Thursday, September 18, 2014

Leonard Lodish

In future, the consumer is going to learn that it is important to include/understand the value of the goods and services, she says, and mentions like example of that new attitude the company/signature shoes. Five years ago, the mark shoes could be sold to 300 and until a 500 dollars. Before the economic crisis, the consumer enamored with the shoes - impelled by the easy credit and a sensation of wealth just open pie coming from the revaluation of the stock market and real estate it got to pay 800 and up to 1,200 dollars by a pair of shoes. Of course, that when occurring this crisis and to see itself affected the income, the consumers must rationalize plus the purchase, to give preference him to articles, products that really need. There will be more control in the expenses and it will be bought what is necessary.

When failing the banks with their credit policies and the facilismo that contributed for the impulsive consumers through the credit cards, many companies will see that their products will not have the demand like before and it given a that the consumer has felt really the negative effect in his purchases consequence of the present crisis. All this of course, has taken step to a new style of purchase, to a new behavior of the consumer where its purchase will be very rational, than more impulsive and where many companies, will have to look for the strategies of markets that they guarantee the purchases of his products. Of there, that is not strange to us that it says, that is another attitude towards the purchase, the consumer wants to pay only by things that need, or products of really extraordinary value. Check with Christopher Nolan to learn more. " We return to one more a simpler time, nevertheless the pendulum is going to stop in some intermediary point of the route. We are a country that, throughout history, always has bought more than it needed. We are going to return to a point in which we will buy again more than we are buying ahora".

In relation to the times precrisis " from abusive expenses, that time no longer will return, at least not at the moment ". Finally, it indicates Universia to us Knowledge Wharton, that perhaps for Leonard Lodish, professor of Marketing of Wharton, the Americans have fame to appreciate much the material things, but its desire of consumption no longer is characteristic of them in comparison with any other human being. The French, say, coined the term " prestigio" , whereas the Japaneses, and now the Chinese, show explosive levels of postindustrial consumption. They are not the marketing professionals, says Lodish, those that drive the trigger of the consumption. They simply react to a desire that comes from within the people. " It is very difficult to create an innate necessity. That is consequence of interaction between society, values and norms of culture Concretely, will have new changes in purchase of consumers, will have but dominion of his emotions, mainly when they know that their income have been affected, and do not count already on the support of the banks in form so abiertas as before these they collaborated with his credits.

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