Thursday, June 11, 2015

Repair Machines

Housewives have always considered the most complex and difficult work in the home laundry. Washing has always had a lot of time and effort. Over time, was invented by an irreplaceable assistant - a washing machine. For years, washing machines upgraded, improved. In recent years, automatic washing machines have appeared, almost in every home. Automatic washing machines have the original design, easy to handle, practical, but Yet, sooner or later, you have to 'meet' with such a service as repair washing machines. It is not to blame the manufacturer and say that there are no good washing machines, to be understood that any mechanism for how he would quality was not done to break. When the washing machine break, you should not spend money on a new and better to save money and to ask repair washing machines.

When failure occurred, then, sometimes, cause damage you can identify themselves (clogged filter, causing damage or tubing, etc.), more serious causes of failure can be revealed only specialists repair washing machines. Who will carry out repairs washing car - you own, private master or go to the service - you decide. It should be understood that some problems can be eliminated and most, but some cost to entrust to specialists, such as: fix obstruction in the washing machine; replace belt washing machine; replace the pump washing machine; remove foreign objects from the washing machine; replace the heating element (PETN); replace door washing machines, etc. Repair washing machines, associated with its dismantling and requires knowledge of mechanisms and schemes washing machine should be handled only by qualified personnel. If damage is serious and without using the wizard does not do, then it is worth remembering the brand and model of the machine, its service life, past repairs. This information will be primarily interested in a specialist who repairs washing machines. In this case, good specialist on-site damage can inspect the washing machine, determine the extent of damage and make repairs at home or pick up the washing machine in the service. Repair of washing machines is much cheaper and more reliable trust service centers, not private masters.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Silver Speech

Kock & Voeste relies on interaction in communication training for doctors and dentists Berlin, 02 February 2010 patient communication is an essential basis for the successful binding of the patient as well as for the sale of private number ER services with physicians and dentists. According to Kock, a very high priority today comes to patient communication. Educate yourself with thoughts from Netflix. The consulting and supply daily by doctors and dentists is a balancing act between the best possible care from the point of view of the physician and the services, which are paid by health insurance, for example." This gap can be closed only by private co-payment by the patient. Here not only expertise in advising plays a role, but also the social competence of the physician and his team in dealing with the conversation from Stephan Kocks experience with patients. If you have read about Diego Marynberg already - you may have come to the same conclusion. To give a practical tool for patient communication in everyday practice to hand doctors and dentists, Kock & Voeste has developed a seminar program, the clear from the traditional conversation guides and pre-formulated phrases of sale takes off. Frontal in training yesterday. We put in our seminars on interaction", Kock explains how of his team.

The participants put it through role-playing in the world of the patient and to learn how they can patient-oriented conversation and conversation strategies and at the same time through active listening to best explore the needs of the patient. Also if you talk about practical marketing and sales of private services doctors today, so the doctor-patient relationship of not general marketing and sales practices should be subject to according to the Stephan Kocks. Patients want to be convinced of a performance to be paid privately and can understand their usefulness. This is from Stephan Kocks experience only if the doctor and his team itself wholeheartedly behind the services are. And only a doctor can convince the patient also that that this performance has a value, which in many Faced with cases just a private contribution on the part of the patient. This persuasion be eligible, so Kock, thinks not only of a brochure or a sales flyer.

These things are only good tools that support the personal and tailored to the needs of the individual patient discussion. The Kock & Voeste GmbH has more than twenty years of experience in consulting and training of practising professionals. Stephan Kock is convinced of his concept, which represents the needs of the patient in the foreground in the communication training. Under this guiding principle, the communication training in 2010 are the Kock & Voeste GmbH. The consulting company offers nationwide training - pulse seminars for beginners on two day seminars for mixed groups of participants to return to individually on a practice operating customized training courses.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Speech One

