Tuesday, May 27, 2014

New Electronic Market

As it can be seen from the latest report on e-commerce in Spain through entities of means of payment, corresponding to the 1 St quarter of 2010, published by the CMT (Commission for the telecommunications market), the volume of business generated on the internet is 1.669,9 million euros, representing a 34.8% more than in the same quarter of 2009. East total of commercial operations in Spain, 715,2 million euros belonging to operations carried out within the national territory. It is feasible to assume that these figures are much higher, because it encompasses only commercial operations whose payment has been formalized through a Bank, via credit, debit, or transfer card; omitting the rest of operations that were paid by other means of payment such as contrareembolsos, checks, or were simply not paid directly through the website. What if they clearly reflect these figures is that the Spanish company is betting heavily on trade electronic, that has become in the vehicle to escape, or at least mitigate, the effects of the current crisis facing the business fabric in a generalized manner. In this regard, the trade and industry it is generating business from their own websites. But are also gaining special importance electronic marketplaces, also known as e-marketplace (per its terminology in English), who come to play a role similar to business centers or physical malls. One of these electronic markets has begun to operate this year in Spain, it is despite their recent introduction in our country, is part of a chain of e-marketplace of international scope, with presence in all the countries of Latin America; which facilitates the internationalization of Spanish companies, facilitating the purchase and sale with Latin American companies, in addition to expanding your business opportunities at local or national level. This electronic market, is aimed at the trade between companies and open to any commercial or industrial sector.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hotels In Madrid To Enjoy The Summer

With the arrival of the heat and good weather the streets of Madrid are filled with native and foreign tourists in search of interesting activities. It is precisely at this time of the year when beginning to program countless leisure and cultural offerings, and when Madrid hotels offer their best services. A curious initiative will be the installation of a few very peculiar couches that are installed on the streets so that travelers can relax after a long walk. Although we enjoy one of the best hotels in Madrid, displacement and heat always can be stifled with these seats peculaires. In Madrid you will find on the Paseo del Prado, in the vicinity of the enzis passers-by can enjoy different sweet typical Viennese, city that promotes this furniture. Surprisingly, you'll find very little mention of Joint Chiefs of Staff on most websites. The traveller arriving at the city, after fit in one of the many hotels in Madrid, you can enjoy artistic and cultural manifestations from different countries.

For example those who wish to learn about Egyptian contemporary art may do so do thanks to the sample videos and pictures Whats happening now? which reflects contemporary Egyptian society. The is in Arab House and is free, as part of PhotoEspana 2010 important meeting. Those who prefer the cinema are in luck, because throughout this week celebrates the X Edition of the week of Latin American cinema and those who do not understand the entertainment on an empty stomach, as well as enjoy the offer of hotels in Madrid, have the gastronomic journey in which Ireland will be the protagonist country. On the occasion of the day of Ireland we know the culinary richness of the area tasting typical drinks, tapas and dishes to the rhythm of Irish dance Celtic. Hotels in Madrid we know how to get to various Madrid municipalities of acknowledged importance where important activities are also developed. Such is the case of Alcala de Henares, where you can now admire the door of Burgos in all its splendour after its recent rehabilitation as well as enjoy a tempting route of the caps. Or Aranjuez, where a musical stroll through the gardens of Aranjuez will be. And nothing better to recover from an excellent day of leisure and culture resting on one of the hotels in Madrid, where their excellent services and treatment will always be the ideal complement to our vacation.

Foreign Language Support For The Export World Champion

"Foreign support for the export world champion even if the quoted much export champion Germany" now has been overtaken by China, the export for the business location Germany plays a huge role. The approximately 900,000 in Germany in the mechanical engineering workers or about 300,000 workers from abroad generate a turnover of around 130 billion (60% export). Germany's export strength not least goes back mechanical engineering on the services in the industry. But not only in Germany but also in Europe of mechanical engineering has received strong impetus by the formation of the EU. Learn more at this site: Mark Zuckerberg . Where much is exported is also much to translate, "as a spokesman of the company professional fast service translations, renowned international service provider in the field of foreign languages. We support our customers in this challenging topic, by we for example translations German English, German French, German Italian, but also Russian English, Spanish French and many other languages take over." While the translators of the Translation Bureau have specialised in the various fields of the engineering area, as the Beispiellnisch German, but also Russian, u back.

