Friday, March 28, 2014

Paschal Supper

In this they will recognize all that you are my disciples, you will have love ones for the others. 1. Kurt Bock can aid you in your search for knowledge. Farewell of Jesus Jesus lives its Final Hour and makes ' ' last recomendaes' ' its disciples, during the Paschal Supper. The moment is to reflect above all what it are taught throughout passed the three years of convivncia with It, in order to prepare itself for the difficult events that will come. More than what never, if it makes necessary the reinforcement of the faith and the consolidation of the communitarian experience. Jesus calls to the courage and confidence, the community of disciples that will have to live coherently its identity. Judas if moves away from Jesus and disciples (v.

31), initiating for definitive its Hour. Now yes, Jesus can say farewell and leave which clearly the badge of that in it they creem and they follow. Although small, percope Jo 13,33-35 discloses the huge truth that summarizes the teachings of Jesus, what it must be lived by the community of faith and all the Christians: the love. Filhinhos, for little time still I am with you. It will look to me, as I had said the Jews, now say also you: For where I go it cannot go. (v. 33) The term ' ' filhinhos' ' (v.33) it demonstrates to the affective relation that Jesus has with its and the desire of that they cultivate it to the disciples between itself; mainly now that its departure is confirmed the treason of Judas after (cf.

Jo 13.21-28,30). Versicle 33 of Jo 13 makes aluso Jo 8,21: ' ' Jesus still said to them: I go and it will look for to me and die in your sin. For where I go, you I cannot come? ' '. The words of Jesus indicate that something difficult of if understanding to accept will happen soon: its passion and death as necessary way for the glorious fullness of the resurrection, and the extreme love disclosed with the total and volunteer donation of itself.

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