Saturday, November 30, 2013

In Brazil

Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, in the account as the acceptance of the black slavery was fast, before exactly of our continent to be discovered But the primrdios of the black slavery had been elaborated well before, in the coast of Africa, since the beginning of the Portuguese discovery. For this, the experimentation laboratory was an island desert, busy and colonized by the Portuguese already in years 1470: They are Tom, to the deep one of the gulf of the Guin. It was there that if it systemize the practical one that made of the black not plus a man, and yes a work instrument (2004. P. Check out Richard Fisher for additional information. 752) the indian obtained to become free itself of the pack of being enslaved in 1570, through decree of D.

Sebastio, king of Portugal. But the blacks had not had the same luck. In Brazil, in 13 of May of 1888, he only is that this people finally can have the privilege of if becoming free and mainly human, because until then, they had been treated as animal. For more specific information, check out Ugo Cappellacci . He turns themselves in history, to justify that an ethnic group, does not construct themselves without a past, identifies that them as such. In the scope of this reflection, we can perceive the memory as a quantity of souvenirs that in guarantees identification to them in the universe of an infinite confusion of possible souvenirs: in other rescued words, registers as souvenirs amongst that they had been forgotten (...) the proper experience to cultivate the memory it is the identification of the citizen of the memory I obtain exactly. (MOURA, 2005 P. 81). Continuing in this necessary reflection, it is questioned: in the literature of century XXI, the indian and the black can now express themselves adequately, not only as a being ' ' arranjado' ' provisorily to be a national hero? Or simply as one to be ' ' inexistente' ' , transparent, without identity? 5.

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Evolution

Let us assume that a religious person says: ' ' I have a body, but I am my soul and mine esprito' '. It can be questioned: but what or who it is? Already we know what it has: a body, a soul and a spirit, but, we do not know who it is. This is one of the main arguments for the dualismos. It has something that is inexplicable, subjective and, thus irreducible to the physics. However, exactly that if it cannot modify this ' ' algo' ' , it is possible, and, necessary that if it modifies the understanding on the physics. The question that emerges is: only for the fact of being inexplicable e, for the moment, irreducible to the physics, it means that, obligatorily, the world must dualisticamente be understood? It has a lingustico conflict whose world who had occidental person this immersed one to the dualismos. This problematic conflict is the possession. As well as the evolution of the religions of politestas for monotestas, I believe that the evolution of the scientific and philosophical understanding of the existence, tent to simplify the multiple in unit, thus, everything what it exists is a thing alone, and nothing more.

With the evolution of sciences, that already are not more accurate, one gives credit, that, of some form, everything could be explained one day, however, this ' ' tudo' ' always it is determined by the starting point of the citizen that observes. Under this aspect the fisicalismo alone can be supported if to recognize as provisory, while it cuts of the observvel reality. Perhaps the observvel of the future is inobservvel today, as well as in the past was not possible to effect thousand of comments as it is currently. 1. ARGUMENT AGAINST the DUALISM modern, effective science in the current academies and laboratories, much influenced still for the positivismo, creates dogmas, claiming truths, as well as the religions in general, whose same it attacked.

Adelaide Antonieta

She was lived, complemented, wise person for its opinions, different good of Flower in these aspects. Many writers such as Steve Blank offer more in-depth analysis. Incio looked at for Mileide with desire, perhaps until more desire of when it looked at for Flor.Ele did not obtain to disfarar the interest for this so attractive woman, that it conquered it with its so deep beauty and ousadia. Flower did not obtain to disfarar the disgust that the presence of the cousin caused to it. It found Mileide pretending that it was only waiting the moment certain to take its husband. Since conde very of the rich one was one widower, the interest of it could be for love, only thought Flower, in the way most ingenuous. Its parents had started to perceive this small hatred that it kept for Mileide and had decided to have a colloquy with it. In this colloquy they had decided that Flower would go to pass some days with its aunt Adelaide, wise and lived woman, whom he would know to take care of very well of it.

