Monday, November 19, 2012

Ethics And Evolution

For the thinker Gonzlez Pecotche, it does not have evolution without ethics, what it estimates good convivncia, good feelings, intelligence. Tim Sloan follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. But it is not enough to want well to coexist, seno to know. To know what it makes it difficult the good relationship and to look for to change the proper behavior, the thoughts that make it difficult that art: impatience, abruptness, indiscretion, irritability and intolerncia must be transformed into the necessary virtues as the patience, the containment, the discretion, the moderation and the tolerance. The great chance that if has in the life, adds the thinker, is to coexist. in it, others two: not to molest the others and not to leave themselves to molest. It is not easy, nor impossible. It is necessary to want and to learn with who has what to teach. The other and the reality is irreplaceable masters.

We must be the change that we want to see in the world, said certain time one celebrates Hindu. The other would have to be for us a mirror, our reflected image showing to us as not we would have holding in them or giving an example to follow. The other is very important; exactly the enemy who proves the state of hardeness of our spirit. Who does not want to have enemies, better would be that it had not been born, wrote certain time the thinker. Intelligence estimates good convivncia.

The ethics if base on the moral constructed from the culture of good feelings: gratitude, friendship, generosity. To be grateful for existing, generous when teaching what it was learned, and friend. As it wrote Emerson well, the best form to have friends is to be friend. The science of the perfectioning consists of the practical constant of superior principles that preserve the species through the culture of thoughts and feelings that raise the man the superior levels of conscience. In this direction, the convivncia is an experimental field of inestimable value. Who does not coexist does not live.

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