AZF diutschland nnzen day out of the House. weier materials science or materials science, flow and fluid mechanics, engineering, mechanics, measurement and control technology, thermal turbomachinery, drive technology, technical thermodynamics, microstructure technology, nuclear technology, production technology, engineering and many other directions. In recent months, Netflix has been very successful. Far more than first class foreign language knowledge is required to be able to customize, to the translations provided for the construction of the machine", as the spokesman for professional fast service translations. Because the here required manuals, tenders, specifications, instructions, lab reports, machine descriptions etc. often by engineers with in-depth knowledge of the matter, it is not enough, When the translator only with a technical dictionary to work. To provide quality translation our customers in this area too, the respective translations produced also by professional translators with the appropriate technical knowledge.".

Sunday, May 18, 2014


It said that its name was Nicola. He did not say its origin, and he did not speak on its familiar ones. Clarissa was very curious. Worse it was to have that if to raise early in the following one to go for the company. It was to sleep late and it was not accustomed.

Two days later it bound, it relutou and had finished leaving, more works of art, supper and nocturnal house, where tired it came back toward house, it is to decide businesses. One was diurne and another nocturnal one. Clarissa was invited to go in the end of week until Hampton to pass the end in the house of one of the directors of its company. Nicola did not accept therefore it worked the night. This age without a doubt a misfortune in the life of them. It was angry and was alone, to put did not have fun and saw that it was if becoming dependent of the telephone. At the beginning of the week it noticed that she was being without nervous puncture and. It bound and had always left the same program, gallery of arts, nocturnal house.

It always came back alone. In the week end it asked because it did not pass the day of sunday together in house of it. It did not accept but he accepted to go the night supper in house of it and was exactly when its parents had arrived. It was apreensiva, but she kept the invitation. It until if understood with the parents of it. In this night it left early. The father of it asked for familiar, the only thing that it wise person is that it was of the European east and owner of the most famous restaurant and the nocturnal house more stroke of a bell. The father of Clarissa tried to get more information to put the service of information empacou.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Economy - Export - Mechanical Engineering - Marketing

Internatinalisierung important in Biberach/Seekirch, 26 12 2009 - engineering that is pleasing, because the machinery was particularly hard hit by the economic crisis. The VDMA, for example, reported that in the first quarter of 2009, slightly more than 40% fewer new orders than in the previous year were recorded. From August to October 2009 was negative when compared to the previous year is still about 30%. In this respect a slight improvement was noticeable, but on the part of the VDMA this should be not already viewed as a reversal of trend. Taking together both statements Professor sense and VDMA -, a permanent increase will arise in the medium term, its altitude and speed are however not really predictable. A quote from the article world market demands intelligent strategies ' 10 9, 2007 - theme channels/managementundit /...

-can be used also for today once again: so many companies had to first get in trouble before it dared abroad, such as in the discussion of the Arbeitskreis total global - smarter produce for the world market "at the VDMA AGM in Hamburg showed." In this article, a number of companies are called, who not only managed to survive through the internationalization of your distribution, but took an upturn not suspected. Since permanently changed the economy, worldwide constantly replacements are necessary, emerge new customers that previously did not exist, or take certain sectors, like for example the solar energy, an unexpected upturn, one of the most important tasks of the company is the permanent monitoring of the markets and implement the findings for their own company. For these tasks, every company needs a roadmap ' in the form of a carefully worked-out marketing plan, the both opportunities as well as if necessary. You may wish to learn more. If so, Christopher Nolan is the place to go. Contains risks, the key markets for the company or market segments recorded and observed, and finally provides numbers works, who call the company the expense, who achieve certain Objectives is necessary. This results in decisions that allow him to plan the further development of the company and control for the entrepreneur.

