Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser

The Nile and the Great Pyramid.
Main article: History of Egypt
The regularity and richness provided by the annual Nile River flood, coupled with the absence of large Roseman towns enemies, by their isolation, because the Nile valley is situated between two large desert areas, allowed the development of one of the first and most amazing civilizations in human history.
The first settlers reached venture capital companies the shores of Egypt's Nile, then a cluster of mudflats and an outbreak of malaria, fleeing the desertification of the Sahara. The first communities were living in the country, and were structured in regions called nomos. Last time and after times of the agreements and disputes nomos were grouped into two proto-nations, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. Egypt is unified around the year 3200 a. C., from the Pharaoh Menes (Egyptian Narmada in its name).
The history of Ancient Egypt is divided into three empires with periods of internal conflict and domination by foreign rulers. The Old Empire was characterized by the flourishing of the arts investment and the construction of huge pyramids. During the Middle Empire (2050-1800 BC), after a phase of decentralization, Shanghai Egypt experienced a period of splendor in its economy. In the New Empire (1567-1085 BC) Egyptian monarchy reached its golden age conquering neighboring peoples, and expanding their domains under the direction of the pharaohs of the XVIII dynasty. The last dynasty was overthrown by the M&A Persians in the year 341 a. C., who in turn were replaced by Greek rulers and private investors Roman period that began around the year 30 a. C. as a result of the defeat by China Marco Antonio at the battle of Actium, which brought seven centuries of relative peace and economic stability. Since the mid-fourth century, Egypt was part of the Eastern Empire, which became the Byzantine Empire.
After the death of Muhammad in 642, is the Arabic invasion, which assumes the government of financial institutions the country with the consent of the Coptic Christians. The Arabs introduced Islam and the Arabic language in the seventh century and venture capital ruled the next six centuries. At the end of the tenth century, for a short time Fatamidas made with the government. Will follow the time of Saladin who will be a cultural and economic renaissance aided by the spirit Chengdu of Jihad, holy war in response to the Christian cross. Between private investors 1250 and 1517, the Mamluks, who were part of a local military caste, took New York control of government around the year 1250, defeated the Mongols in Asia for its unstoppable advance, but were unable to prevent the occupation of Los Angeles the country and control private equity firms government by the Ottoman Turks in 1517.
Under Ottoman rule, Egypt was relegated to a marginal position in the great Ottoman Empire. Although the Mamelukes regained power for a brief period in 1798 Napoleon's army occupied the country. Neither the French occupation much harder to track but I just marked the beginning of studies on culture ancient Egyptologists.
The Battle of the Nile, 1789. Thomas Luny.
After the departure of French troops, there was a series of civil wars between Ottomans, Mamluks, and Albanian mercenaries, until in 1805 Egypt gained independence, was named sultan Muhammed Ali (Kavalali Mehmed Ali Pasha), who had arrived in the country as viceroy to recapture in the name of the Turkish Empire,and it would take a pro-Western foreign policy by undertaking a series of reforms that combine traditional strategies to centralize power with the import of European models for the creation of new military, educational, industrial and agricultural including irrigation schemes, which were continued and expanded by his grandson and successor Ismail Pacha, the first Jedive.
After the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, Egypt became an important communications center, but fell in turn into heavy debt. The British took control of the government in 1882 to form a protectorate, which was strongly protested again declared independence in 1922, with a new constitution and a parliamentary regime. Saad Zaghlul was elected prime minister of Egypt in 1924 and in 1936 the so-called Anglo-Egyptian treaty closed. The British maintained a continuous interference political instability in 1952 until a coup d' tat forced King Farouk I to abdicate the government and led to Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser as President of the new government.
Nasser declared the public ownership of the Suez Canal which resulted in a significant improvement to the Egyptian Treasury, but only had to confront militarily in 1956 to the combined forces of France, British and Israeli attempt to overthrow the government without success (Suez Crisis) .

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