In the weekend already she was ready for the trip. He said farewell himself to the parents, the pretending cousin and its future husband. there it was if flower, with the pressed heart, therefore never it was so far from house before. also for sinewy, therefore wise person what she waited to it in Is not Bento, city where its aunt liveed. Arriving three people Are Bento waited for Flower. Its cousins, children of Adelaide.

Oldest if he called Aurlio, he had conqueror fame, he was plus a bohemian adventurer, who was made use to conquer it. The others two if called: Antonieta and Anita. Antonieta was of the way and Anita casula. Antonieta already she was married and it would know to guide Flor and Anita fianc of a farmer of the region.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Landscape

To study the experience place is to tie it questions that are gifts in several scales of analysis and to allow the creative and referenciada association in the concrete experience, of evident greater capacity of transmission and setting of knowledge. Elements for a project of ' ' city-educadora' ' To have the city as an object of geographic study is to study its systems of entrances and exits; its ways of accesses in some points; the Inter-relations with the population agglomerations; the economic and cultural dynamics of its inhabitants - that they generate the particular characteristics of the quarters -; the partner-ambient relations that if establish; the public services and the problems caused for the lack of them; the picture of the public health; in short, the diverse elements that compose the landscape of the place. To teach and to study Geography having the city as starting point facilitates and socializes the learning process, because the pupils articulate the scientific concepts in nets of meanings that them are not strange. See Steve Blank for more details and insights. When becoming incorporated itself it cartographic language, in the elaboration of maps and scripts created from the comment of the daily one, it is stimulated appropriation of all one fund of symbolic language and is transmitted a research instrument that becomes accessible the understanding of geographic concepts e, simultaneously, supplies to elements of analysis and concrete intervention in the urban reality where the proper students live. In the geographic education, to study the city contributes decidedly so that the pupils recognize the social and cultural action of different places and in them if they recognize. They start to understand that the life in society is dynamic and that the geographic space absorbs the contradictions in relation to the rhythms established for the innovations, what implies, in certain way, alterations in the behavior and the culture of the population them different places.

Monday Closing

For example when you realise calls in cold, you obtain a very common answer " Not me interesa" then automatically you could answer: Sir prospectus, exactly for that reason I believe that to you you could interest to him in that I am calling to him. Educate yourself with thoughts from Richard Fisher. How! I already said to him that it does not interest to me. Sir prospectus djeme to explain to him: the majority of people that we did not call either within its industry was interested we contacted when them for the first time. Nevertheless those that seemed interested less turned out to be satisfied increasing their sales with dramatic way. So when you say to me that this interested that could not mean that our solution is exactly what walked looking for to increase its sales. I would like to interview with you to show to me to him what our product can make by you to help him to increase its sales.

That you are a occupied person reason why only I need ten minutes its time. What would be the best hour for you? It can Monday in the evening or it prefers Tuesday in the morning? The idea of this closing of sale is to apply a logical, irrevocable and irresistible answer that it makes include to the client or prospectus who will not exist one better occasion to acquire your product or service in the future. To make him notice that if it decides to let pass the opportunity today. Its decision will repel at some future date in its pocket. Now the sale closing practices: it chooses the six more common objections that you can find in your industry for your product and/or service and adapts this closing of sale in a sequence of irresistible logic that helps you to refute more objections and to close more sales.

If you already use this closing of sale with effectiveness it lets a commentary to share your experience with the others. If you like this entrance she leaves a commentary. Allowed the partial or total reproduction of this article as long as the data of the author are conserved and the Blog.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Alert

