Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Electric Energy

If to bring chair of house, are interned there seated. 57% of the Brazilian roads are evaluated as in pssimo been or to only regulate. Airports saturated and with well-known insufficient installations to take care of at least to the normal daily demand. Netflix addresses the importance of the matter here. Production of electric energy functioning with a difficult pass to transpose, hindering a great explosion in the installation of transformation industries. Well, I said that I would not go to happen again itself, certain? The general situation of those of where if waits aid? In sequence let us see a small panorama of the economic profile of the socorristas of the letters of group BRICS (given of 2010, gotten of the CIA Central Intelligence Agency ) Brazil Population: 192 million inhabitants Area: 8.514.876 km2 the GIP 2010 (*): 2.090.314.000.000 US$ per capita Income: 10.887/ano US$ IDH: 0,696 Exportations: US$ 201.900.000.000 Importations: US$ 181.700.000.000 International Reserves: US$ 288.600.000.000 Russia Population: 142 million inhabitants Area: 17.075.400 km2 the GIP 2010 (*): 1.465.075.000.000 US$ per capita Income: 10.317/ano US$ IDH: 0,719 Exportations: US$ 400.100.000 Importations: US$ 248.700.000 International Reserves: US$ 479.400.000.000 India Population: 1,210 million inhabitants Area: 3.287.590 km2 the GIP 2010 (*): 1.537.966.000.000 US$ per capita Income: 1.271/ano US$ IDH: 0,519 Exportations: US$ 225.400.000.000 Importations: US$ 359.100.000.000 International Reserves: US$ China Population: 1,338 million inhabitants Area: 9.596.960 km2 the GIP 2010 (*): 5.878.257.000.000 US$ per capita Income: 4.391/ano US$ IDH: 0,663 Exportations: US$ 1.581.000.000.000 Importations: US$ 1.327.000.000.000 International Reserves: US$ 2.876.000.000.000 South Africa Population: 49 million inhabitants Area: 1.221.037 km2 the GIP 2010 (*): 505.214.000.000 US$ per capita Income: 10.243/ano US$ IDH: 0,597 Exportations: US$ 81.860.000.000 Importations: US$ 85.830.000.000 International Reserves: US$ 43,830.000.000 The data of the Zone of the Euro (removed of the electronic small farm of the American intelligence service did not make use them brought up to date up to 2010): Population: 321 million inhabitants the GIP 2010: US$ (or 12,220 billion 14.820.000.000.000 Euros) per capita Income This data is wronged as comparison factor, therefore it was found with ample edge of variation in its 17 members, of US$ the 7,000 78.000/ano US$.

It can be placed as a estimate of something around 32.000/ano US$. IDH: in the same way, information harmed given to the great difference of conditions of development found in its countries members. Exportations (Only considered the sales for countries of it are of the Zone of the Euro): US$ 1.952.000.000.000 Importations (Only considered the deriving importations of countries of it are of the Zone of the Euro): US$ 1.690.000.000.000 international Reserves: 0 US$ External Debt of the block: US$ .000 Considered the numbers above (the bigger GIP seven times that ours, external Debt idem, per capita income of almost the triple of the Brazilian, plus other factors, as the culture, as the social politics, as the period of training of current economic development), I do not believe that Brazil has great economic contributions to give for the recovery of the old continent. To the exception of China, looking at the thick way and without entering in details, neither I see in any another emergent country of the group of the BRICS conditions to influence of decisive form in the situation of the Europe. The ragged one offering the hand to the torn one Wagner Woelke

Monday, July 21, 2014

Machine Banknote

The manipulation of money is a tedious task and requires an optimal concentration for obtaining correct values. Anyone who has worked in the accounts of a company ever made a mistake in counting the notes manually. Always use with banking has been linked, but the technological development of recent years has allowed the production costs of the ticket counters get cheaper and has led to the emergence of these devices in SMEs. Functions of a currency counter machine: time. Significantly decrease the time spent. The speeds are comprendidads between 600 and 1600 notes per minute, depending on the Error model.

Eliminate the margin of error in the cash. Stops. Make packets of tickets with stops homogenized programming. Identify a ticket different within a group of tickets equal count. Knowing the number of tickets totalization. Knowing the number of tickets, the total value and the partial of each type of bllete classification.

