Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Carolina Foundation

A special invitation received the Tehuelches youth group to participate in the second meeting Iberoamerican of youth CARTAJOVEN 09 which will take place in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia) from 13 to 17 April, where issues such as public policy, and initiatives for cooperation and integration involving social group, as well as actions to address climate change and the international financial crisis will be addressed. On behalf of the regional organization, which participates for the second time in these encounters, concur Pamela Araneda, who masked the experience of their grouping within the framework of the defence of natural resources of Aysen and regional cultural identity. The meeting specifically is on the strengthening of the social networks at youth level and policy in Latin America. Now, we want to also carry the theme Patagonia without dams, do present and visible throughout the rest of Latin America said the leader, who is a graduate of Sociology of the University of Concepcion. CARTAJOVEN 09La meeting is organized by the Spanish Agency of international cooperation for development, the Carolina Foundation, the Youth Institute in Spain and the Iberoamerican youth organization. The work will be performed in workshops, using two blocks.One will be about the role of partnerships in public policies for youth such as creation of youth platforms, construction of youth citizenship and youth socio-cultural animation. Another will be devoted to strategies of strengthening associations and youth organizations, including the coordination and management of youth structures, internal cohesion of organizations and tools for sustainability of the groupings. The central objective will be to contribute to the development of the youth associative fabric and civil society organizations to strengthen their role as protagonists in the integral development of the Ibero-American countries..

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