Saturday, June 28, 2014


Authors Rizzi and Haydt (2002) they describe different designaesque the human being has received as from Homo sapiens for having the deraciocnio capacity, of Homo to faber, therefore it manufactures objects and utensils and of Homoludens for the capacity of if dedicating to the playful one. In elapsing of the time existiramdiferentes people, society, behaviors, customs and if dedicating aatividades playful also are common to the man, throughout the time she can be assumed to quebrincar and to play had been activities carried through for different societies. As Redim (1998) in the primitive societies the activities ldicasfaziam part of some practised activities, such as religious, cultural, the artistic ones, among others. The act to play had in itself character deludicidade, everything had character of party, celebration. In these societies brincarcomo the act to work age for all independent of the age, sex or classesocial. With passing of the years, but specifically with the modern age houveuma division starting to exist specific spaces and times for practical the dasdiferentes activities. What it also reflected in the activities establishes with the adult others ecrianas. (Borba 2006, P.

33). Eainda according to Rizzi and Haydt: ' ' a playful trend, that is an impulse for ojogo.' ' The diferentesatividades practised for the man of some form are essential for suaexistncia if it plays is because this necessity exists, and to crianabrincar it is its form of expression, if communicating with the world, and if relacionarcom the other. in the following topic deaula will be argued the tricks in the room and if the same ones are valued by the professor. 2. VALUE DASBRINCADEIRAS FOR the PROFESSOR Is quaseimpossvel to imagine children who do not play that imaginaopara does not use all its to create different situations. The act to play is not alone passatempodivertido, something common in infancy and that it passes without leaving vestiges.

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