Physically separate the Bills Detection. Detecting counterfeit banknotes that may have the package to be processed (if you have counterfeit detection) now well, there are many models, can choose the most suitable for your business? There are three groups of machines: banknote counters. They meet the functions time, error, stop, mix and counting totalizing or Valorizadoras for tickets. All of the counters masla homogenize spreaders of banknotes. All of the totalizing of classification can see a practical example. A company needs to process a number of mixed banknotes for knowing the value of those tickets. If you use an accountant, shall separate the Bills manually before inserting into the machine with a totalizing can process them mixed and you will obtain the number of tickets, the sum of the amount of all, and the partial of each type of ticket (number of banknotes of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5) that there is in total. But would still have the notes mixed with a separator of tickets would get everything, even the physical separation of notes concerning the detection of counterfeit notes there are machines certified by the Bank of Spain and the Central Bank European 100% detection of forgeries. You can check these results: in the Bank of Spain at the European Central Bank

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Digital Library

The issue most important to that posed to the researchers and scholars of this topic fascinating, is the relationship of magic with religion; determine feature magical phenomena and religious, so that both can be categorized properly. Scholar English Frazer (born on January 1, 1853), contributor to publications in Ethnography, history and anthropology, both England and France; to distinguish the magic of religion proposes two criteria: to - magical rites of sympathetic character, and b - acting under duress; While the religious rite that work by worship and conciliation, the magical rites have immediate mechanical action and religious an indirect effect and work by a kind of respectful persuasion. Your agent is a spiritual intermediary. Religion means, belief in supernatural beings who govern and direct the world and by the prayers and rites attempts to win his will. All this indicates that the course of nature It is, to some extent, elastic and variable, and that man can alter it imploring the aid of supraterrenales powers. This elasticity or variability of nature, is completely contrary to the basic principles of magic and science; because both assume that natural processes are rigid and unchanged, impossible to be loony or by persuasion nor by the threat. The opposition between these two ways of considering the universe, is founded on the following question: do the forces that govern the world, are personal and conscious or unconscious, impersonal?. As a conclusion of the supernatural powers, religion means first, since all conciliation means that the being to whom the action is directed is a conscious, personal, agent whose way of acting is somewhat uncertain, and that can be induced to change in the desired direction, by supplication and prayer.

Reconciliation cannot be used never to inanimate beings (those which are involved in magic), nor with the relationship to people whose behaviour is fully determined and cannot be changed under any circumstances.The opposition of religion and magic is, in this view, irreducible, since religion assumes an arbitrary direct power, and the magic the submission of passions and whims or immutable laws acting mechanically. It is true that magic many times refers to spirits, who are also personal agents, of the same class in which they put into play the religion; but the magic treated them in the same way that inanimate agents, i.e., forcing them and forcing them instead of getting his benevolence by prayer and supplication. This means that all beings, whether human or divine, are subject to those impersonal forces, which recorded the progress of things and that can be used by those who know how to manipulate them in the assistance of certain rites and ceremonies. Among the ancient Egyptians, the Magi sought to coerce, inclusive, the divinities more important, threatening them with the destruction if they did not obey. I invite you to visit the Digital Library of where you will find articles of quality checked for your personal and spiritual development: health, sports, entertainment, computing, languages, labour output and more.

North American

It is an extremely serious violation because for the simple fact that children can not play with her innocence and I say that because they take them only by manipulation that may have towards them and who feel less afraid to the faced with the war. Adds, child warriors, are playing an increasingly important role in kidnappings, assassinations and bombing in the streets in the country, say U.S. officials.The children, some of up to eleven years, now surpass Americans in Iraq foreign combatants in detention camps. Since March have increased from one hundred to eight hundred, said Douglas Stone, responsible for detainees Commander Maj. Gen.. The Times reported last month that there were 130 combatants not Iraqis in U.S.

custody on Iraq.Stone attributed the increase in the number of child combatants in the country partly due to the pressure that has exercised the campaign of North American security over the flow of foreign fighters.Less than they manage to enter the country, he said, and the militant group in Iraq al_Qaeda has difficulties to recruit adults. Joint Chiefs of Staff is often quoted as being for or against this. For this reason it has turned towards children.As they increase our operations, al_Qaeda in Iraq and others have begun to use more minors in the fight against us, and in the process have arrested more young people, said Stone.Dijo that the children are effective fighters because they are easily influenced, feel no fear in the same way as adults and do not attract the attention of U.S. forces Stone said that some children have told interrogators that their parents encouraged them do dirty activists work because the extremists have much money.The insurgents usually paid to children between two hundred to three hundred dollars by placing a bomb, which is sufficient to support a family for two or three months, say their Iraqi instructors at a U.S. Rehabilitation Center.Nearly 85 percent of children in detention are Sunnis and the majority of them live in regions dominated by Sunni Arabs to the West and North of the country.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Carolina Foundation

