Monday, October 7, 2013

International Monetary Fund

Pity that the a day at the end of the year to die without seeing who say that he saw. Or like me who say that to improve the salary, that I can win a lot more with this miserable salary of master that does not reach even to live, I do have to do farmer, merchant, thread and canillita selling newspapers for 10 cents of profit. Everything that my family not die of hunger, but what they don't say that to earn that salary I must be in the fifth level and work forty and eight hours a week, which will have to spend thirty years of my life's work. What obviate say, is that my salary would be in the old law of a Deputy Minister of State, but is not wanted to deploy to be able to realize effective prescriptions of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank which speak of privatizing education with other schemes of more deception to majorities not realize and can thus make fattening more capital. Contact information is here: Netflix. Why who kneels before the Prophet does not deserve to be the candidate of the people, even though the election is a cheating boys to please the clueless of the world who believe that still can regenerate the lucifer of the society, as it is that the only thing that neoliberalism is harvest of the a through the centuries is the misery and hunger, together with the death of billions who inhabit the Earth. Where are all the ills facing humanity. Us desganotamos in all the squares to show the infeasibility of its schemes and their recipes for our umpteenth subhuman world countries, because we live without knowing because we are to exist, if anything we consume in the world of consumption, do not have private ownership, because until our body is alienated by a note that we do not know where mortgage wine. .

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