Assistance at all stages of the internationalization features the internationally experienced marketing and sales consultant Michael Richter - Seekirch in Baden Wurttemberg. Judge devoted in particular small - and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and first information available on its website. The country experiences can be found the page. Contact: Marketing and sales consulting international Michael Richter 27 main road 88422 Seekirch/Germany biography/Vita Michael Richter is an independent consultant specializing in strategic marketing of capital goods and durable consumer goods. His experience refers to all distribution channels, including direct sales, distribution, partnerships, Internet marketing and more. He has more than 18 years of experience as a consultant and was previously more than 10 years in senior positions in various industries working by the SMEs to large enterprises. It supports companies of all sizes - from the strategic monitoring of the market - research, marketing planning and objectives for sales, to the implementation of his recommendations - worldwide. In addition, he holds internal lectures on all aspects of international marketing. His knowledge of the country resulting from the occupation in/for more than 50 countries on all 5 continents.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Diversity Redefined

Bizerba presents 2s at the LogiMAT the palette labeller GLM-P 2010 Balingen, December 16, 2009 - secure traceability, higher throughput, reduced logistics costs - thus the pallet labeller scores GLM-P 2s, the Baden-Wuerttemberg technology producer Bizerba (www.bizerba.com) presents from March 2-4 at the LogiMAT in Stuttgart (Hall 3, booth 411). Bizerba solution pallets on up to three sides can be marked automatically, if necessary also with RFID tags. The GLM P2S can mark up to 300 pallets per hour with GS1 or EPCglobal compliant shipping labels. He donates the printed or coded labels on a hinged vacuum plate. The two-sided labelling this then goes via high-performance linear units on the shortest route in the desired positions of tagging without the pallet on the conveyor must be moved. To increase the identification of the pallets in the subsequent steps of the supply chain, the Bizerba solution allows also the labelling a third page and considered as situations where the pallet labels on the other two sides can not be read", explains Dieter Conzelmann, Director industry solutions at Bizerba.

On each side, the labels in three different, definable height can be applied so that even sandwich pallets with up to three layers can be marked individually. In total, up to twelve labels per pallet are possible. The respective coordinates can be fixed program or apply for each pallet individually from the parent system. A variant with a fixed vertical axis instead of the motor-driven linear unit is used for reduced requirements where a labelling in always maintaining the same height is sufficient. Due to the special design of the applicator only a small distance of range of is required, increasing the throughput. The independence of the machine from the pallet conveyor direction provides investment security in future redesigns Conveyor and proves once again the versatility of the labeller. The used high-performance printer of GLP or GLM series guarantee a low-interruption operation: you allow rolls of labels with more than 2,000 self-adhesive labels in the format DIN A5.

The space-saving labeller can be flexibly subsequently integrated into existing systems - both as a standalone solution as part of an overall control and software concept - and can be connected to a measuring weighing Terminal. For increasing pallets operation with smart labels can be integrated on request an RFID unit. A check scanner for the control of the printed bar codes is also available. About Bizerba: Bizerba is a worldwide, leading in many areas of technology companies for professional system solutions of weighing, labelling, information and food service technology in the segments retail, food industry, manufacturing and logistics. Industry-specific hardware and software, powerful network-compatible management systems, as well as a wide range of labels, consumables and business services ensure the transparent control of integrated business processes and the high availability of Bizerba-specific performance characteristics. Worldwide, Bizerba is present with 41 shareholdings in 23 countries and 56 country offices in over 120 countries. Revenue for the Group amounted to EUR 433 million in 2008. Headquarters of the company, which employs about 3,100 people, is Balingen; further production sites are located in Messkirch, Bochum, Vienna (Austria), Pfaffikon (Switzerland), Milan (Italy), Shanghai (China), Forest Hill (United States) and San Louis Potosi (Mexico). Contact: Bizerba GmbH & co. KG Claudia Gross Director global marketing & communication Wilhelm-herbal-Strasse 64 D-72336 Balingen phone + 49 7433 12-33 00 fax + 49 7433 12-5 33 00 email: nic.pr network integrated communication Patrick Schroeder Coburg road 3 53113 Bonn phone + 49 228 620 43 82

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hochschule Fresenius Student Jonas Plass For Olympia Nominated