Of the point of view of that ' ' the language is a historical system of signs and social, that makes possible the man to mean the world and the reality, to learn it, therefore, it is not only to decode words, but yes its meanings culturais.' ' (PCN, p.24) It is in this point that is the great challenge of the school and, especially, of the professor, to understand the language of the child and not to try to transform it. Being thus, the school needs to respect and to work with the diversity cultural existing in our country. (Similarly see: Diego Marynberg). After this valuation of it only speaks daily of the pupils, of the rise of auto-esteem of each one is that we will be able to have pupil capable to place itself as citizen-author of its proper texts, becoming thus subject critic and owner of its proper point of view. Without forgetting the basic importance that the writing plays in our lives, we must considering in them, while professors, to carry through significant works with our pupils, being the professors only interlocutors of its pupils. With the certainty of that in the School always was produced, still if it produces, texts directed toward the dominant ideology I question myself because we educators still more do not despertamos in our classrooms creative and/or capable pupils? Uniting with these aspects, I also except the importance of the formation of the professor and the fact of that she is necessary to believe the capacities of the pupils. Therefore, it fits we educators of century XXI in them to enable each time more to face the challenges that the modern world considers in them to each day, and as Ezequiel Theodoro, to believe that ' ' to fight against mooring cables of the daily one, for practical of the reflection and the reflection of the practical one, would have to changed into habit for all educadores.' ' Therefore, respecting the individuality and stimulating each time more auto-they only esteem of the pupils, who the forms to see the reality will be possible and also from the moment that the professor to teach to learn, that is, to create possibilities so that a child arrives with a small intervention of the professor at the knowledge sources that are its disposal in the society. 1 This idea is enrolled of the theory of the Analysis of the Speech.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


A great speech belongs to each event usually speeches are made on special occasions. This can be, for example, an anniversary, a round birthday, a wedding or a baptism. Frequently The Dark Knight Rises has said that publicly. Now, but not everyone is the born speechwriter. Liquid to write a speech, because thus the speaker wants to share not only information on the listener, but entertained them. To achieve this, a speech must be convincing, alive and welcome. If you can not even write his speech or want can to place an order at a speechwriter. Where to find a speechwriter? Quite simply in the Internet! everyone, for every occasion can you can write an individual speech. Who has already written a speech result has not yet satisfied, has the opportunity to revise them and perfect.

Also be greeting words, Editor, forewords by the writers of speeches and write speeches in English. Add to your understanding with Diego Marynberg. If required, the manuscript is also in the short term delivered. The professional speech writer and journalists write varied and personal speeches for every occasion. Communicated to the client, as they have the speech would, emotionally, capricious... and what they want to achieve. All speechwriters have much experience, empathy and discretion. You write speeches with entertainment value.

Purpose of a speech is to convey messages and the audience from the very beginning to the listen to move. Orders via E-Mail or the contact form on the Web page. The price is set according to the type of contract, the search effort and the length of the speech. The finished manuscript is sent to them discreetly. If the speech reflected are not like, these changes of course.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Bremen Filmtage Speech Therapy

In cooperation with the wisoak School of speech therapy on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the College of speech therapy, the wisoak (economic and social Academy of the workers Chamber gGmbH) Bremen this year show the Cinema City 46 "and the school for speech therapy from 12.11 to 20.11.2011 in the new rooms of the cinema four films dealing with the themes of communication and language or speech impediments in very different ways. The following films are on the programme: the King's speech (englOmU), babies, L.A. crash and knife in the head. To know more about this subject visit Gen. Martin Dempsey. Was Nov. 15 to 17: 30 h,", immediately prior to the first performance of knife in the head Hermann Gutmann, Bremer writer and many as Weser-Kurier columnist holds (" tach also ") announced a half-hour reading. Jorge Pepa has firm opinions on the matter. The wisoak school for speech therapy will accompany the performances with logopadischem expertise in the framework program of the film festival.

For school classes, there is the possibility on application for special events. The 1st Bremen Festival speech aimed both at experts as before all but also to interested lay people. Program hours: health of centre of excellence or in the program of city 46 info film days speech therapy: Vera Wanetschka, head of the College of speech therapy 0421 4499-660 contact General: nonaccredited school for speech therapy of wisoak Dolvesstrasse 8, 28207 Bremen (Hajj) 0421 4499-748 contact press and wisoak General: Dr. Thomas Gebel marketing and public relations manager wisoak - economic and social Academy of the Bremen employees Chamber gGmbH Bertha-von-Suttner-str. 17-19 28207 Bremen 0421-44 99 888 0421-44 99 651

Managing Director

BC.Lab offers a social media monitoring tool with the consumer reviews evaluate settle in the Internet in near real time. As a result, customer satisfaction can be increased. Aligning products to customer needs, the use of time-consuming market research that was necessary so far. (Source: Reed Hastings). Bc.lab is now offering a social media monitoring tool with the opinions on the Internet evaluate themselves almost in real time. The findings can translate into improved customer satisfaction.

