Sunday, November 10, 2013

Virgin Maria

From its fortified palace was seen there well but not it population, because it was hidden after the hard slope between the Romance church, also in reconstruction, and the Negro river. In that one unevenness, far better protected of winds of the north, people however yes saw the castle in reconstruction in the top of Mont-Bell. That one concentration of people to borders of the river they had in the highest part of where they were its houses, the entrance of the catholic temple dedicated to the Virgin Maria, who like everywhere of the Pyrenees and the south of France, even all the Christian orb, was devoutly venerated with the divine Boy in its lap. From the first times of the templarios horsemen, its devotion had been harnessed, if they were especially images of black color, being the hopeful nucleus of the laborious lives of the people. In the days of Arnau de Torroja one venerated in Getseman, very next to Jerusalem, the tomb of the Virgin Maria, as the same had occasion to verify years later.

It was so well located that they constructed his tomb isolated in the middle of cripta and above benedictine rose to a temple to which was acceded by moumental stairs. The kings and leaders cruzados, there as well as their families, asked to be buried. Its tomb in feso was of invention many centuries later. As far as the temple Romanesque of Solsona something remote of the palace was located then fortified that was the familiar residence of count Ecard-Watch in the level one (later called Mr. of Torroja). Between the old church and its palace today the winding streets run that they form in old helmet of the city of Solsona, being easy to imagine that when the Arnau young person did his first gallops to caballopor that one land, it had preferably of by being always later called " street of the Castillo" , that is the main artery of the city.

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