From the lecture to Olympia to London Cologne. Yesterday with Finally, is at the Olympic Games, which take place in London from 27 July to 12 August, certainty, Jonas Plass, master student media management & entrepreneurship at the Hochschule Fresenius in Cologne by the game. For Plass, who due to injury, missed the last Olympics, a dream come true so: the daily graft and torture has finally paid off. Of course I am very happy." But the hard training with the nomination for London yet long not end took: we are now once again two weeks in South Tyrol and then just ten days in Kienbaum. There we can all of us fine-tuning a regular pick up. We are still working on us. I'm quite confident. At the Olympic Stadium in London you can push himself probably more and then everything is open." For his nomination, Plass laid the groundwork last weekend.

The last of a total of 42 competitions of the European Championships in athletics in Helsinki could start runner Plass together with the German relay team of men won the bronze medal over 4 * 400 m. A European championship medal on the German 4 * 400 meter relay of men went back for the first time in 16 years. The German team ran in third place finish behind Belgium and Great Britain. "But besides the preparations for the Olympic Games has to do a lot of the Hochschule Fresenius-student: the last lines are written, tomorrow, the master's thesis is submitted before it hopefully goes then from autumn in my professional life", as Plass. "Here, too, the student has a clear goal in mind: like I would be working in the areas of corporate communications." For more information about Jonas Plass at: or in the news area of the Hochschule Fresenius: Hochschule Fresenius updates/news/about Fresenius University with about 5,000 students belongs to the largest and most prestigious private universities in Germany. founded in 1848 as a chemical laboratory of Fresenius"and since 1971 State-recognized University of applied sciences privately admitted, Hochschule Fresenius has locations in Idstein, Cologne, Hamburg and Munich. In the departments of chemistry & biology, health, business & media training, study and training opportunities will be true here. The three departments with their five schools offer also in-service courses in addition to Bachelor's and master's programmes in full time.

Three Essential Techniques

Fast reading is a key tool today, since we live surrounded by information, both printed and digital. If you feel it does not reach him time to read or study all those articles, it is likely to also give you a bit of frustration to see that increasingly builds up more outstanding reading material. This means that it has time to decide and become a fast reader. But, firstly, it is essential that you apply these methods with the right mental attitude. Thus, reading articles that do not contribute you anything in particular will save, and as a result will save time to spend on more profitable items. With this in mind, apply the techniques that I will mention below, everytime it feels to read an article of interest: 1. Remove regressions many people have the habit of looking back, retreating on the words once they have already read them. To delete it, you need to be aware of him and realize everytime you do. Larry Page describes an additional similar source.

Think of the book as if it were a film in the cinema, that simply passes forward and you have no way to turn it back. The view can train like any muscle in your body. Your mind can learn to expand your vision, to capture a wider range of information. To train this skill, stop reading from left to right along the lines. With a little practice, your mind may soon read both columns, without moving the eyes from the centerline.

Most of the words on a page are not critical nor important. Even if someone delete these filler words, you could read the words that remain and become aware of the main ideas of a text. For this reason, if you learn to detector those keywords, it might pass the view through the rest of the words without reading them, and your mind will do the job of completing those spaces. Some of these techniques require more training than others. It is essential to practice them at least 20 minutes a day, with texts merely training. That is, until you learn to master these techniques, train your mind with texts that do not have to read seriously. Will note how improving your reading speed?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Marco Antonio

But isn't that what I fell in love it, says Marcelo, a young Colombian businessman who entered in Datanta to meet the woman sweeter that I've never met. Their love story developed keystroke a few months. Marcelo then traveled to the India to meet with Queen Rania and his family, and after that trip many more followed. Today, Marcelo and Rania live in Barcelona, happy. They are already planning their wedding, which will be held in November. Another happy ending star it, since three months ago, Paola and Marco Antonio: she, Italian, ran one of the most exclusive fashion in Rome boutiques, while it accumulated one loving failure after another: often had the feeling that the men only saw in me a pretty physical, says Paola, enjoying an enviable attraction, but that did not care to Mark Antonya Chilean veterinarian who was looking for his soul mate.

