Saturday, November 30, 2013

In Brazil

Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, in the account as the acceptance of the black slavery was fast, before exactly of our continent to be discovered But the primrdios of the black slavery had been elaborated well before, in the coast of Africa, since the beginning of the Portuguese discovery. For this, the experimentation laboratory was an island desert, busy and colonized by the Portuguese already in years 1470: They are Tom, to the deep one of the gulf of the Guin. It was there that if it systemize the practical one that made of the black not plus a man, and yes a work instrument (2004. P. Check out Richard Fisher for additional information. 752) the indian obtained to become free itself of the pack of being enslaved in 1570, through decree of D.

Sebastio, king of Portugal. But the blacks had not had the same luck. In Brazil, in 13 of May of 1888, he only is that this people finally can have the privilege of if becoming free and mainly human, because until then, they had been treated as animal. For more specific information, check out Ugo Cappellacci . He turns themselves in history, to justify that an ethnic group, does not construct themselves without a past, identifies that them as such. In the scope of this reflection, we can perceive the memory as a quantity of souvenirs that in guarantees identification to them in the universe of an infinite confusion of possible souvenirs: in other rescued words, registers as souvenirs amongst that they had been forgotten (...) the proper experience to cultivate the memory it is the identification of the citizen of the memory I obtain exactly. (MOURA, 2005 P. 81). Continuing in this necessary reflection, it is questioned: in the literature of century XXI, the indian and the black can now express themselves adequately, not only as a being ' ' arranjado' ' provisorily to be a national hero? Or simply as one to be ' ' inexistente' ' , transparent, without identity? 5.

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