Thursday, March 28, 2013


THE society of consumption since the advent of television was in sum already existing as the cinema, radio and the press media, building an architecture of global integration, which currently generates targeted ways to create a new social behavior called consumerism defined by the Real Academia Espanola as: trend immoderate to acquire, spend or consume goodswhich are not always required. In the world of the consumer society which integrate 1728 million people, whose 28% of the world population (242 million) live in United States (estimated to 2010). Only Americans watch television almost 5 hours a day, at the same time that the use of cell phone and the Internet to watch videos by users has increased, according to a study on the use of these three devices in the United States conducted by Nielsen (2009) market research company. What verifies that no doubt television is the medium that has greater power of conviction in what refers to the decision by buying a product. And although United States is identified by the consumerist lifestyle and style waiting that only arrive the weekend, to go to the mall (malls) in order to acquire products that are fashionable now are: clothes brand, shoes, electronics, among others. Long term this activity take the society to be integrated as part of individualism selfish beings, as if from a young age, are not an individual developing limits regarding the amount of things that can be purchased, in the future this will grow as a person who is unknown limits and therefore is ended as part of a company of citizens merely addition.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bundesbank Immigrants

The German Chancellor held what's the title of this article angela Merkel who faces a very strong pressure to take a harder line against immigrants. Merkel at a meeting with the youth of his party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) said that enable people from different cultures to live without that integration did not work in a country where more than 4 million Muslims, of whom 2.5 million are Turks inhabit many of which you can not write, read or speak German. This approach (multicultural), failed, failed completely, said the Foreign Minister in the meeting that was held in Potsdam South of Berlin. His CDU party, pressed in these moments to Merkel Government that directs to take more serious steps with immigrants who are not willing to adapt to German society and it could be that these comments are intended to reassure his critics. The Chancellor argued that Germany had asked very little immigrants in the past and reiterated that they should Learn German for approving school and have opportunities in the labour market. Let us remember that the debate about foreigners in the country got to the Red live with the publication of the book entitled Germany disintegrates, of Thilo Sarrazin, former director of the German Central Bank, who in his work among other things accused Muslim immigrants of lower intelligence of German society. The book cost him the dismissal of the Bundesbank to the author, but in accordance with public opinion studies carried out later, the majority of Germans agreed with their arguments.

A few days ago the important foundation Friedrich Ebert unveiled the results of a poll in which a third of the German population consulted, believes that their country is invaded by immigrants. The same study says that more than 50% of the Germans did not tolerate Muslims and 35% considered that foreigners plunge to Germany, while 10% of respondents showed a more radical opinion on the subject by saying that Germany should be directed with a firm hand by a Fuhrer (leader). German Chancellor in his speech referred specifically to recent statements by the German President Christian Wulff who said that Islam is part of Germany such as Christianity or Judaism. Merkel acknowledged that it is so, but pointed out that immigrants living in the country should do more to integrate, as, for example, learn German: anyone who does not learn German inmedeiatamente, is not welcome, said the Chancellor. The subject that has touched Merkel, is a very sensitive issue, but has told the truth in his assertions and is sad to admit it, but the concept of society multikulti has failed in Germany.

For Love Of Art

What is the origin of the term Creole penalty?. Much I remember the 1970s, when he participated in a musical ensemble playing guitar; the music that we did were Peruvian cumbia, salsa, rhythms and some of Santana. Weekends in had that going to play, I liked to see the television program dances and songs of the Peru, transmitting a was local; He was holding my acoustic guitar, and I would start to follow music chords which interpreted the musicians on television; imagined that he was playing with them; This helped me to know many Creole songs. At the end of the program, I was going to play. This program lasted a long time, and I always followed him in this way. In 75 more or less I started working playing guitar in a venue that was in the block 17 of the Av.