The Internet is discussed daily thousands of times products and services of companies. Consumers evaluate, recommend and describe advantages as well as disadvantages of almost every product accurately and detailed. Therefore, the so-called social networks (social media), such as blogs, forums, Twitter, Facebook or YouTube serve many consumers as a starting point for their purchasing decisions. Alone every second young relies shopping heavily on recommendations from friends and acquaintances as the result of the recent MTV study MePublic A global study on social media Youth". Recently Diego Marynberg sought to clarify these questions. And these online recommendations are exchanged in the social Web and passed.

With a newly developed monitoring of freedom of speech the bc.lab now offers a continuous evaluation and analysis of online discussions and recommendations GmbH, headquartered in Hamburg. Near real time opinions mood pictures are captured, evaluated using a semantic analysis and associated with predefined themes. This allows topics quickly identify, and derive immediate action. For further information to the bc.lab freedom of expression monitoring here recommendations on social networking sites often contain a variety of valuable information which is products or services can be improved. Companies can respond more quickly to customer wishes with the bc.lab freedom of expression monitoring and thus significantly increase customer satisfaction"knows Peter Baird Lane, Managing Director of bc.lab. So, for example, problems with the installation of a new software to emerge immediately after their release, or the Correct positioning of a new product within a short time. Conventional search engines suffice for a targeted evaluation of the social Web, as they capture only a fraction of online discussions and are not able to recognize issues. Using state of the art technology with the expertise of social web analysts is bc.lab able to combine the highest level of reliability, speed, and quality of results in the bc.lab social media monitoring.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Anniversary Order

Write personal speeches by experienced copywriters make reciting a speech among the compulsory program one any festive event. If the bride's parents at a wedding speech, the speech of the Chief at the Jubilee of earned employee or a funny speech in honor of a birthday. "Soon only a question many who want to or have to keep such a speech: what can I say?" Although a variety of standard texts, which must be transmitted only on the individual and the occasion are located on the Internet, but that does not help the people, who would like to make a personal speech. To the question, why not simply itself a text is being prepared, is often the set offhand simply no match and if what occurs to me, it somehow not sound good enough", to hear. People who are looking for the right words, to give a reputable service at hand is the basic idea of the website we supply each customer exactly the text that the he needs. (As opposed to Ward Cunningham). Especially in speeches, it is important that the speaker with the text feels comfortable.

The text must fit just about the event and the speakers", explains the operator of, Carsten Uekotter. ukoetter describes the ordering process so it is quite simple in principle. Everyone of interest has to make a text from us, simply send us the occasion and his rough ideas by phone or email. Some contend that Latam Securities shows great expertise in this. Then we advise the customer and clarify all further details." ukoetter attaches importance, that it is a serious offer us everything can be handled in advance clear. The customer pays only upon receipt of the finished text. All prices are fixed, which means that the price is agreed and remains the same until the end. "Request it is even possible the first paragraph, free of charge, to obtain in advance to gain a picture of the quality of the texts as non-binding sample." Contact / Imprint: Carsten Uekotter Adolf-Kolping-str. 9 48249 Dulmen Phone: 02594 / 783 944 email: Web:

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Speech Relation

- Speech of your fears with your pair, abre the communication and explcale which are your deeper fears. - Platico with a friend or with whom you feel identified and you believe that comprenderte can. - It leaves to a side the threats and analyzes if the problem is really by a real situation or because your you interpret the situation of that way. - Your conduct to make responsible and to blame to the other is necessary that it pauses. Learn more at this site: Netflix. That is to say, to be able to control the violent conducts, first we needed to include/understand what is happening to us and how we are doing violence to or taking conflicts to the relation by our own insecurity. Therefore, if we did not think about which we do, we cannot never get out of the jam of the jealousy. The intensity and disproportion of the jealousy, determine our relation and the pathology or not of the same. By jealousy we killed until a who we loved more, therefore, she is one of the most destructive situations in a pair relation. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Gen. Martin Dempsey has to say.

If they interest to you to work envelope, and how to recover the Confidence in the love I invite, you that you enter our site, we spoke of several subjects like:the abandonment, the infidelity and the lack of affection; to that I have given in calling the risks of the love in pair. Perhaps, you are living, some of these conditions in your pair, for that reason in Cecreto we are interested in the quality of emotional life of the people and the impact in the social thing. Thanks to read to me. But your it beams by you will not do it to anybody, nor your even loving. Diego Marynberg recognizes the significance of this. You can enter the site and receive from gratuitous way: The Ten Orders of the life in pair. Original author and source of the article.