A special invitation received the Tehuelches youth group to participate in the second meeting Iberoamerican of youth CARTAJOVEN 09 which will take place in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) from 13 to 17 April, where issues such as public policy, and initiatives for cooperation and integration involving social group, as well as actions to address climate change and the international financial crisis will be addressed. On behalf of the regional organization, which participates for the second time in these encounters, concur Pamela Araneda, who masked the experience of their grouping within the framework of the defence of natural resources of Aysen and regional cultural identity. The meeting specifically is on the strengthening of the social networks at youth level and policy in Latin America. Now, we want to also carry the theme Patagonia without dams, do present and visible throughout the rest of Latin America said the leader, who is a graduate of Sociology of the University of Concepcion. CARTAJOVEN 09La meeting is organized by the Spanish Agency of international cooperation for development, the Carolina Foundation, the Youth Institute in Spain and the Iberoamerican youth organization. The work will be performed in workshops, using two blocks.One will be about the role of partnerships in public policies for youth such as creation of youth platforms, construction of youth citizenship and youth socio-cultural animation. Another will be devoted to strategies of strengthening associations and youth organizations, including the coordination and management of youth structures, internal cohesion of organizations and tools for sustainability of the groupings. The central objective will be to contribute to the development of the youth associative fabric and civil society organizations to strengthen their role as protagonists in the integral development of the Ibero-American countries..

Monday, July 7, 2014

Law Military

Using the ideological and bureaucratic apparatus, the State moved away from Militant unions its most militant ones, and the assembly of a strong repressive apparatus National Service of Informaes (SNI) and Law of Segurana Nacional (LSN) suffocated any plea to the authoritarian regimen. In 1968, with all the ideological apparatus, bureaucratic and repressive tax for the military, the Union of the metallurgist of Osasco (SP) tried to redirect the syndical movement: a strike deflagrou, believing the possibility of extension for other regions, but the Ministry of the Work declared the illegal strike and intervined in the union. military forces controlled the exits of Osasco and surrounded the plants that adhered to the stoppage and in the room day of strike the laborers had returned to the work. The repression of the military defeats the movement striker. Exactly with the failure of Osasco, in October of 1968, Contagem (MG), another strike was deflagrada, however in the room, under violent repression and intervention in the union, the strikers had day come back to the work. With intervention in unions having restrained movement syndical, the military completed, in 1968, with the institution of the 3 AI-5, the picture of social repression of the regimen. The assay of retaken to the syndical fights, attemped for the workers spoils, obviously restrained with truculncia. The regimen launched hand, after that, of some legal mechanisms aiming at the consolidation of an accomodated, passive union and tutored person, such as: prohibition of strikes, followed of repression the strikers (...); annual wage readjustments, with indices controlled and determined by the government (...); the prohibition of the direct negotiations with the patronage, that had passed to be intermediated by the Justice of the Work.

Sunday, July 6, 2014


I don't dare to use the Muslim saying go ECSC (casa de la moneda) to Mecca (Holy City) so I cannot pass to the owners of the murcian Disco that have had to change their name to the island. As Islamic fundamentalism spends them no wonder your acojono. Think who called Mecca bailoteo Center! Having done as others, who call their pubs Abbey, Basilica, Chapel, convent, Cathedral, without that nobody tear are garments, or what is worse, them threatens to put a bomb. So forget about already of Mecca. Moreover: I propose to delete the entry from our dictionary which, by extension, typifies like Mecca to a place that attracts as Center where a given activity has its greater or lesser cultivation. That banal wickedness entails similar definition! From now on, in time the Mecca of the film industry got or surfing, talk of the Vatican of ready-to-wear, the automobile industry or competitions bowling, although us sounds more corny. It is imposed, therefore, end up with this obscene proverbs that alerts us when there are Moors on the coast or mocks our false value ironically with that and the dictionary of the RAE to moro dead, great released. Ours, as all the world, is a dictionary made throughout history and especially neighbor's son collects linguistic infamies: Moors and Jews, Chinese and Roma but that linguistic wickedness and devote himself to put bombs include all a chasm that mere words are incapable of transferring.. Mark Zuckerberg may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Failure And Chaos In The Copenhagen Summit

Once again fails a very important Summit for those who had this plan to Earth, where his aim was not achieved and as very well says The Copenhagen climate summit is a failure that reduces the social credit of the UN and test the inability of leaders on the planet to reach agreement on a common project essential for the survival of humanity. So he says, that the world press exposes their perception about it, for example the American newspaper The Washington Times has denounced the failure of world leaders to reach pacts, evoking a cold day for Obama in Denmark. For The Washington Post, which spoke of an ambition lacking agreement, Governments must do better. The newspaper urged the U.S. Senate to adopt climate legislation, currently blocked in Congress.