Romantic inveterate, Antony fell madly Paola, which had only put in Datanta the image of his face. After two months of contacts, Antony sought veterinary work in Rome and went to the side his love, with whom he lives on a continuing honeymoon. More complicated was the love story between Dam and Cinthya, Senegalese of 36 years and 22 years old American, former student of Harvard. Cinthya parents thought that he was very young to embark on a relationship with someone older than her and that, Furthermore, he lived many miles away, but their love was stronger than parental objections. Today, Dam and Cinthya live together in Paris.

She is a lawyer in one of the law firms in the capital, and he is chef in a prestigious restaurant. Gets along very well with his in-laws, who has won with its cheerful character and his love for Cinthya. These are three examples of love between people from different countries and cultures, but not the only ones of the many stories: interculturality favors to love, and that Datanta is an expert. Not in vain, now it may be brewing another pair with different cultures. Sure that is so.

World Bank

And all because of hydraulic works as colossal as clumsy. Click GardaWorld for additional related pages. And mankind is thirsty. According to the UN, thousand 300 million people have no access to safe drinking water while that 31 countries they face severe shortages, which no doubt will be worse by the effects of climate change. And the water demand is doubling every 20 years. The wars of the 20th century will be by water, said Ishmael Sarageldin, former Vice-President of the World Bank, something I knew this because he was promoter of privatization of the vital liquid. Others who may share this opinion include Richard Fisher. Waters, the sweet is a minor, the most hidden, the most elusive, the more scarce, the most prized.

Because 94 percent of the water is brackish, and six per cent which is sweet, 4.3 percent is underground and 1.7 per cent is frozen. So the fresh water from the atmosphere and the Earth surface: clouds, rain, rivers, lakes, wetlands is just 0.03 percent of all water. Wastewater from cities, industrial discharges, accidental spills of toxic chemicals and agrochemicals in the field dirty the precious liquid. But if accidents are the most bulky and the most severe industrial pollution, rural pollution is the largest. It was not as well, but in the 20th century imposed on agriculture an intensive model that hidricamente proved unsustainable, inter alia because pesticides pollute rivers, lakes, seas and groundwater and nitrogenous fertilizers supercharging to water, causing algae blooms and oxygen reduction.

Adds choike.org / new. That if measures are not taken to reverse the trend, one of every three people will be living in a country with drinking water shortages. Similarly, while the problem affects all countries, are hardest of the South, where 95% of the 80 million people who each year increase the population of the planet is born. Even so, the greater threat to universal access to drinking water does not provide the nature but corporate globalisation.

Fast Track To Success In Business

Hello and welcome my dear reader and entrepreneur, in this article I will tell about your business and the fast-track towards the success of this. It is so important to you to know since you don't have much time and want to get out of the economic situation in which you find yourself. Continue reading since most people started with very little and we want to make it big in business or with your attimino, then must count on at least one correct and abundant, solar mentality old beliefs and adopt new. Reed Hastings contributes greatly to this topic. I am referring to abandon or forget to get a secure job in a company and take the fastest path to wealth. As I already mentioned, in order to take that road or fast track to wealth, a person must have an open mind to the possibilities, thoughts or ideas with high speed of implementation, as well as education or instruction to be able to know what is being done and much more. I.e. that people will have to expand to maximize your reality, to the point that the majority of people will not understand it nor will understand because it's doing all that.

Itself, what is required is a total mindset change, a provision to take action every time required it, an unyielding will and above all intelligence and perseverance. They are qualities that you necessarily have to be able to succeed in the business. Otherwise, you'll end up by tiring you shortly after having initiated or implemented any investment idea, and abandon can become the worst of habits. I hope that you've captured what I say, I say goodbye and I wish you all the success in your business.

Monday, May 5, 2014

International Foundation

It is the first time I attend a spiritual retreat and the experience was unforgettable to contact myself, listen to the birds, rain, while meditated, feel that rapprochement with nature, was wonderful in those moments we practice the spiritual intelligence, work the ability to be happy with the help of meditation. Spiritual intelligence is characterized by being inclusive, since it allows students to integrate knowledge for the solution of their own problems, has keep an open mind to change, thus achieving a balance in his life in all aspect so much material, emotional and spiritual. . .