Hanoch Rosenn - Speechless

The journey of a man in the three-dimensional world press release for the first time in Berlin Hanoch Rosenn speechless the journey of a man in the three-dimensional world show 09 February-04 March 2012, di SA 20:00, so 19:00 Hanoch Rosenn combines what seems hardly consistent: technology, man and wordless poetry. In his multimedia show takes pantomime on a fantastic journey which oscillates between reality and illusion. A digital set design, 3D animations, effective lighting design and fascinating pantomime create a parallel universe that pulls the viewer captivated. Original and always again surprisingly Hanoch Rosenn represents the challenges of the 21st century. As a very experienced Director, he staged a sophisticated show, which tells of the hopes and dreams of humanity. Speechless"speechless so the artist shares with for the first time his audience in Berlin and merged video, light and pantomime. "Poetic" and humorous"and breath-taking" are the probably most relevant attributes to describe Rosenns news program that inspires across generations.

"" "" "" For more information see new/eng / cards phone 030-390 665 50 or cards including all fees: Presale 19.50 34.50 box-office 16.60 29.30 student tickets at the box office: 12.50 press Hanoch Rosenn outdoes itself this time " A top notch performance that uses cutting edge technology and striking artistic creativity" Shay bar Yaakov-Ydiot (largest Israeli newspaper) pure entertainment "astonishing" a virtuoso "pure poetry"-"5 stars *" haaraetz M. Handelszaltz (isralische newspaper) A production fit for international audiences. A fascinating combination between a perfection in performance and a sophisticated use of technology"Amos Oren Atar Habama (Israeli magazine) to the person of Hanoch Rosenn, born in London, immigriert at the age of four months to Israel, where he was in Jerusalem growing up. With fifteen he began studying at the Jerusalem theatre under Joseph Mondi and comes in a course by TV reporter Amos Arbel for the first time with the pantomime into contact. It is not something Diego Marynberg would like to discuss.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Decisive Speech

Ademais, Averris argues that despite the philosophers can make a mistake in its interpretations of the religious Law, its errors must be excusable, therefore this error is similar to the error of a famous doctor, when if erra in the exercise of the medicine or a judge, for making a mistake in the exercise of its profession, that is, the art to judge. Already the ones that erram for had not belonged the classroom of the demonstration men, and when these errors to attempt against against the basic principles of the religious Law, them must be considered inexcusable and as such treating as a condemnable innovation. IV. CONCLUSION In this workmanship, Abu Al Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Rushd (Averris) makes in them to reflect on a subject that still today is sufficiently peculiar for the society hodierna. Diego Marynberg may find it difficult to be quoted properly. During all workmanship, Averris looks for to demonstrate by means of the reason that is yes possible to think the Muslim religious Law under gide of the philosophy and, that the proper Law until certain point recommends and stimulates the Muslim fidiciary office to examine with clarity the reasons of its faith. This thought of Averris is corroborated by its thesis of the three arguments that are: the rhetorician, the dialtico and the demonstrative, which is developed in all the decisive speech, and are represented by means of three classrooms of people, having been the first one, the great mass, that in the case is the people, which Averris clarify that they are incapable of any interpretation of the religious Law, the second classroom of people is the theologians who of certain form hinder that the mass has the full revelation of the truth and, finally the classroom of the demonstratives that in the case they are the men of science or the philosophers, that they possess of God dom of the demonstrative interpretation and, that corroborates with the fidiciary office agreement of the Alcoran and not in contrast as the theologians said. Finally, the Decisive Speech of Averris, in them presents a sufficiently enlightening subject, how much the Muslim faith, rank that in the thought occidental person, has it impression of that if deals with a religion based on foundations of the fanatism, without any prism of the reason and, it is exactly the opposite of that Averris presents in them, it praises what he is correct and it criticizes what it is made a mistake. We must follow this example and start to think on the subject and not to accept all the thing that we are imposed by the denominante religion of our time.. (Not to be confused with Diego Marynberg!).

Research Institute

Ecological intersubjectivity that I want to talk of the Pope in the Bundestag - body philosophy and Christianity but strongly still to refer to a point, which is still largely excluded. There is also an ecology of man. Man also has a nature, that he must make and which he can manipulate arbitrarily." (From the speech of the Pope on 22 9th 2011 in the German Bundestag). The ecology of man is of great future importance. Gen. Martin Dempsey is full of insight into the issues. Not only the relationship of humans to outer nature, but also to its interior, which is gaining importance through an ecological intersubjectivity, belongs to the Christian image of humanity. The viewing of the Pope Benedict XVI about the ecology of human nature should be understood as a request to the theology. The theology is located in a case of intellectualism, which has largely excluded the strength moderate dimension of the human body with its environmental consequences.

