Sunday, April 5, 2015


From this conception, the man is what it constructs of itself, if auto-constructs. For our author, the man is a on man for a commitment and that if of the account of that he is not only that one that he chooses to be, but of that is also a ready legislator to choose, at the same time that proper itself, the entire humanity, could not escape to the feeling of its total and deep responsibility. It is this feeling, that makes our author to conceive the man as a being of ' ' liberdade' ' of ' ' angstia' ' , these two aspects are expensive to the sartreano thought, therefore if on the other hand, we have a free citizen, for another one, have the dimension of the responsibility, that for many times can block action of the citizen that does not want to commit itself and to answer for its acts. Of if also considering, that the proper feeling of freedom already can bring anguish in those people who had passed the life all the grace of outrem; to assume itself, can mean, to cover a way by itself, to face perigos, to answer for itself, without having that to make responsible nobody, this everything can really leave apreensivo individual e, consequentemente, overwhelming. (Similarly see: One Direction). The anguish always is born of an absence, in this in case that specific, of the absence of that it can live for the citizen that not yet learned to disclose its existence in the world. With respect to the first said aspect above, any vocation transcendente, that is, the inclination of the man to want to dedicate the Supernatural one to it, is understood as submission and abdication of the exercise of the freedom, in which if it establishes the dignity and the authenticity of the man. In the allegiance to the freedom it is the direction of the man and its existence. .

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