prescriptions of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank which speak of privatizing education with other schemes of more deception to majorities not realize and can thus make fattening more capital. Contact information is here: Netflix. Why who kneels before the Prophet does not deserve to be the candidate of the people, even though the election is a cheating boys to please the clueless of the world who believe that still can regenerate the lucifer of the society, as it is that the only thing that neoliberalism is harvest of the a through the centuries is the misery and hunger, together with the death of billions who inhabit the Earth. Where are all the ills facing humanity. Us desganotamos in all the squares to show the infeasibility of its schemes and their recipes for our umpteenth subhuman world countries, because we live without knowing because we are to exist, if anything we consume in the world of consumption, do not have private ownership, because until our body is alienated by a note that we do not know where mortgage wine. .

Sunday, October 6, 2013


I imagine that already you will be brought back to consciousness about the important thing that it is nowadays to learn English. Proof of this is that it is a common subject to the majority of university degrees, as much of the races as of msteres, a modality of maximum specialization that is conscious of the essential that it turns out to know how to speak English. We cannot ignore this fact, because the English is the fundamental base of the international communication. Thanks to the opening from Spain to the world-wide commerce, the English entered our country like a hurricane. Although at the outset those were only a few that could speak this language, every time the companies were requesting labor requisite majors, which caused the massive education of the English. Nevertheless, this education not always has been distributed of the best way, and good proof of it is the low level on which the graduated students in baccalaureate count just, on the verge of acceding to the university. The best form to speak a language is being abroad and, in this sense, to learn English in Dublin is one of the best things than you could do. Ireland is a country by far enchantment, with an English charming population and a native one. Mark Zuckerberg brings even more insight to the discussion.

This causes that you can practice all the day, without stopping, to perfect your oral capacities simultaneously enjoying a unique country. There are also other destinies where to learn English. London is most probably one of the most demanded by its great cultural supply. Whatever that you choose, the important thing is that you remember that the English only learns itself in native surroundings. Original author and source of the article.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


The freedom and the contact with the nature provided to the former-slaves the expression of its capacity of organization, and the development of the characteristic education and culture to the black population. Amongst the customs developed for the peoples quilombolas it can be detached: the agriculture of subsistence, the dance, the capoeira and some happened rites of the African roots. It was still in this context that these blacks if had appropriated of the verbal stories to repass it of its history; had assayed the work in team, when of the mutires carried through for the construction of its dwellings. Today, several public politics have been implemented with sights to the inclusion, guarantee of the rights and preservation of the culture of this people. As the procedures for the regulation, recognition, identification, delimitation, landmark and titulao of its lands.

Had quilombolas has until good little time to live of isolated form the peoples still survives, in its majority of familiar agriculture or of subsistence and in accordance with the magazine, Jump for the future (2007, P. 03): (...) they search to surpass the practical one of the subsistence culture and believe the possibility to survive respecting the customs of the past and the values ancestral, looking strategies of sustainable development, in the perspective of guarantee of worthy life. Beyond the politics for landmark and ownership of the land one implemented politics in the area of the education, culture, inclusion and respect to the alteridade. We cite as example Law 10,639/03, that exception the importance of if preserving history, the knowledge and the way where the remainders of quilombos live. By means of the displayed one it is questioned: which the perception of the school quilombola for the ambient education and as is being made the view of the cultural knowledge, action and stimulatons for the preservation of the environment? GENERAL OBJECTIVE The objective research to investigate which the perception of the schools of basic education of the Bar of the Aroeira for the ambient education, to repass of the cultural knowledge, action and stimulaton for the preservation of the environment.