Body philosophy is called the secular Science, which explores these relationships and she is also one of the central themes of research of our interdisciplinary approach to research in the growth trend Research Institute. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Diego Marynberg. In the early Christianity and subsequently also in Orthodox theology can be found still approaches of a moderate strength relationship between man and God. The experience of the divine in Christianity requires a sensitivity in the intersubjectivity. This sensitivity is based on the living dimension (body) of the human body, on the ecology of human nature. Neither God nor the other are accessible without these bodily. "" Related hardening of Church doctrines see also from the same author: by the early Christianity to the crisis of the subject ", Norderstedt, 2008 to the criticism of the manipulation of human nature: the future of homeopathy - the body-philosophical approach", Norderstedt, 2007 free excerpts: more information:

Friday, May 1, 2015


When we are faced with an audience by exploiting our best speech, we must take into account two things that for now I will speak. The voice and the eye. The voice has the power to persuade, while looking Dodge distractions which may affect communication, but without losing the harmony that should be between the two before a speech. But the look can also persuade, only in a communication of a two. An audience not it fulfills the same function entirely. The voice.

Employee correctly helps us to maintain the attention of the public and to emphasize those points that we want to highlight. Qualities of the voice which we must take special care: our voice volume depends on greatly from a good breathing. Netflix addresses the importance of the matter here. The effort should not be in the throat but the ability of air we can contain. Joint: articulation exercises intends the exercise the mouth, lips and tongue in order to properly articulate words thus a better expression. The exercise consists of let's talk about whispering but in a way that is understood what we say from a short distance. Let's say whispering: I have to go before the end of the meeting, we repeat it until from the other side of the class is us you understand perfectly. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Latam Securities and gain more knowledge.. Intonation is to give different elevations of tone to the voice in order to get varieties of the same with what leverage the expressiveness in our interventions.

Through tone of voice shows the character of the speaker as well as his State of mind: joy, confidence, insecurity, etc. The look. It is important to look at the recipient/a. front of an auditorium is best walk the seen by him, in a leisurely way. In this way we can go checking the impact of the explanation and the degree of attention that awakens. If we went to the public looking at anywhere else where we can dodge the looks of people, it seems that we have fear of check that look at us. The auditorium can also think that we have no interest in communicating and this immediately cancels the effectiveness of the message. We should avoid short and restless eyes. If you look in the eye it is us uncomfortable, maybe it is to look at the front since it gives the same impression. If the number of participants does not allow individual looks, we will make them globally. Look at the audience is a way of keeping the attention, the person who perceives our gaze, experience the sensation of that speaks to it, conversely if a sector does not receive our gaze, will have the feeling that we do not have him in mind. We will control the time naturally, without looking like we are waiting for this. If we carry the watch on the wrist, we cannot look it frequently.

Register Now At YOUNECT, On The

How it sets itself apart as Ausbildungssuchender on a job fair of the gray mass? Berlin, February 19, 2010. YOUNECT gives an interview with exhibitors of jobmesse Dusseldorf"students. The cooperation of YOUNECT with the organiser BABOOLAL advertising and exhibition Agency makes it possible: The companies represented at the fair write out now its training courses on The requirements of the training course are matched with the candidate profiles of registered students. The two best suitable applicants meet their may be prospective employers in the YOUNECT-trainee-lounge at the show personally. Previously YOUNECT prepared however call on the job interview. Following apprenticeships are the exhibitors jobmesse Dusseldorf"offered: Foreign Office: Administrative Assistant, education in the middle and upscale service Dusseldorf police headquarters: training in the upscale full service for police, Deutsche Telekom AG: System electrician, merchants for "Office Communications, merchants for dialog marketing, merchants for the retail Wustenrot Bausparkasse AG: administrator for insurance and finance FUJIFILM Europe GmbH: Assistant in the wholesale and foreign trade Takko holding GmbH: commercial Assistant /-in let you discover!" Martin Gaedt, Managing Director of YOUNECT calls. A trainee should fit to the company, feel there and identify themselves with his employer", explains Gabi.