Arenales in Lynx; as I lived in the Rimac, had to spend with minibus by the 3 block of Arenales, and there existed a local which featured Creole show, Charles and his sentence, the I looked from the microbus, and thought: (as I would like to work on the death penalty). To my luck, one of the guitarists who worked there, lived in the Rimac; We met through another musician, and soon time led me to work in that place. Working on the premises, I had the opportunity to join in the musical framework, all the artists that I saw on television, in the program that always followed. There are many experiences, anecdotes and circumstances that I lived on the premises. Alternating with artists and seniors in age, I couldn't know that the term Creole penalty came in the year 1940. In the constitutional province of Callao, Criollo groups were formed to play guitar and sing folk music, and for being near the sea, took this nickname of penalty. Then appeared the musical centers, where also you could participate, singing, playing guitar, cajon and castanets; everyone involved in shifts, nobody was paid nothing. I not asked, nor I wanted to find out in that moment the thing turned commercial, because somehow I was part of this trade, (as graciously said a colleague, us us prostituimos musically speaking) the true meaning of the Creole penalty was that, join a fraternity, where everyone involved singing, playing guitar, playing cajon, castanets, and why not, taking some kind of liquor, and suddenly who knowsthey would prepare Creole dishes, but everything would be as it is for love of art I understand that in some districts of our great metropolitan Lima, continues with this tradition; that especially not degenerate in other aspects, so that folk music, has the presence that deserves and therefore hopefully this persita.

Buenos Aires

They could also opt to stay in a place, if they so decided on the fly, more time of the planned without having to follow the heading pre planned by agencies. Maybe it was more cumbersome because they had to handle, but all four were good conductors and could be exchanged permanently, with what was not transformed into an exhausting task. So they were touring all the points which had advised them. When they arrived in Zapallar, missing only two days to return to Buenos Aires is they fell in love of the place and its people. They were sitting at the table of a bar enjoying a beer accompanied by dishes of the place, when they observed in a next bar were that had a sign saying: owner traspasa local full.

Treat and gave address and phone numbers. The first to see the poster was Jorge who showed it to Daniel. To hear the comment Teresa and Maria they toured their view to the place. -Tell me if it would not be a fantastic idea that the four us did that local owners. It We would work together and devote the rest of our lives to enjoy the serenity and beauty of this place - said Daniel ecstatic and almost without thinking about what he was saying. -Seems to me a fantastic idea - immediately said Maria - in this way not only us this new stage, which has come down to us with our recent wedding but we also would do taking a way of life other than that he had until the date-- but our family is in Buenos Aires - she said Teresa melancholy - I could not see my children and grandchildren on a regular basis. - But instead - answered blunt Daniel - they would have a place free to come on vacation many times wanted to or could do so.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


The presentation is Basic for this first touchdown: a sheet littered with smears, stains, with different types and bodies of lyrics, complex and arid has likely to end up in the drawer of recycle paper. In any case the curriculum will occupy more than two pages of size A4, three if we bear in mind the letter. It is not necessary to enclose any documentation that we are facing a first touchdown. (2) Simple and orderly: must remember that the curriculum is our first presentation to the company, between the lines, it will distil information about us.

It is important, therefore, to show our best face: simplicity, order and harmony must be basic qualities of this first touchdown. We must avoid, in addition, be searched or complex expressions, contrived or pedantic terms, fleeing a grandiloquent tone. 3) Credible: Inflate the curriculum of false data or little certain not da result. After this first approach will come the hour of truth: the personal interview. In face to face with the interviewer, the candidate must ratify these data to a professional who has faced similar situations dozens of times. It is important to know sell, enhancing the qualities of each one - especially those that bring something to the offer that we respond - but should not be too much load the inks or otherwise seem artificial and false. Read more from CEO Google to gain a more clear picture of the situation. (4) Photography Yes or no?: only accompany our curriculum in a photo if they ask for it in the offer of employment. In this case, attach a recent image of size timbre and quality, never one of photo booth.

