Friday, February 28, 2014

Worldwide Web Users

Some companies will automatically register your website in thousands of searches for the modest sum of $ 100 and others will offer positions in Google for $ 90 a month may be a good investment but most of these companies just take their money, how correct record your site is doing it manually plus you do not have to register your site in thousands of searches only approximately 7 to 10 as these cover more than 95% of users worldwide. We talk about quality not quantity. What are the most important search engines? The following search engines and directories like many others share information, to register your website in these places appear in thousands. GOOGLE YAHOO! ALTAVISTA EXCITE HOT BOT LYCOS INFOSEEK TERRA WebCrawler AllTheWeb But "Yahoo!" is not a search engine but a directory, the difference is that the directories are thematically structured and depend on humans to index each URL, therefore discharged in a directory is a slow process, search engines use robots or spiders to automatically create playlists and present results for each search. Speaking candidly Gen. Martin Dempsey told us the story. How to register a website: If using a web site, you must first sign the form chosen. Search a button that says a Sugerir Weba , a incluir weba , Urla incluir a , add web "," add URL "or something similar. Gen. Martin Dempsey recognizes the significance of this.

Then you will see a form where you fill in: Your personal data. Title: Title of your website. Description: A brief description of the contents of your website. Keyword or Keywords: Enter keywords for people to find your site, keywords are the words that relate to the content or purpose of your page. For example, if your site is related to business Online, your keywords could be: (teleworking, work from home, internet business, make money on the net, cibernegocios, etc.) Address: Enter the full URL of your website, for example This form varies from one form to another but all are similar or the same philosophy. Some search engines take up to eight weeks to include web addresses in their lists (some only days), so we must be patient.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Big Diamonds

Each one wants big diamonds! Diamonds are a symbol of the State. They demonstrate to others who have enough money. These jewels are exhibited with pride and are kept more often in safes where nobody can steal them or ruin. Rarely the large diamonds come in the light of the d? a. It's a shame really, these diamonds must be seen! Choose the perfect large diamond find a good jeweler is the first step to buy any jewelry. It is also a good idea doing research on diamonds who choose. Choose a perfect diamond is based on what Jewelers call the 4 c's brackets for the cut, color, clarity, and carat. Each of these has its own importance in qualifying all the diamonds and they are especially important to choose big diamonds.

When big money is going to spend to make a purchase, necessary to know that diamonds is look and what are the best. The first consideration is the cut. The cut of the diamond goes beyond the physical form. An intricate diamond cuts based on mathematical algorithms. Between better be cut greater quality and more shine. You can also hide imperfections that are in each diamond, large or small. The consideration next to buy a large diamond is color.

There is color, such as yellow and Pink diamonds, while the majority of diamonds are classified as white. Most diamonds have a yellow or brown dye on them. Each is scored on a scale from D to Z. The D classification is going to be the best quality and have the purest color. Clarity also weighs to qualify the stone. As stated previously, each diamond has imperfections, including cloudy points and even small black dots. This is common, but it can be hidden by an experienced jeweler and proper cut. Carat is the size of the diamond. Obviously, large diamonds will be several carats. The majority of the people feel that the larger is diamond, best quality, this idea is false. A large diamond can be cloudy and evil while a diamond cut smaller you can have a perfect cut and color and excellent clarity. The total Diamond Grade determines the price, not the total size of the diamond.

Monday, February 17, 2014

The White

I say to my parents, I'm quiet; My wife, I am quiet; my children; I'm quiet, and you, I'm quiet. V that someone come and tell me then if they have not been enough all these centuries the people of my country, to live once, live. Tell it me because I don't know. When I refer to my country I mean it all, from end to end, in every corner, mountains, coasts and valleys, cities, towns and ranches. When I say people I refer to all beings without breeds or mixtures wrong calls, only people. When I say live I mean live, not survive. Those dead, revolutionary, unwary, promoters, blessed, left, despicable, martyrs; men and women. What became of them, what happened to them? Not enough good behavior, if there behind is corrupt vivales, they are not sufficient desired dreams, behind thirsting for power, not enough fight, prepare and study, if behind there is someone with money wanting to more money.

