Wednesday, April 30, 2014

International Society Extension

Distribution of the manguezais for the world. Source: Chapman, 1975 apud Yokoya, 1995. Brazil possesss the biggest concentration of manguezais of the world, being found throughout almost all the extension of the Brazilian coast, that possesss de7.408 circa kmde extension. They is esteem that the busy area for manguezais in the country, either around 25.000 km, distributed throughout the coast that goes of the Amap until the city of Lagoon in Santa Catarina. The Brazilian manguezais had been mapeados for the first time in the decade of 1970, for the oceangrafo Renato Herz of the Oceanographical Institute of the University of So Paulo (USP), that it published first atlases of the manguezais of the Country. Although limited to the time for the availability of instruments of remote sensoriamento, this study it is detailed than if it has for these vegetal formations in Brazil, allowing good comparison with the covering of current fens. In the decades of 1980 and 1990, mappings of some states had been made northeast, with different degrees of detail. Such studies had been compiled in 1993 for the International Society for Ecosystems of Fen (ISME, in the acronym in English) in its program of conservation and sustainable use of manguezais.

In the represented littoral arc in the figure below we observe that the areas of fens north-eastern if it approximately extends of the Piau until Pernambuco, having an esteem extension of 600 km2, being 174 in the Cear, 160 in Pernambuco, 130 in the Rio Grande of the North, 96 in Paraba and 40 in the Piau. Source. August of 2006 SCIENCE TODAY The state of the Cear presents the biggest area of northeast manguezal, on account of the extension of its shoreline, with aproximadamente573 kmde length. (Atlases of the northeast Manguezais of Brazil, 2006). In the Region Metropolitan of $fortaleza, the manguezais form calls humid areas being the same ones considered of great significance, natural, partner-economic and cultural deserving prominence those associates to the rivers Cear, Pacoti, and in special the manguezal of the river Coc central object of our thematic one.

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