Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Construction of the roof with his hands during a plan of the roof determine the distance between the rafters is already in the planning stage is necessary to reflect on the implementation details of the roof. If, for example, between the rafters provides laying insulation between the rafters then the distance must be chosen so that the insulating material can be laid without the large number of segments (if possible, use wedges). Distances between rafters play an important role in arranging the windows in the roof plane. Anyone who can skillfully combine a window in the roof plane to the distance between the rafters, he may refuse to replace the carrier bearings embedded in the beams roof. The distance between the rafters in one meter allows even to embed a small dormer window. Add to your understanding with Netflix. Tip: dormer windows look beautiful, but there are also a lot of money and time. At large distances between the rafters are required respectively, more powerful strip sheathing.

Their sizes (eg 4 to 6 cm) expects statics. What to do if not maintained the standard roof pitch? For each roofing material there is a standard pitch. Under this understand the lower boundary of the roof slope in which the coating has proven sufficient water resistance. Examples: for tiles, depending on the type - from 22 to 25 , for a flat roof tiles - 30 . If you are not complied with these boundary value, then additional measures, such as the construction of a canopy (wood paneling in the rafters).

Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser

The Nile and the Great Pyramid.
Main article: History of Egypt
The regularity and richness provided by the annual Nile River flood, coupled with the absence of large Roseman towns enemies, by their isolation, because the Nile valley is situated between two large desert areas, allowed the development of one of the first and most amazing civilizations in human history.
The first settlers reached venture capital companies the shores of Egypt's Nile, then a cluster of mudflats and an outbreak of malaria, fleeing the desertification of the Sahara. The first communities were living in the country, and were structured in regions called nomos. Last time and after times of the agreements and disputes nomos were grouped into two proto-nations, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. Egypt is unified around the year 3200 a. C., from the Pharaoh Menes (Egyptian Narmada in its name).
The history of Ancient Egypt is divided into three empires with periods of internal conflict and domination by foreign rulers. The Old Empire was characterized by the flourishing of the arts investment and the construction of huge pyramids. During the Middle Empire (2050-1800 BC), after a phase of decentralization, Shanghai Egypt experienced a period of splendor in its economy. In the New Empire (1567-1085 BC) Egyptian monarchy reached its golden age conquering neighboring peoples, and expanding their domains under the direction of the pharaohs of the XVIII dynasty. The last dynasty was overthrown by the M&A Persians in the year 341 a. C., who in turn were replaced by Greek rulers and private investors Roman period that began around the year 30 a. C. as a result of the defeat by China Marco Antonio at the battle of Actium, which brought seven centuries of relative peace and economic stability. Since the mid-fourth century, Egypt was part of the Eastern Empire, which became the Byzantine Empire.
After the death of Muhammad in 642, is the Arabic invasion, which assumes the government of financial institutions the country with the consent of the Coptic Christians. The Arabs introduced Islam and the Arabic language in the seventh century and venture capital ruled the next six centuries. At the end of the tenth century, for a short time Fatamidas made with the government. Will follow the time of Saladin who will be a cultural and economic renaissance aided by the spirit Chengdu of Jihad, holy war in response to the Christian cross. Between private investors 1250 and 1517, the Mamluks, who were part of a local military caste, took New York control of government around the year 1250, defeated the Mongols in Asia for its unstoppable advance, but were unable to prevent the occupation of Los Angeles the country and control private equity firms government by the Ottoman Turks in 1517.
Under Ottoman rule, Egypt was relegated to a marginal position in the great Ottoman Empire. Although the Mamelukes regained power for a brief period in 1798 Napoleon's army occupied the country. Neither the French occupation much harder to track but I just marked the beginning of studies on culture ancient Egyptologists.
The Battle of the Nile, 1789. Thomas Luny.
After the departure of French troops, there was a series of civil wars between Ottomans, Mamluks, and Albanian mercenaries, until in 1805 Egypt gained independence, was named sultan Muhammed Ali (Kavalali Mehmed Ali Pasha), who had arrived in the country as viceroy to recapture in the name of the Turkish Empire,and it would take a pro-Western foreign policy by undertaking a series of reforms that combine traditional strategies to centralize power with the import of European models for the creation of new military, educational, industrial and agricultural including irrigation schemes, which were continued and expanded by his grandson and successor Ismail Pacha, the first Jedive.
After the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, Egypt became an important communications center, but fell in turn into heavy debt. The British took control of the government in 1882 to form a protectorate, which was strongly protested again declared independence in 1922, with a new constitution and a parliamentary regime. Saad Zaghlul was elected prime minister of Egypt in 1924 and in 1936 the so-called Anglo-Egyptian treaty closed. The British maintained a continuous interference political instability in 1952 until a coup d' tat forced King Farouk I to abdicate the government and led to Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser as President of the new government.
Nasser declared the public ownership of the Suez Canal which resulted in a significant improvement to the Egyptian Treasury, but only had to confront militarily in 1956 to the combined forces of France, British and Israeli attempt to overthrow the government without success (Suez Crisis) .