I cannot understand what would be the historical conclusion of this mazacote ideas, as scattered as different, this agglomeration as rich of colours, fuzzy belief and unbearably everyday. If history is written every day, I guess there is never concluded. I shall confine myself imagine a not-so-distant future, where we can dispense with filth, so much greed, and with a little luck will improve things, because for my children or grandchildren, already for your grandchildren's grandchildren. In the course we will see as follows front that train transitioned without brakes of life. We must take measures, we must change the facts. Cooperate from our trench, paint, write, Act and listen to, read and create music, work, plowing the ground, plowing life, little by little, picking fruit for fruit, and wait with more faith that hope, the definite change. Talking dreams with our dreamers friends. I wish long us time to tread barefoot pyramids sand to see the stars from beyond the other side of the sea, to sleep a night in the forest hit by bears, fondling that smooth skin once of the White seals, swimming in the holy water of my people the world.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Central Stage

Of course, it was a monogamous marriage, but we must admit that the maturity of the family-time, during which the monogamous family is transformed into a monotone. The problem of ruling and lapping characters solved or at least settled acceptable manner, had children, that strengthens your relationship with her husband, despite all efforts of education. The family prevailed relative stability, although not devoid of transient problems. Seemed to live so rejoice! But no: the house is constructed, the relationship with a loved one, even while remaining sincere to have lost its sting. Your life is reduced to a daily recurring cycle: the rise - breakfast - seeing a child in kindergarten (school) - work - break for lunch - again work - fatigue - household chores, dinner - sleep - morning - breakfast Well even if the weekend will be able to somehow get the whole family, but there is no guarantee that your the best of a tired and rather annoyed husband declares that he is unable to somewhere you go, that he had worked all week, like a bee, and therefore wants a legitimate day off to lie on the couch watching television. Your life is locked in the family.

You are immersed in the business affairs and the work is torn between making money, a house and raising children. Wake up feeling tired, which does not leave you all day. Constantly preoccupied with something, cut through the forehead wrinkles, which are no longer smooths out any creams. And, frankly, once you flatten them. In general, you are much less than before, watch for yourself, go home in an old faded dressing gown and slippers, worldly-wise. Your husband, for whom you not so long ago, if you look, were the ideal of beauty and tenderness, and begins to glance at you with obvious disapproval.

Previously, you could resolve the conflict without any problems: nifty, or confidential conversations. Now you all harder and harder to do it: you feel tired and somehow offended. You think that you have ceased to understand that you are not considered that you saddled with too heavy a burden. You begin to grumble, themselves surprised at that are capable of such behavior. You had a reasonable and balanced, his stall at the close. Of course, all may get completely wrong, as it was described. And God forbid you that you have retained all the freshness of their feeling that at any moment could get sympathy, understanding and support from a loved one. Yet everything happens often that way: the beloved becomes a "saw", beloved husband - a killjoy, day after day one and repeated However, three magical words "I love you" are spoken less and less. Marriage becomes monotonous. General inspection of feelings everyday life - a serious test. There are cases when under the influence of daily duties feelings, so strong before, reduced to the size of tiny embers. Cope with a devastating impact on love life is difficult, although sometimes the smallest changes in the environment, both material and spiritual, becomes enough to tenderness broke out with renewed vigor.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


If you want to have your space on the internet and you want to make money with this, you cannot have a free internet server. What you'd think if one person invites you to participate in a business, or want to sell you a product or service and your e-mail address is a free server? Is not serious, right? The main problem that we face people who we do business on the internet is MISTRUST. And this is why the first thing that we need to ensure is that our future client, trust us. What these addresses it gives you greater confidence? or the second, right? The same happens with the addresses of e-mail, fijate & n bsp; or if anyone would like to have your business on the internet, the least that should be done is to have a hosting payment service. However, there are many companies that provide this service and prices vary from one to another company. How to choose the best option? If most of the companies offer a service of excellent quality, what other point must look? There are two fundamental points 1-price: Pudes find from $ 10 per month to $30 per month.

2. Opportunity to earn money: there are companies that in addition to providing you quality service so that your you have your page on internet, they allow you to make very good money only for suggesting people to benefit just like you this service. There is a company that is the largest diffusion within the network, which should refer to many people to be able to earn good money, but you can also find another company that is newer and much smaller provides the same service, at a price and you must only refer to three people to be able to win lots of money.In addition to offer you all the necessary tools to succeed in online business. I hope this article has helped you to see some different points of work in internet. If you want more information, you can visit the page contained in my signature.