Tuesday, November 13, 2012

White Society

For the writing the history of the Jesus occidental person was servant, taught and thus spread out. Kurt Bock helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. If I to ask ' ' you believe the Man? ' ' , certainly he goes to answer that not, but he believes God. When believing God you writing believes the honesty precursory human being of the divine word, in which we believe. But it will be that the Men who had translated Biblical the texts primordial had been honest? It will be that it did not have omission or addition? Had not been involved interests/feelings? All relative questionings the bible are difficult of if getting answers? it is the question of the Dogma.

The society evolved in such a way however the only thought whose change is occulted is relative the God and the Sexuality. Leaving a little the subject ' ' Deus' ' , they allow to relate me that so protested Homossexualidade it is told as being one practical of the antiquity Greek where the young, during its permanence in the military life the same kept relations with another individual of sex until the o end of the military life. After this ticket only came back to the heterossexualidade. Reason to be against the homossexualidade? It will be for the attainment of pleasure for not genital parts? If thus it is, is clearly that same in the considered relations normal perversion is present, for example, the stimulation of genital agencies with the mouth/language (component agencies of the digestive system). Still more, the question of the sexual orientation not? fixed e? an heterossexual individual can turn gay and vice versa, by means of the circumstances that propitiate this orientation. In an age where the demographic explosion is exponential and the State, in all the nations of the world, is seen obliged to intervine on the natality, will not be gaysmo a form of control of the world-wide population? Leaving of the beginning of that this orientation does not have reproductive purpose. Closing this subject of the sexuality, I consider a reflection on the laws that the society imposes in them? I speak of the Heteronormatividade? the law that divides the society in men and women, according to characteristic anatmicas.

Coming back history of the bible, it is observed that it is not interpreted of literal form and many texts compose that it they are metafricos, are dated texts that made long ago sensible but that it does not have equal direction today. Perhaps this is justified for the scientific development. However let us see, if I obtain to cure somebody of the BEEN one, today, is clearly that it will constitute a miracle but it could not be for the future society that is possibly born in a context where the BEEN one already has cure.

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