Friday, December 7, 2012

Mateus Read

Deus you, to know if you love you all your Gods with your heart, and all your soul. How can somebody say that the soul is not immortal? Perhaps the writer of such affirmation did not read in the bible in Mateus: 11; 29 Tomai on you my yoke, and you learn of me, that I am tame and humble of heart; you will find rest for your souls. However. If later that the man dies, it finishes everything for it, because Mr.

Jesus in says this to them? if read, did not understand. Because when Salomo speaks in Eclesiastes 9; 4,5 saying that: ' ' 4 However, for that it is between the livings creature has hope (because better it is the alive dog of what the lion dead) ' '. 5 Because the livings creature know that they have to die, but the deceased do not know thing none, nor neither will have they reward, but its memory is delivers to the esquecimento. Pure truth, therefore the body turns dust. It is saying that; while the man this living creature can save its soul accepting Mr. Jesus, because later that dies the body he turns dust, and you are welcome more if he remembers, to put the soul is immortal, it leaves the body when we die. What we need is to ask for to Mr.

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