Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The European Union Resources

There are many topical issues like population growth, intensification of economic activity and rapid development of industrial production, global climate change, urbanization, and so lead to depletion of water resources of our planet. About 260 major world rivers are divided between two or more countries. And in the event of a crisis of water and lack of clear arrangements may cause serious conflicts in interstate relations. Scientists argue that this problem threatens the Earth's natural resources due to population growth and economic development of countries. Learn more about this with Joint Chiefs of Staff . Specialists have identified three ways to meet the needs of economy while preserving natural resources: reducing consumption of resources, the search for the replacement of non-renewable resources, as well as the development of recycling and reusing materials.

In Europe in the near future will introduce a ban of seal fur numerous actions 'green', calls for protection from cruel hunting pups marine animals, have had success - The European Union has decided to introduce in 2009 a ban on the sale of products from sealskin. The only organization that opposes such a solution is the International Marine Mammal Commission North Atlantic. At the last session of the Commission were invited to apply to the European Union with a request change their decision regarding the seal hunt, based on research interests and considering in this case, rational exploitation of marine ecological systems. Slaughtering baby seals is prohibited in all civilized countries, but is still practiced in Russia, where hunting is conducted in the so-called ' rookeries' - places where the females produce offspring.

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