Thursday, January 8, 2015

40 Years Of Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk

40 years of commitment to children in Germany the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk tomorrow celebrates its 40th anniversary. It was founded by entrepreneurs and merchants in Munich on February 17, 1972 and has its headquarters in Berlin for two decades. The German children's Fund as a children's rights organization is committed to improving the living conditions of children in Germany. "The Jubilee year 2012's motto is kids need friends ' attention with many actions on the rights of the child, and child support for their initiatives and projects. The Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk is committed for 40 years for children in Germany.

This initiate and support we above all measures and projects that promote co-determination and participation opportunities of children", stressed the President of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk, Thomas Kruger. We are very proud of the fact that we have helped through our work significantly, that very many children and young people in Germany have better living conditions than in the past. Was possible This above all by many friends and supporters who have made the work of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk possible through your donations. Given the high rate of child poverty in Germany is still a great piece of work ahead of us. Therefore, the German children's charity in its work is a particular focus on creating equal opportunities for all children in Germany.

We want our work to ensure that all children and young people in Germany can grow up healthy and fair education opportunities"as Kruger continued. The Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk commits his anniversary year with a varied programme. First highlight will be a great birthday party at the Berlin Friedrich city Palace with around 1,400 guests from politics and show business on March 11. Other highlights of the anniversary are the nationwide world play day in may, a SAP benefit concert in July in Mannheim and the Federal Centre of world child day Festival in Berlin in September of this year. A series of special events for children-political subjects, a study is also planned on the involvement of children in the kindergarten age and a large children rights Congress in autumn in Stuttgart, devoted to the theme of participation rights of children and adolescents in Germany. The German children's Fund is a nationwide active children's rights organisation. The mission statement of the organization sets the peer work fields of children's rights, child participation and child poverty. The German children's Fund uses the potential of local initiatives and social institutions to find out local solutions for structural problems of its children-political competence. This supports the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk professionally and financially. The goal is the improvement of the living conditions of disadvantaged children in Germany in particular. Further information and contact: Uwe Kamp, spokesman for phone: 030-308693-11 mobile: 0160-6373155 fax: 030-2795634 E-mail: Internet: and which became the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk children e.V., stakeholders for a child-friendly Germany, in Munich founded in 1972. As an initiator and the non-profit association committed supporter for 40 years for children's rights, participation and the overcoming of child poverty in Germany.

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