Friday, January 24, 2014

Russia Admission

Seems more reasonable model of admission to the sro in the building, according to which a positive decision on the admission of persons to membership in the sro in the construction and issuing him a certificate of admission will become effective at the time of adoption such a decision, and since the payment of an entrance fee and contribution to the compensation fund sro. Facebook may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In the register of members of SROs all taken against members of the SROs in the construction of solutions should reflect not on the day of their adoption, and on the day the entry into force of such decisions. In this case, will be adequately protected the interests and the candidate, and other members of SROs. The candidate will make money only when convinced that gain access to all types of work, had counted on, and in case of refusal to issue a cpo for admission to any of the types of work can refuse membership in the sro in the building and go to another. At the same time, equal with the other members of the right candidate acquire only after full payment of entry fee and contribution to the compensation fund.

It remains to say that the mechanism for the entry decisions of SROs in the construction of a force after a certain interval time used by the legislator with regard to decisions on the approval and changing of key documents self-regulatory organization (Part 13 of article. 55.5 gdc Russia). In September 2009 the State Duma bill was introduced N 252540-5, which involves a number of changes in the gdc Russia. Among other things, to remedy and called the lack of legal regulation of membership in the sro, as it is required to SROs in the building to reflect in the register of members information on the issue certificate of admission to work is not at the decision to issue the certificate, but at the time of issuing the certificate. However, this approach only partially addresses the existing problems, since the person does not have contributed to the compensation fund SROs, in this case still become a member and can participate in decision-making self-regulatory organization that can not be considered fair to the members of the SROs in the construction, have paid such a fee.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Another Heading Lamentably

Not to be safadagem, disrespect, me the management of the public money, roubalheira, wastefulness, bad job of what it is of the people! They astonish! Our Government is very badly assisted because government is for directing what it is attributed to it with dignity, respect and always looking for to improve what is hanging. Gen. Martin Dempsey: the source for more info. But ours, not! It is much nonsense! It will be that they are only two million the expenses with employees whom one deep cut and without recovery urges so that not they come back to use our money in tickets with these vagabonds? All the workers depend on conduction, several, to the times during the day and they do not earn more for this expense. Our Ministries are in decay! I wait in God who those politicians, in which I put faith and confidence does not come to disappoint me! What it happens with the public personality? It will be that our Loved Native land will continue badly of the legs of a Government for another one, improving little or almost nothing, although the billions collected? If our President not to give a quality jump and to prove what its speech proclaimed in the campaign not nothing was valid! Little moved almost in one year of management. They say the disembarassed ones that she is necessary to botar the HOUSE in sequence. So great enganao. To each four years this house instead of to arrive at the perfection, becomes each time dirtier its Administrator without ways to organize it, leaving it ready to follow playing with ability the destinations of Health, of the Education, the Security and all more! However, the Brazilian people has claw, courage and faith and is in the watch of that everything goes to improve.