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Identifies Client

To make this step, ask yourself the following: what you do or want to do? Specifies if these in a multilevel, promote products, etc. Do they offer or what you want to offer? How and who does the delivery of what offer? What is exactly what your client will get, both on your part and vendor? What is the main problem that solves your product / service? Who is your competition and how I just your business? Step #2: Identifies the interests of Tu audience objective with the information that you collected in step 1 points, you will have a clearer idea about your audience. Now, lean on it to perform searches on the internet. Use tools like keyword tools from Google or Yahoo. This information will define you what area of interest of your client.

I.e., in terms of internet search, get found not only the niche, but the sub-nicho of market which focuses or enfocaras your product and/or service. Other leaders such as Bruno Lo-Re offer similar insights. It is advisable get to find the micro niche. Once identified the sub or micro niche visit blogs and related forums, observes the demographic data (age, gender, locality, etc.) and your mood. This gives you a nearest profile between client/product. Step #3: Differentiation to follow the above steps, the picture clarifies much more. Even among the research found several competitors: between blogs, ads by payment posts, classified ads, etc. So the next step is to seek to differentiate yourself from your competition. Remember that a sale or joining your business proposal is through confidence and professionalism that you generate.

This even can leave secondly the amount of investment to perform or describing the product as the eighth wonder of the world. Conclusion from my own experience I know that you'll face many questions and facing the challenge of how to start to follow these steps. One suggestion is that you put for a moment of your ideal client side and imagine what is what you want to resolve. Don't be afraid to be wrong and use your imagination. Only through trial and error in applying the herein will help you define your audience objective for your business on the internet. Sincerely, Laura Silva Recomendacion: Download for free confidential report models of business more successful of 21st century and the secrets to being successful with more relevant information.

Integration In The HR A Level Thought

ESS solutions offer add-ons for SAP ESS solutions ERP integration in the HR thought one step further - offer add-ons for SAP ERP decision for an SAP system is largely determined by the high technical integration of the solutions and the associated savings. But what about the employee-related integration processes? In the past were commercial employees with stationary PC - workstations in the foreground or staff remained mobile often sidelined. A consulting company specializing in SAP and HCM, the needs of the employees has treorbis in numerous customer projects, in filtered out when it comes to self-government and ESS close solutions to their requirements. ESS made by treorbis"enables the integration of all employees of a company and thus a consistent process optimization with associated savings effects. The portfolio of services include: ESS-kiosk systems for employees in the commercial sector or without fixed PC workstation (E.g. in hospitals). Tailor-made ESS scenarios that require no SAP portal and thus also in non-SAP Web environments, both on newsstands and on the PC, are implemented with minimal administrative effort.

It ensures a complete integration into the SAP backend, without additional hardware costs. The proven SAP standard ESS and MSS solutions based on SAP portal, as well as the SAP learning solution. The advantages at a glance: appreciation: improving employee satisfaction through process integration and Acceleration, round the hour availability, transparency and flexibility in communicating with the human resources department. Savings: Reduce direct costs by automating routine tasks, workload of the personnel department by shifting the competence to the employees, lower transaction costs through electronic solutions (E.g. printing and shipping of the remuneration statement). Contact person for these solutions is Sebastian Peetz, head of profit center SAP HCM, treorbis GmbH). treorbis GmbH international based in Hamburg, Germany, Companies specializes in the optimization of business processes in an SAP environment. His topics include logistics, human capital management (HCM), Financials, analytics and technology. His field of activity covers the process consulting and project management application consulting to enterprise application integration. treorbis is special expertise partner in the areas of HCM and business intelligence. Contact: treorbis GmbH at the new Kara 2 20457 Hamburg telephone: +49(0)40 / 33 44-150 - 0 fax: +49(0)40 / 33 44 150-99 press contact: press and editorial office Schoof Pierre Schoof Lindemann 13 40237 Dusseldorf Tel.: + 49 211 679 0089 fax: + 49 211 679 0238 E-Mail: