Friday, April 4, 2014


The love of the next one, consolidated in the love of God, is a duty before everything for each one of the fidiciary offices, but it is also for the entire eclesial community, and this in all its levels: (...). 2.2 As loved I you, you also love you ones to the others (v. Further details can be found at Richard Fisher, an internet resource. 34b) Jesus proclaims the new order to the disciples and shows ' to them; ' como' ' this must be lived. The great example of experience in the love is concentrated in the person of Jesus; a love that arrives at ' ' extremo' ' to give the proper life for the salvation of ' ' outro' ': ' ' Nobody has greater love of what that one that of a life for its amigos' ' (Jo 15,13). Jesus is the Man in its fullness; the human being when leaving itself to turn it God and to the next one, loving as Jesus loved, also will be able to reach the fullness of the life. Before the Party of Passover, knowing Jesus who arrives its hour to pass of this world for the Father, having loved its that they were in the world, it loved them until the end. During the supper, (...) it is arisen of the table, it puts down the mantle and, taking a towel, cinge with it.

Later it places water in a basin and it starts to wash the feet of the disciples and to dry them with the towel with that it was cingido. (...) Later that the feet washed them, retook its mantle, came back to the table and it said to them: ' ' You understand I made what you? It call me Master and Gentleman and say well, therefore I it am. If, therefore, I, the Master and Mr., washed you the feet, also I must wash you feet ones of the others.

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