It is important that we display the photo with a relaxed and friendly gesture (not too smiling), avoiding the excess of makeup for women. As for the clothes with which us fotografiemos you must follow the same rules as the job interview: jacket and tie for them in the event that the post requires it or casual clothes in the case of creative jobs. (5) Fixed scrupulously: few things can cause worse impression in this first approach that the mistakes of spelling, grammatical errors, amendments and deletions in the curriculum. Although job you get does not require good communication skills, a full curriculum of errata hides after Yes to a disorganized person and little careful. Why we should never send it without having taught to any family member, friend or acquaintance that you can fix what us, improving it, or polishing it if considers it opportune. A tip: do not forget to save a copy of the curriculum and the cover letter that you adjuntaste. When you call to make a job interview you will come well take a look if you have more information or clarify something. Tea-Cegos, SA original author and source of the article.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


I prefer the first to the second, although if decanting becomes bound by the presence of precipitates, I can tolerate it. We will always have the option of serving with care from the bottle. In my opinion, decant is meaningless in the current market, where young wines, crianzas, wines of author (or garage or high expression) copan greater consumption. And where the reserves and large reserves seem destined for an audience more limited. In the latter could advise a decanting prior to tasting or tasting, but due to filtering techniques and other progress of current winemaking, sediments or precipitates that before funds from the bottles they frequented, and so many problems caused in the lingering of the wine, now they conspicuous by their absence. There are points for and against decanting, and, also, opinions found in this regard. I consider it necessary to listen and try, all options, because absolute truth does not exist here, either.

Those who prefer aerate or oxygenate the wine, citing possible aromas from reduction, They must take into account that there are marks where an excess of air will allow losing typical nuances of this Winery. On the contrary there are wines where oxygenation is necessary in order to enjoy aromas more pleasant. Where I disagree is in aesthetic decantation, addressed exclusively to look these decanters so beautiful that we all have at home. Let only when the wine in question, structured, with color, powerful, is very shy. Very closed, which costs it occur, and takes his time to make themselves known. Even so, if I have time, I'd rather uncork in advance, will not be with the movement, the wine losing its essence and part of your cover letter.

Finally if you are to decant a wine, I like to be as is into yesteryear, in old draught of a wine cellar, a media luz, in calm manner and slowly, liking, with the candle under the neck of the bottle and taking care each drop that goes into the decanter. Anything from eddies or sudden movements. Separating the precipitate with grace and not letting that you damage us tasting. Seeing it this way, the wine may know better.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Make Business Online

Today I was asked could you mention some businesses that work? or examples where ideas just get would say that the ideas of business that there is out there only is information and only serves as that, as information. Information which does not in action does not produce any results. And if you put it into action immediately you start to have your own business ideas. At least when you get to understand what you're doing. When we act only as we have become accustomed we repeat the old inherited shares of people who influenced in our children's lives.

And if we are not happy, if we have no quality of life and still do not have the Fortune you want, just want to say that our old custom actions are not appropriate, it must be replaced. How to use creativity to do business by Internet have success as entrepreneurs is a habit, a sequence of actions, appropriate reactions that lead to fortunate results. Beyond outside there is nothing like take the custom of being a successful entrepreneur. (Similarly see: One Direction). ES something that we need to make ourselves from minimal reactions and gestures more private. It takes time according to need which we feel that success. Creativity is in all people, since we have mind and think we can create. Since we have desires, tastes, dreams, preferences, etc., we have creativity. Many people believe that they are not creative, but it is safer not giving enough importance to ideas that have or the little things that happen.

For doing business online and become successful entrepreneurs we need give prominence to those small things in our life, tipping us for the positive thoughts that allow our business and personal growth. Soon not can make us more creative, but if suddenly we can give more importance to the things that we go and those actions that you possibly consider unimportant, too silly, or not appropriate for your way of being. The only way that do not pass us nothing is doing nothing, so I do not stay still, always get things. And if not do anything yet that you It is happening. Take notes, describes, have videos, images, etc. Share them on the Internet. On the internet there is always someone who finds it and even this can make it more simple taking your content where the people are. And if you still don't find concerned, followers, it is that you need to do more, more passion, more focus, more time, etc. Everyone who implemented a tool of communication, focusing on an action, made with great passion and determination manage to stand out from the majority. And to do business by Internetes just what we need, highlight the majority with content. Implement others ideas with internet have access to millions of ideas in business and many other types of ideas such as games, travel, meals, etc. We all have preferences and tastes and we can do searches on Google. Collecting ideas, information we won't do much good, but if we start to practice them, we will immediately have results, no matter if they are good or bad (let us qualify, please), only experiences that will give us ideas, and of course making more, practicing more, our ideas began to take shape. Fountain Using the creativity to do business by Internet original author and source of the article.