The reply? Simple E! To grow in the favour and the knowledge, it demands determination, it resigns, effort, much search of God, many research, to be able to leave the superficiality and to dive deeper where meets the biggest wealth of the revelations of God. The profile of that they take a superficial life Christian not demands them effort, therefore they themselves had opted to this type of behavior. They are not assduos to the worship cults the God, cult of conjunct and a rarity they to participate, sunday Biblical school! In the call notebook they have more absence of what frequencies know little or almost nothing on the basic doctrines of the Bible. Know why they have that to die for this life of Christian superficiality? accurately because of what God speaks concerning of them, observes the versicle that if follows. Chinanews: the source for more info. Hb 5:11 On this we have much that to say, but difficult interpretation, inasmuch as you became delayed in ouvir.12 Because, having already to be masters for the time, still you need that if you it becomes to teach the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have become such that you need milk, and not of solid food. Loved (a) it dies (life style) for this life without favour that you this living inside of the Christianity for taking a superficial life where you always need to be taught and never have nothing to teach to the others for lacking to devotion spiritual to it, in the truth the alert one of God in the above-mentioned versicle and that many for the Christianity time that has, already were for having knowledge the sufficient to be master, but for the fact not to go deep the Biblical truths still need to be treat as a new converted. It changes your position already, it dies for this life of superficiality and deeper diving in the Biblical reading, the conjunct, the sunday Biblical school, the carried through study Biblical in the temple where you congregate and thus God goes to use to it powerfully. .

The Colonel

This week, Tonho of the waterfall did not want to vender the sugar cane for the Colonel. It knows what it made? It was there with it polices and it arrested the family all and still it was with the sugar cane of the man said the man lowest. - It polices and it comes here in this end of world? - Jorjo asked. - Only when wage increase has worker asking for. - the man said smiling, Jorjo also smiled. It was arisen paid cachaa to it. It was said farewell to all and it was even so.

* - It is as soon as if of the party. The piozada one left all happy one. Lode until people of the capital. - San Colonel said, without if of the account in what he was for happening in that night. - It was a very pretty party, exactly. The Colonel must have expense much money said its wife. - I spent one hundred, tomorrow I I gain a thousand I said the happy Colonel.

- Wise person who the two cachorros had died? They had given ball. - the employee said. - And who gave to ball my cachorros of hunting? Because they had not informed to me? It will be that he was the old Ernest? Tomorrow want I it outside of the farm! without right the nothing. It, irritated informs the Jaime said. Jaime was a gunman who came of the south of the state and that he helped the American to expand its domnios, leaving behind itself an immense track of blood. When the worker wanted to go even so, if he was old, executed it to Jaime and if he was young, cut to it the tendes, what it hindered the worker to run away.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Zealand

The report showed that 39% of them were arranged to even leave losing or gaining the same, when in 2008 only 10% were arranged to resign to their present pay or considering to maintain it. Another component indicates that the percentage of people who only were prepared to receive as minimum the double of their present wage in exchange for emigrating I fall from a 36% two years ago to present 17%. But the danger to be shipwrecked is eminent because many are not or well-educated or have totally unfortunate ideas about the life of a country far from their house. Here, Mingsheng Hong expresses very clear opinions on the subject. They do not commit this slide! But that to do? Here we have the solution - TO EMIGRATE On approval by a short time and without commitments! I crossed to take the first step! Part to countries like Australia, Canada, South Africa or New Zealand. It studies the language in the country.

It makes new contact with enemy, friendships and picking up valuable experiences. For more information see Kurt Bock. It would orient in the country of all the aspects of the social life. It takes advantage of his stay to find a use, a floor, apartment or house, and prepares he last step - the eventuality to emigrate. Why it must make a so great step in his life - perhaps most important - without consulting first a where takes all this to him? Simply to live during a time limited in one on these countries and to observe and to prove with calm all the aspects of the new situation. There is nothing like the own experience! TO EMIGRATE On approval - To try is better than to study! -

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pablo Freire

He is the proper author whom it affirms citing Freire (1974, P. 22): To have dialogue, it is necessary that the parts if pronounce. For more specific information, check out Richard Fisher. The occultation and the muteness in the oppressor-oppressed relation can in such a way be attitudes one how much of another one. The oppressor, when he does not desire to leave itself exactly and to share its good, refuses it the dialogue and emudece, in other words, forbears not to dialogue. In turn, also the oppressed one can be occulted and refuse it the dialogue, and several you defend, very observed well for Pablo Freire, concur for this type of attitude. One of them is when it, the oppressed one, is had as ignorant and if thus accepted.