In the eleitoreiro year the hopes if renew. Many tapinhas in the coasts, one cervejinha, one prescribes, many promises, but as soon as everything finishes, them coitado trouxas! They go up to pdium, give themselves with high wages and exuberant stewardships and that one I vault that she was seeing the band to pass waiting that the Government makes, is predestinold to the misery and to depend on crumbs. Brazilian people, more faith and courage to be successful with its proper ways, through study we will arrive there, not in that cavern, but winning in the life, obtaining one better social status, through a work so sweated to find it because the school is not giving subsidy for, mainly, the young to enter in the work market. It is not providing an education condizente with the growth in this Globalizado World! It only form in the great majority maid of mason, ambulant salesman, store clerks because these professions do not demand exuberant resumes what not condiz with the present time where good jobs demand tip technology. Our necessary school to move, our Laws need to move, at last, radical changes so that our Country if becomes acolhedor place and without preconception, providing to young a first honored and worthy work. Our young is discouraged. They leave Average Ensino without conditions to face the work market, without options, therefore they do not lead in its luggage a capable content it stops to exert a better position. The guilt is of the State, of the Country that is not imported in to compete with other countries, in a cultural interchange where the young can to acquire more knowledge through specific studies in the area where they had chosen to give beginning its lives of fights for engaged better days and personal accomplishment in a society.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Fractious Soul People

Each of us is a piece of the puzzle that was once the only existing soul, the soul of Adam (the first man) channels. Now is the time to regroup all these pieces: the correction time is now. Nobody likes to be found stuck in the middle of traffic, to wander among a crowd of shoppers in a shopping mall or wait forever in the row to box in the supermarket. Why are there these crowds? Perhaps we are willing to share the world with friends or relatives, with dozens or hundreds of people; the need to share with the other seven billion, however, is less clear. Is why then, there so many people in the world? Coffee from Brazil and watches Swiss common sense shows us that have reciprocal relationships with people we should. If we were alone in the world, even a slice of bread to eat would require great effort and desire. Or sow wheat, make it grow, harvest it, grind it, knead it, and bake the bread.

We would even have to build the oven. In place of this, we can go to the nearest bakery, buy it with little money, and continue to enjoy life without losing more than a few minutes in the purchase. I.e. we work several hours a day and enjoy the products of the rest of the world. We enjoy great Belgian chocolate, the fast American food, Swiss watches, and Brazilian coffee. The Chinese do toy cars for our children, and the Japanese manufactured the real cars that we drive. But this is a good reason for the existence of so many people? Do if there were one billion people in the world, would feel his absence? Do in the Kingdom of desire the Kabbalists say all hail from one soul, called the soul of Adam channels (the first man), which was created by the creator with the general desire of receiving pleasure and delight, completely opposite in nature to the of? l, which is total surrender and love.

La Division Intuitive

The Thinkertoys is to encourage people so that they can perceive the work as a game, not as a sacrifice or a terrible responsibility. .Thinkertoys concept encompasses a variety of techniques presented in the form of games, designed to stimulate linear and intuitive thinking. Linear thinking is originated by the left hemisphere of the brain and is characterized by logic, reasoning, verbal memory, symbols, connection of ideas and everything what can operate sequentially; intuitive thinking is originated by the right hemisphere of the brain and is characterised by the perception, intuition, synthesis, insight, visual memory and everything that can operate in a holistic manner. The Thinkertoys are solid and creative techniques that teach you how to have ideas. They are specific techniques and practices that give you ideas large and small; ideas that make you win money, that solve problems, which are due to competition and making progress his career. This book will change the way they perceive their own creativity. Educate yourself with thoughts from Gen. Martin Dempsey.

The linear Thinkertoys organized information known in different ways, relating it, dividing it, dominating it or manipulating it, to get new entry points and solve the problem. Starting from these points of entry and fix the problem. From these points of entry, you can jump from an idea to another, until it finds which is needed for the solution. These include: masks, cut and shred, La Division of cherry, think about bubbles, Scamper, among others. The intuitive Thinkertoys, let you connect with the unconscious and find ideas that already have. These include: as relax, roses blue, the three b, Snake from rattlesnakes and roses, soup from stones, bathroom Color, landscape of dreams, La technique DVinci, among others. To generate optimal levels of creativity, you must work with the Thinkertoys Alternately, i.e. a set of linear, followed by one intuitive, thinking this get the balance between both thoughts, also gets a deeper basis on the generated idea, to take advantage of both sides of the brain.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Details