For the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende, conservative ideas, the world leaders were willing, in a given time, to conclude an agreement, the will which was not in the appointment. Although the more chaotic conferences should give United Nations reasons for a great examination of conscience, according to an editorial in this newspaper. For Politiken, center-left, the failure is global, not local. The reality is that the world is not sufficiently mature to be governed in the community, adds. The fiasco of Copenhagen or the limits of the World Government, has entitled the French daily Le Monde, according to which the meeting veered towards disorder and illustrated the growing strength of China. The adopted text leaves the philosophy of the Kyoto Protocol, which imposed a limitation of greenhouse gas emissions reduction to its participants, added the Portuguese newspaper of reference news Jornal rotativoc emphasizes: the multilateral negotiating system tested by United Nations has proved a failure and will not solve the problem that threatens humanity. Copenhagen teaches US several lessons. China is a power with a decisive weight in the international arena, Brazil is a rising star, Europe has big ambitions but little influence and United States does not change much, with or without Barack Obama.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Become Owner Of Business

According to Michel E. Gerber, main problem of businesses that fail is not that the owners have no knowledge on marketing, management, finance, administration, etc. the problem is that they spend energy defending what they believe they know when there are other possibilities and ways of doing things. Surely, you'll agree with me that best business men are what they are because they risk what they have and are determined to get what they are proposed; This last seems a trite phrase, but it is reality. One man who decided to undertake and triumphant exit of the feat, is undoubtedly determined that the things happen. And this is not only part of the business world, in all aspects of life you need this ingredient and have a clear vision of the objectives and its consequences. What is happening with the small and medium-sized companies that open and close their doors? What happens with business owners? The reality is that the majority of owners are immersed in control objectives as those imposed on the business that they forget the business itself. The result is simple: less profit and more hours of work for the owner.

Consequently, we obtain one closing in the outrageous figures that certify closures, and a business owner frustrated by not having taken the best decisions. Hundreds of successful business owners give their testimonies, and one of the constants that arise almost automatically is that they focused their energies on the way of doing things, in the small details. They looked for the way to systematize your business, build a United team, encourage the objectives to meet them. In terms of customers were the task of knowing your market, they got prior knowledge; and most importantly, not launched the first coin to have in their hands the project with which both had dreamed of. Realize it was the first of their successes the question is: how You concretaras your project without a plan? Original author and source of the article.

The Streets

For it ... is of the school, in this uncertain world of the streets, if they produce ' ' others prticas' ' that they threaten to disorganize this pertaining to school order. Perhaps because these practical are not of are, but if they insert in the institutions and, when making it, they produce noise, in some cases emudecem the actors. (CABEZUDO, 2004, P. Interstellar often says this. 34). In the agreement of Becker (2004), the reality, however, does not respect limits. Everything what cause happens in the society impact, greater or minor, in the structure and the functioning of the school; it does not import the time that it delays to admit this.

Pepper (2004, P. 177) she says in them of the transformation of the school of an ample form, that is, it affirms that ... the necessary school to be transformed with certainty, in its form of management, the form to organize the process of education and learning. It needs to be transformed, therefore, in its space and its time, in its relations with the community, it she needs to be transformed into its proper insertion in the education system. One says that the schools need to be independent, but as it is that it is constructed and if this autonomy works? We need to leave many of our certezas on as to teach and as to learn, to start to think on as if it transforms the school into a formation space that I would call cultural, because if he cannot open hand of the necessity of children and young to be alfabetizados. What it today means to be alfabetizado, in this world where we live? We perceive, thus, that what is suggested is to transform the pertaining to school environment into a formation space and, so that this happens, first, we need to think about terms of ' ' to change escolas' ' later ' ' the system escolar' '.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Destroying The Endometrium

In the debate on the pill the next day, refused the harmful effect of LevoNorgestrel on the ENDOMETRIUM, stressing its secondary mechanisms, some are left doubting, today the Empire of death, without euphemisms of through, markets and sells the Ormeloxifen through May 2008 resolution directorial 6819-SS/DIGEMID/DAS/ERPF, offered as a selective modulator of estrogen receptors (SERM Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators(, by its acronym in English) with a powerful effect anti-estrogen in the breast and uterus, which manifests itself in the following way: 1.-produces a moderate stimulation of the tubal transport, causing the new being that it should reach the endometrium with approximately 150 cells in the form of blastocyst around the 5th or 6th day of life, do it before condemning him to death. 2.-Inhibiting proteins uterine, such as alkaline phosphatase, ornithine decarboxylase and the synthesis of DNA and RNA decreased quantity and quality of the endometrial glands and their secretions such as glycogen and Mucin, important nutrients the new being. 3.-Inhibits the decidualizacion and implantation, delaying the formation of the blastocyst adherence area, submerging the intervellosos spaces with maternal flow, causing by mechanical effect peeling, bleeding and the expulsion of the new being, murdered 4 days of life with approximately 100 cells 4.-inhibits endometrial vascular permeability and mitotic activity of glandular epithelium and luminar all these effects cause an ASYNCHRONY between the embryo and endometrium, by altering the implantation, as their manufacturers, without lapses and openly say which saves a useless debate and summons to doctors and citizens to choose between death and life, death which now comes in tablets from the distant India.. . Read more from Gen. Martin Dempsey to gain a more clear picture of the situation.