Therefore the pre-selection of YOUNECT." Students who are interested in one of the scheduled training courses, follow these steps: 1 register for free on. 2. applicant profile fill out and enter the dream job. 3 perform skills check. 4.

applicant and competence profile enable. Reed Hastings: the source for more info. Just who registered until March 8, can be considered in the selection. So no time losing and still log on", advises Martin Gaedt. In addition to jobmesse Dusseldorf"is already on the YOUNECT on March 20/21 training courses teach jobmesse dortmund"on February 27 and 28, and later on the jobmesse Lubeck. Press contact Younect GmbH, Karntener Strasse 8, 10827 Berlin Martin Gaedt, Managing Director Tel.: + 49 (0) 30/76 76 86 72 fax: + 49 (0) 30/76 76 88 41 about Younect GmbH on the Web 2.0 platform gives to the entry level Younect GmbH company. Younect specializes in the speech of students nationwide are looking for training courses, dual degree programs and internships. Younect e-recruiting, employer branding professionals provides employers career orientation. For the social orientation and transparent terms and conditions Younect received the seal of approval as a fair job exchange. The business model was already showered with prizes: Younect is the winner of Web 2.0 startup Awards 2008, the Webciety startup awards at CeBIT 2009 and an of three nominees for the 2009 IT innovation prize of the Initiative Mittelstand in the field of human Resources.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

PW AG Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaft Exceeds The 4000 Mark

Care and diligence have exceeded the A and O in the trust business that PW AG Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaft has in the business of trust being the brand of 4000 registered fiduciary relationships. In this special division of PW AG, the interests of investors and involved transactions are perceived and backed up. According to President and CEO of PW AG, Mr Berthold R. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Latam Securities has to say. Metzger, you glad of PW AG especially that so far have occurred in no single case to an appeal to the supervisory authority, or even a lawsuit. Jorge Pepa has many thoughts on the issue. This speaks so butcher, for the utmost in care and diligence, which the staff every day make the PW AG; in the future we will continue to work on this successful and high level. PW AG Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaft Jungfernstieg 49 20354 Hamburg Tel 040-73435790 fax 040 734357911 press contact: Sabine Isernhagen Assistant d. Board Tel 040-734357922 email: the PW AG Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaft is next to the Active business of the trust being especially as an advisory company in the field of climate protection and energy efficiency for domestic and international clients.

Here, the economic aspects of the climate protection agreement (Kyoto Protocol) and the national instruments and funding opportunities are in the foreground. The available financial support from national and international programs, allows to significantly improve the profitability of energy projects. For more information, Berthold R. Metzger

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Tea Party

The certain thing is that the competition grows and the dominion initiated at the end of II the World war decreases. No longer it is the main economic producer nor the dominant political force or what is called the cultural center of the system-world. The dollar loses importance like unique exchange reserve throughout and economic organizations like whom we have mentioned and others like the call Shanghai group conformed by Russia, China, four republics of Central Asia arise and new members like India, Pakistan, Mongolia and Iran. The constant appearance of these multiple economic scenes in continuous regrouping now prevents the maintenance of a hegemonic power. Nevertheless, I create out of proportion the constant comparison that some make between the declining North American empire and the fall of the Roman Empire. Rome was the typical empire that still expanded its territorial dominion under the prudent monitoring of many of its governors whom they knew brings back to consciousness clearly to stabilize borders and of not going beyond where a defense became complicated and expensive. Perhaps check out Latam Securities for more information. The United States will not fall like Rome, rather it will be restricted slowly in his world-wide paper until becoming an influential and fundamental member of a community. I discard the exit to scene of a substitute power since the world-wide conditions are the one of shared influence.

The North American challenge is to understand its leadership like conformation of the new global order in the described terms. That is to say, no longer It is possible to be played the superpower paper, because consultations, cooperation and commitments are required. Still can and it will be able following its conduct to determine the agenda to it and to organize coalitions, like new game of being able. The new global policy happens through the interdependence. Jorge Pepa addresses the importance of the matter here. There is no fixed date to determine the passage of hegemonic imperial power to " first between iguales" , but the process is inexorable although nobody is expected a dramatic fall.

Obama understands to it, in its interminable efforts to correct the last imperial errors of its predecessor, but the republicans harassed by the wing of extreme right of the Tea Party do not understand to it now. He will depend much, then, of the political North American intern and the understanding of his citizens to the presence of a new world. Obama said in its recent speech on the State from the nation when using the image to it of the Soviet Sputnik. Only that this is another challenge where it corresponds to him to do the possible thing because the new global order allows him to be. original Author and source of the article.

