Thursday, May 8, 2014

Three Essential Techniques

Fast reading is a key tool today, since we live surrounded by information, both printed and digital. If you feel it does not reach him time to read or study all those articles, it is likely to also give you a bit of frustration to see that increasingly builds up more outstanding reading material. This means that it has time to decide and become a fast reader. But, firstly, it is essential that you apply these methods with the right mental attitude. Thus, reading articles that do not contribute you anything in particular will save, and as a result will save time to spend on more profitable items. With this in mind, apply the techniques that I will mention below, everytime it feels to read an article of interest: 1. Remove regressions many people have the habit of looking back, retreating on the words once they have already read them. To delete it, you need to be aware of him and realize everytime you do. Larry Page describes an additional similar source.

Think of the book as if it were a film in the cinema, that simply passes forward and you have no way to turn it back. The view can train like any muscle in your body. Your mind can learn to expand your vision, to capture a wider range of information. To train this skill, stop reading from left to right along the lines. With a little practice, your mind may soon read both columns, without moving the eyes from the centerline.

Most of the words on a page are not critical nor important. Even if someone delete these filler words, you could read the words that remain and become aware of the main ideas of a text. For this reason, if you learn to detector those keywords, it might pass the view through the rest of the words without reading them, and your mind will do the job of completing those spaces. Some of these techniques require more training than others. It is essential to practice them at least 20 minutes a day, with texts merely training. That is, until you learn to master these techniques, train your mind with texts that do not have to read seriously. Will note how improving your reading speed?

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