Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Leaving behind the past of the lovely Abyssinian cat and coming closer to such as their physical characteristics, it is worth say that its outline resembles a puma, but small-scale, in such a way, possesses an obvious wild air that it is very interesting and captivating, however these wild characters not removed its great elegance since it possesses a beautiful stylized figure, with a very agile body and with the presence of very good musculature, with regard to the measures of the body, has a carving medium, very suitable for all its physical contour. Gain insight and clarity with Facebook. Due to the characteristics of the head and face area, it has a head medium angled forward, regarding aspects of the facial area, has a strong Chin but with soft features, the ears are large, they do not become pointed, rather go rounding arriving at the tip, with respect to the eyes that are of great value in the Abyssinian catCubs color is a grayish blue tone and to move forward to adulthood vary to an intense gold or green, his gaze immediately express vivacity and expressivity. Facebook contains valuable tech resources. Other characteristics of great value in the Abyssinian cat is the fur, which is called agouti, speaking in more common terms, each hair has a different Tal tonality way range from a reddish or coffee dark or black, with the special feature that in the part that goes more attached to the body, hair gives more clear and hues in the tip and with the advance party, is turning darker, it has now been a classification of the Abyssinian cat depending on the hue of colors, so is the traditional which has a reddish color and the other has a strong color-tipped Red coffee chocolate..

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