In this in case that, everything is facilitated for the oppressor, since oppressed accepted its incapacity as if it was a condition human being, hardly if considering to the fight to conquer space for the dialogue. It will finish passively accepting submisso and the impostures oppressing it. The professor is the desencadeador citizen of the dialogue, provoking the pupil so that it if presents. But as to dialogue? How to speak and to write? This exactly author, says that these practical dialgicas lived deeply in the classroom are resultant of ' ' comments, readings and pesquisas' '. These activities can foment the attitude dialgica, ' ' that it is a challenge attitude.

E alone the challenging education makes possible the real development of the potentialities of homem.' ' (BENINC, 1982, p.24). Zitkoski (2007, p.46) citing Pablo Freire says that the dialogue is the moment where the human beings if find to reflect on its reality as make they remake and it. still strengthens that the freiriana conception of dialogue involves the dimension of the intellectuality as of the emotion and the direction of existence. It allows that if he accomplishes the construction of understanding of concepts on the reality.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Public

Ahead of the displayed one, it is evidenced the agreement of that activities or services are considered public if to take care of to the interests of the collective, that is, they need to be directed, of general form, for all. Essential, also, that the development of this activity or service is regulated by the State, that is, exactly that the state machine does not give the service directly, this will only be public when it will be for regulated it. It is observed that in the whole world, the attributions of the public service are passing for transformations. See Ugo Cappellacci for more details and insights.

The trends that had prevailed in years 80, searching to diminish the paper of the government in some important areas have contrarily to the foreseen one, increased the critical significance of the paper of the State in others. That is especially evident when if it considers the strategical, conducting activities and regulating of the State, on which the freedom politics, democracy, social justice and economic prosperity wide depends. Such tasks must in such a way be exerted in international or intergovernamental national level how much. Thus, the operations of the public administration must concentrate its efforts in the direction to increase its cost-effectiveness and transparency. The changes must help to function it better, to the lesser possible cost, promoting transparent and professional public a management, in benefit of the citizen. In this process of modernization, the search for the quality in the installment of the service to the public became an imperative in face of the new position adopted for the public administration, where the focus is directed for the user, its end and reason to exist, it excusing an attendance of excellency, who places the services, routines, norms and behaviors its service, of transparent, participativa and inductive form of the social control. public organization must follow then the strategy of the user, that is, it must prioritize of total form the user-citizen.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Virgin Maria

From its fortified palace was seen there well but not it population, because it was hidden after the hard slope between the Romance church, also in reconstruction, and the Negro river. In that one unevenness, far better protected of winds of the north, people however yes saw the castle in reconstruction in the top of Mont-Bell. That one concentration of people to borders of the river they had in the highest part of where they were its houses, the entrance of the catholic temple dedicated to the Virgin Maria, who like everywhere of the Pyrenees and the south of France, even all the Christian orb, was devoutly venerated with the divine Boy in its lap. From the first times of the templarios horsemen, its devotion had been harnessed, if they were especially images of black color, being the hopeful nucleus of the laborious lives of the people. In the days of Arnau de Torroja one venerated in Getseman, very next to Jerusalem, the tomb of the Virgin Maria, as the same had occasion to verify years later.

It was so well located that they constructed his tomb isolated in the middle of cripta and above benedictine rose to a temple to which was acceded by moumental stairs. The kings and leaders cruzados, there as well as their families, asked to be buried. Its tomb in feso was of invention many centuries later. As far as the temple Romanesque of Solsona something remote of the palace was located then fortified that was the familiar residence of count Ecard-Watch in the level one (later called Mr. of Torroja). Between the old church and its palace today the winding streets run that they form in old helmet of the city of Solsona, being easy to imagine that when the Arnau young person did his first gallops to caballopor that one land, it had preferably of by being always later called " street of the Castillo" , that is the main artery of the city.

Doug Hurley EEI

Its east landing Thursday will close the era of the North American space rocket. The objective of the USA is to reach an asteroid in 2025 and Mars in 2030. The Atlantis ferry took leave east Tuesday of Estacin Espacial Internacional (EEI) to a trip without return and its east landing Thursday in Cabo Cane plantation will close the era of the North American space rocket. A chapter of thirty years of history whose end will leave a flavor bittersweet. The crew awoke with the Don' song; t Panic, of Coldplay, dedicated to pilot Doug Hurley, person in charge to guide the Atlantis in its maneuver of undocking of the EEI. And the ship, with its four astronauts on board, loosen to 08,28 mooring cables to Spanish peninsular hour, when they were to 391 kilometers on the Pacific Ocean after eight days, 15 hours and 21 minutes acomplada to the orbital laboratory.