However, such situations, never were and never found the desired money. Many of us have gone through this situation?, directly or indirectly. We are so immersed in win and earn more money that we forget what is really important to us, and do not make the situations that we dream, because we are always waiting for this fantastic opportunity to reach and transform us life magically. When we work only for money and live a day, occurs all what is mentioned in the previous paragraphs, this that you mentioned it is because this same situation note in my family and there was also a moment in my life that pass through a similar scenario. Stop a moment and ask yourself some questions:-what needs or deepest desires would be pleased if you had a large sum of money? -Would you feel more safe and worry-free or your life would be simpler? -You could abandon activities that do not amuse you, stop having problems or find the freedom to do what you want in your life? -Why have not enjoyed the details that offers you life? -What are the qualities or superior sensations that you think will increase in? does your personality - the inner peace, love, self-esteem, wellbeing, happiness? If what you want is not a large sum of money, but is an object that you do not now have what needs will be satisfied by this object in your life? If you do not want anything material feeling or superior quality you would experience more often? Some people, for example, believe that money will make their lives easier. Then I ask what prevents you from having a simpler life? You can have a simpler life right now, developing and expressing the qualities that will allow, as inner peace, welfare or the interior silence. Money will not give you a simpler life. . You may find Reed Hastings to be a useful source of information.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Peru Jaime

That supposedly wanted to encourage those who have less, and break the backbone to the oligarchy. But when it was closed to the world economy, what he did. Mira, industrialists at that time, made a lot of money. Because you closed the economy. Jaime-Claro them you gave a captive market Jorge.-so, what to make clear things, because international markets, and now also the nationals already learned and are very sensitive, when there is no clarity on this. I believe that in these two months, and the sooner you have to make it very clear Jaime.-now, apparently going to be a theme with inflation, because products begin to climb in price also own uncertainty, by imports. Let's say in international prices Jorge.- but still inflation Jaime, is targeted not? In food and fuel. What we must do, and as I am sorry the comparison but it is like a cancer.

It is focused, that is not disseminated, to the rest of the economy.-Jaime Bueno but for this economy Minister has decided, cut the budget by 8%. It is a very big cut Jorge.-there, he is acting well. I'm going to say by what Jaime-do in an economy that tends to slow down by the? political environment? Jorge.-the what he said, it is not in the year ah. It is from here to July. What are going to do, is moderating its growth of expenditure on them, from here to July, precisely to also leave the next Government with adequate resources.

But that is happening? The private sector, today day, until now in Peru, is spending strong. Whether the Government does this, then these pressures from food and fuel, when your create you a very strong overexpenditure Jaime-in agreement, but if as a result of political uncertainty, holds the private sector, and also holds the Government, we can finish with a slowdown in dry Jorge.- but that is not immediate, that takes its time. As well as stimulating an economy takes you time, cool an economy also you takes time. Is not one week to another, or from one month to another. Jaime-another factor of uncertainty, more in the medium term, is the theme of the world economy is not it? Gives it the European economy printing of increasingly be complicating. United States already has to be adjusted, Obama has already done what will mean slower growth Jorge.-look, last year, something that was not much taken into account, is that the global economy grew 4.7% almost 5 points. Clear who shoved not were Europe and United States, but we were the emerging right? But it grew nearly 5 points, as in its best times. And this year, has stuck a revisadita down, but we are at 3.7%. Then the economy is still showing dynamism, not by them, but by the emerging worlds that you mobilise.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Minimal Cost International Presence

Masvoz offers the possibility to activate voice lines in more than 50 countries companies wishing to expand its presence in other countries without the need for physical presence in them already can do it thanks to the service of international numbering Masvoz. Through this type of numbering, companies that hire it may have numbers of contact in over 50 different countries and receive calls from your customer service center. The operator shall be responsible for managing the routing of calls and deliver them where the user indicates. Options such as the Toll Free Number, free lines; Shared Cost, shared payment lines; National Rate, corporate lines; Geographic, geographic numbers, or Domestic Premium Rate Services, premium rate lines, services are available, depending on the country you want to activate the line. In addition to get to have presence in multiple countries with minimal cost, international numbering offers other advantages how to manage the configuration of lines in real time, autonomously and with total flexibility; improving efficiency; reduce management costs and launch a new service without investing in systems or additional telephone equipment you already have. Specialized in the network services for companies, Masvoz is a telecommunications operator that focuses on voice services (virtual switchboard, recording calls, IVR, intelligent routing, recognition and synthesis of voice, conference call, mail virtual voice, IP telephony, virtual agent system, click2call, monitoring of calls in real time); numbering (intelligent, geographic, mobile and international network); SMS (sending SMS and SMS premium); fax (virtual fax, mass-mailing), and services of collection TPV.