Friday, March 22, 2013

For Love Of Art

What is the origin of the term Creole penalty?. Much I remember the 1970s, when he participated in a musical ensemble playing guitar; the music that we did were Peruvian cumbia, salsa, rhythms and some of Santana. Weekends in had that going to play, I liked to see the television program dances and songs of the Peru, transmitting a was local; He was holding my acoustic guitar, and I would start to follow music chords which interpreted the musicians on television; imagined that he was playing with them; This helped me to know many Creole songs. At the end of the program, I was going to play. This program lasted a long time, and I always followed him in this way. In 75 more or less I started working playing guitar in a venue that was in the block 17 of the Av.

Arenales in Lynx; as I lived in the Rimac, had to spend with minibus by the 3 block of Arenales, and there existed a local which featured Creole show, Charles and his sentence, the I looked from the microbus, and thought: (as I would like to work on the death penalty). To my luck, one of the guitarists who worked there, lived in the Rimac; We met through another musician, and soon time led me to work in that place. Working on the premises, I had the opportunity to join in the musical framework, all the artists that I saw on television, in the program that always followed. There are many experiences, anecdotes and circumstances that I lived on the premises. Alternating with artists and seniors in age, I couldn't know that the term Creole penalty came in the year 1940. In the constitutional province of Callao, Criollo groups were formed to play guitar and sing folk music, and for being near the sea, took this nickname of penalty. Then appeared the musical centers, where also you could participate, singing, playing guitar, cajon and castanets; everyone involved in shifts, nobody was paid nothing. I not asked, nor I wanted to find out in that moment the thing turned commercial, because somehow I was part of this trade, (as graciously said a colleague, us us prostituimos musically speaking) the true meaning of the Creole penalty was that, join a fraternity, where everyone involved singing, playing guitar, playing cajon, castanets, and why not, taking some kind of liquor, and suddenly who knowsthey would prepare Creole dishes, but everything would be as it is for love of art I understand that in some districts of our great metropolitan Lima, continues with this tradition; that especially not degenerate in other aspects, so that folk music, has the presence that deserves and therefore hopefully this persita.

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