The ferry completed its pirouette of inspection around the Space station with the aim of which the crew of the station could inspect ocular of the ferry, while from the ship took three-dimensional photos from high quality with the robtico arm. The intention was to determine the condition of the thermal panels who have the cover, the leading edge and the surface of the wings that protect the Atlantis that, when entering the atmosphere their return, will be put under a temperature of about 2,000 degrees. 35 years in the space No ship will replace the vehicle that during 30 years has taken to load and crew to the space. The NASA has yielded the witness to the private sector so that it develops the ship of the future, taking advantage of some the capacities of the space agency, and it has been marked like new objectives human exploration reaching an asteroid in 2025 and arriving at Mars in 2030. The space agency hope that the first commercial vehicles are ready for 2015; meanwhile, the American astronauts will depend on the Russian ships the Soyuz to travel to the EEI, whose trips will have to pay about 50 million dollars. The program of the ferrys initiated its walking in 1981 with the launching of Columbia that they followed the Challenger (1983), the Discovery (1984), the Atlantis (1985) and the Endeavour (1992), that became the flag of the space reconnaissance of the USA.

The Challenger and Columbia suffered individual accidents first operated 73 seconds after taking off in January of 1986 and Columbia was disintegrated in February of 2003 when rejoined in the atmosphere, which caused that the public tied still more with the program. In this last mission, the Atlantis have taken more than 4,000 kilos of provisions and equipment, including more than 1,100 kilos of food, that will help to that the EEI continues operating during 2012, and several experiments, one designed for the vaccine development against salmonella. Like memory of this historical mission, before closing the two hatchways, the crew of the Atlantis gave to their companions of the EEI the flag that a commemorative shield of mission STS-135 traveled to the first space trip and, the last one of the era of the ferrys. Source of the news: Atlantis ferry says to its definitive goodbye to the Space station the International

Sunday, November 3, 2013


The necessity of the man to know beyond which it can empirically, took to create novel methods to know it hidden and to predict what was about to come. The tarot and the future has been able to be united, offering an answer maintained in the time to that one constant demand of information. In this case, we will try to come near to the beginnings of the Tarot and its use, still today, like method of divination of the future. Although an accurate origin of the Tarot does not exist, widely it is spread that the origin of naipes is of old Egypt, being a derivation of the famous book of Thoth. This one is a sacred book that according to is created, was dictated by the Egyptian God Thoth, that owned the gift to the future anticipate and the measurement of the time, and was considered by the town able to handle to the life and destiny of each of them. From their then origins, the tarot and the future closely is related, being this one considered an old divinatory art.

From the engravings of the book of Thoth it derives the creation of the arcane majors that in fusion with arcane minors identify to the daily life. Tarot is as it is denominated to the letter set that locks up in the symbolic images of the arcane ones to the hermetic and esoteric knowledge of old spiritual teachers. Tarot and future are then, that one formula that is used for centuries in diverse cultures like prediction method. That the Tarot is a divinatory method, implies a contact with divinities. The tarotista is an intermediary between these and who consults, reason for which deep, suitable information is required with respect to the symbolism, the colors, the positions and the characteristics of letters. As well as it sends to special importance counting on an ample exercise of meditation that helps to reach a spiritual ascent and the self-knowledge to reach a fit interpretation. It could be said that the main element of prediction of this oracle is the inspiration, quality that will facilitate the revelation of mysteries of the unconscious one, since it always reveals hidden it and it offers to the consulting one to find precise the problem and, in this way, offers wise people advice so that the solution can be.

The tarot and the future forms an alliance inseparable, able to respond to the human curiosity, with respect to referring subjects to the material, physical world and to the spiritual. It is a fundamental element for the analysis of the future and looks for to give answers to those doubts that afflict to us. Bound, tarot and future could throw light on the way to follow in the antiquity and is a method that still today has use.