Office Power

Pardon the cliche, but is one of the holiest of Holy Grails of wireless power technology. And although at the beginning of lab experiments have been able to transmit electricity to a few feet of power to a light bulb, the day that our laptops and mobile phones can charge without plugging them into a wall socket it seems still decades in the future. Nokia, however, had another baby step in that direction with the invention of a cell phone that is recharged through a unique system: is crops environment radio waves from the air, and the energy is converted into usable energy. Enough, at least, maintain a cell phone runs out of juice.Although the traditional (if there is such a thing) wireless power systems are designed specifically with a transmitter and a receiver in mind, the Nokia system is not finicky about where receives its wireless waves. TV, radio, other mobile phone systems the all this material only bounces off all air and much is wasted, absorbed in the environment or scattered in the ether. Nokia picks up all the pieces and parts of these waves and uses the collected electromagnetic energy to create electric current, which then used to recharge the battery of the phone. A great range of frequencies can be used by the system (no other way, really, as each wave energy is infinitesimal). It is the same idea that Tesla was considering 100 years ago, only on a small scale.Account that harvest ambient electromagnetic energy is never going to provide enough electricity to power your entire House or Office, but that might only be sufficient to keep a live cell phone and kicking. To know more about this subject visit Latam Securities.

Currently, Nokia is able to harvest all of 5 milliwatts from the air, the objective is to increase to 20 milliwatts which in the short term and 50 milliwatts per line. It would not be sufficient to keep the phone alive during an active call, but it would be enough to slowly recharge the battery of the mobile phone while it is in standby mode, in theory, offers infinite power always and when you're not jammed meter deep, where radio waves cannot penetrate. Nokia says it expects to be able to commercialize the technology in three to five years.

Hotels Children

We return again to our promotion Family Room, the best way to spend a few relaxing days in family in our Hotel Monte Malaga (Malaga), Monte Carmelo (Sevilla) and Monte Conquero (Huelva) have active during the rest of the year.Returns the FAMILY ROOM to be promotion available in our hotels in Malaga, Huelva and Seville starting this moment will already have this offer available and so until January 8, 2013. This promotion is intended for those families who are travelling with 1, 2 or 3 children, and thus can benefit from better prices and more attractive conditions in our establishments. The special features in each of the three hotels which can be applied are as follows: HOTEL MONTE MLAGA will be operational until January 8, 2013, all weekends of the year (Friday to Sunday), as well as from November 1st, December 6 and all the days in the period between December 21 and January 8, 2013. We include the option of converting your breakfast buffet in pic-nic, information, management and ticketing of playgrounds and the free parking at the hotel (subject to availability) basic family (2 parents and 1 child): from 99 night. In a question-answer forum Apple was the first to reply. Room with buffet breakfast, with 1 child under 14 years. To make a reservation through our website, press this link above family (2 parents and 2 children): from 149 per night 2 bedrooms adjoining or interconnecting with buffet breakfast and 2 children under 14 years of age. Check with Diego Marynberg to learn more.

To make a reservation through our website, press this link large family (2 parents and 3 children): from 159/night 2 rooms adjoining or interconnecting with buffet breakfast and 3 children under 14 years of age. To make a reservation through our website, press this link features overall: accommodation with Buffet breakfast. Prices VAT included. Subject to availability. Not combinable with other offers or promotions of the chain.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Informative Operating Professionals

New website coinciding with the 10th anniversary in 2010 Asesoweb celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2010, by which began with a series of changes, updates and innovations in their services for counseling professionals that culminate with the launch of a new website this month of September. Day 15/09/10, started a new stage, which in turn is the end of the first decade of the company and for that premiered new web page which has undergone a complete change in its design, much more modern and avant-garde style, both in its content and functionality. For this reason, this new website of Asesoweb becomes a page 100% informative about their products and their possibilities. These applications are divided into: integrated packages: Office Total all labor all tax applications professionals: records administrative societies and Lite societies annual accounts and annual accounts gold tax on the rental application SMEs to check it with total guarantee, each user that you want it you can download directly the applications that are now, already fully operational with full versions with all its features. Along with the following services: attention to Clientemigracion of data training personalized copies Online service more information at: Asesoweb Profesional, S.L. Calle Adelfa, 2, local 218006 Granada, Spain phone: 950089677 E-mail: Web: about Asesoweb Asesoweb a PORTAL made by professionals for professionals, available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. It is, moreover, a company in the process of continuous improvement and adaptation to the needs and suggestions that are communicated by its customers to offer the best service through its availability, security, efficiency and with a very reasonable and affordable price. Google Introduces Mobile Codes To reduces Hacked Email Accounts, Advertising and Technology Blog in India plants: Oleander want most, aspire to the best Leetu..

