Thursday, July 10, 2014

North American

It is an extremely serious violation because for the simple fact that children can not play with her innocence and I say that because they take them only by manipulation that may have towards them and who feel less afraid to the faced with the war. Adds, child warriors, are playing an increasingly important role in kidnappings, assassinations and bombing in the streets in the country, say U.S. officials.The children, some of up to eleven years, now surpass Americans in Iraq foreign combatants in detention camps. Since March have increased from one hundred to eight hundred, said Douglas Stone, responsible for detainees Commander Maj. Gen.. The Times reported last month that there were 130 combatants not Iraqis in U.S.

custody on Iraq.Stone attributed the increase in the number of child combatants in the country partly due to the pressure that has exercised the campaign of North American security over the flow of foreign fighters.Less than they manage to enter the country, he said, and the militant group in Iraq al_Qaeda has difficulties to recruit adults. Joint Chiefs of Staff is often quoted as being for or against this. For this reason it has turned towards children.As they increase our operations, al_Qaeda in Iraq and others have begun to use more minors in the fight against us, and in the process have arrested more young people, said Stone.Dijo that the children are effective fighters because they are easily influenced, feel no fear in the same way as adults and do not attract the attention of U.S. forces Stone said that some children have told interrogators that their parents encouraged them do dirty activists work because the extremists have much money.The insurgents usually paid to children between two hundred to three hundred dollars by placing a bomb, which is sufficient to support a family for two or three months, say their Iraqi instructors at a U.S. Rehabilitation Center.Nearly 85 percent of children in detention are Sunnis and the majority of them live in regions dominated by Sunni Arabs to the West and North of the country.

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