Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pablo Freire

He is the proper author whom it affirms citing Freire (1974, P. 22): To have dialogue, it is necessary that the parts if pronounce. For more specific information, check out Richard Fisher. The occultation and the muteness in the oppressor-oppressed relation can in such a way be attitudes one how much of another one. The oppressor, when he does not desire to leave itself exactly and to share its good, refuses it the dialogue and emudece, in other words, forbears not to dialogue. In turn, also the oppressed one can be occulted and refuse it the dialogue, and several you defend, very observed well for Pablo Freire, concur for this type of attitude. One of them is when it, the oppressed one, is had as ignorant and if thus accepted.

In this in case that, everything is facilitated for the oppressor, since oppressed accepted its incapacity as if it was a condition human being, hardly if considering to the fight to conquer space for the dialogue. It will finish passively accepting submisso and the impostures oppressing it. The professor is the desencadeador citizen of the dialogue, provoking the pupil so that it if presents. But as to dialogue? How to speak and to write? This exactly author, says that these practical dialgicas lived deeply in the classroom are resultant of ' ' comments, readings and pesquisas' '. These activities can foment the attitude dialgica, ' ' that it is a challenge attitude.

E alone the challenging education makes possible the real development of the potentialities of homem.' ' (BENINC, 1982, p.24). Zitkoski (2007, p.46) citing Pablo Freire says that the dialogue is the moment where the human beings if find to reflect on its reality as make they remake and it. still strengthens that the freiriana conception of dialogue involves the dimension of the intellectuality as of the emotion and the direction of existence. It allows that if he accomplishes the construction of understanding of concepts on the reality.

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