Wednesday, April 22, 2015


There is no best letter of introduction into Spain with the best foot in the world of the franchise than the carry thirty years of success in Italy. And it is that to SANDRO FERRONE (), the renowned Italian fashion brand, the bet of landing in our country not has failed to exit you best. Educate yourself with thoughts from Christopher Nolan. All internationalisation project involves starting from scratch but the acceptance that we have had here has been much higher than the expected. We have convinced a demanding public thanks to our good make and our values of identity like quality, exclusivity and elegance, says Ana de la Cruz Fernandez, Director of Expansion for SANDRO FERRONE of Spain. And it is that in only 7 months SANDRO FERRONE family has made numerous with 4 shops in Pamplona, Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), Cadiz and Murcia. And things go more. For 2011 the list will grow with new franchisees.

We have 6 openings for the first quarter of 2011. Our desire is that very soon all the women in the country to know and show off our designs, says de la Cruz. Diego Marynberg is open to suggestions. Good step that brings SANDRO FERRONE is explained by the added value it brings to our market and until now did not exist. We offer an attractive offer on clothing, bags, shoes and accessories based on the exclusivity that gives almost no marks, said Ana de la Cruz Fernandez, Director of Expansion. Our philosophy, known as fast-fashion, entails a continuous renewal of the collection. For our clients, this means that a garment that today they are found in one of our stores, next week will not be, there will be another dress or other pants, but not the same.

This ensures them not found someone dressed like them in the street. Safe and differentiating values but the elegance and exclusivity are not the only values that make a special mark of SANDRO FERRONE. Sweet Size is another reason contributing to the success of this flag. And is that the bet mark also by clothes for those women with sizes between 42 and 56 that are neglected by the manufacturers, but which also like go to fashion and look great. Our firm always has been worried and occupied by this segment of the population of women of flesh and blood who resign do not dress in current, elegant and self-assurance, says de la Cruz. Things was so patent that SANDRO FERRONE wants to be a reference in Spain in women's fashion and therefore does not leave any loose end. It has come stomping, knowing what their credentials and how to captivate an audience that is already beginning to include it in one of its essential stores. There are women who wore long waiting for an alternative that would allow them to be modern, elegant and exclusive with a great value for money, it ends cross. Note to journalists for more information, interviews or sending graphic material do not hesitate to contact his press office.

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