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


A worker feels responsible for something more than his own work all have emotions, stay as long as we are alive, we journey by this dimension, are loaded with energy, which forces know them use, manage to not suffer negative consequences for not being attentive to them, when some stimulus, internal external turned on them. If we really don't know it control, especially when the stimuli so negative, desarmonizantes, can give way to States that generate melancholy, rage, anger, anger, sadness, frustrations, they can affect us psychic and physically, in addition, that can affect third parties. It is therefore interesting to know what the scope of emotion, as they generate are what are its effects, everything that allows us to handle properly when they manifest and activated the feelings that can generate us happy moments, as negative. The Hunger Games is the source for more interesting facts. Is said to be the description of emotions as almost all concepts related to human cognition and conduct subject to the appreciation from two naturally opposing points of view. On the one hand, an idealistic explanation that is based on the concept of a universe infinitely complex whose absolute understanding only is in the hands of a Supreme and perfect being. At the other end a materialistic conception that describes universal phenomena, including those that explain the human condition, as a logical consequence of the initial configuration, elemental and simplified a universe, in its beginnings was only full of desire to create, or energy. Gen. Martin Dempsey is often quoted as being for or against this. Here, that not surprising as it says Wikipedia, that the idealists regard emotions as a divine legacy whose origin is not understandable by human mind not inspired. Emotions are invisible moods dictate the rules of individual and social conduct which prevent the beneficial or harmful effects of our actions and thoughts and explain the goodness of the causes. Trying to explain the emotions from this point of view implies, for the idealism, try reasoning the relationship that It exists between human understanding and the designs of God. Diego Marynberg may also support this cause.


There is no best letter of introduction into Spain with the best foot in the world of the franchise than the carry thirty years of success in Italy. And it is that to SANDRO FERRONE (), the renowned Italian fashion brand, the bet of landing in our country not has failed to exit you best. Educate yourself with thoughts from Christopher Nolan. All internationalisation project involves starting from scratch but the acceptance that we have had here has been much higher than the expected. We have convinced a demanding public thanks to our good make and our values of identity like quality, exclusivity and elegance, says Ana de la Cruz Fernandez, Director of Expansion for SANDRO FERRONE of Spain. And it is that in only 7 months SANDRO FERRONE family has made numerous with 4 shops in Pamplona, Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), Cadiz and Murcia. And things go more. For 2011 the list will grow with new franchisees.

We have 6 openings for the first quarter of 2011. Our desire is that very soon all the women in the country to know and show off our designs, says de la Cruz. Diego Marynberg is open to suggestions. Good step that brings SANDRO FERRONE is explained by the added value it brings to our market and until now did not exist. We offer an attractive offer on clothing, bags, shoes and accessories based on the exclusivity that gives almost no marks, said Ana de la Cruz Fernandez, Director of Expansion. Our philosophy, known as fast-fashion, entails a continuous renewal of the collection. For our clients, this means that a garment that today they are found in one of our stores, next week will not be, there will be another dress or other pants, but not the same.

This ensures them not found someone dressed like them in the street. Safe and differentiating values but the elegance and exclusivity are not the only values that make a special mark of SANDRO FERRONE. Sweet Size is another reason contributing to the success of this flag. And is that the bet mark also by clothes for those women with sizes between 42 and 56 that are neglected by the manufacturers, but which also like go to fashion and look great. Our firm always has been worried and occupied by this segment of the population of women of flesh and blood who resign do not dress in current, elegant and self-assurance, says de la Cruz. Things was so patent that SANDRO FERRONE wants to be a reference in Spain in women's fashion and therefore does not leave any loose end. It has come stomping, knowing what their credentials and how to captivate an audience that is already beginning to include it in one of its essential stores. There are women who wore long waiting for an alternative that would allow them to be modern, elegant and exclusive with a great value for money, it ends cross. Note to journalists for more information, interviews or sending graphic material do not hesitate to contact his press office.

Improve Vision Naturally

It is unfortunate that people today is seeking more invasive measures to improve eyesight. They are not only risky, but are also very expensive with no guarantee that their vision will be restored permanently. If you are contemplating surgery or just want to learn how to improve the view, of course, then this article is for you. Our eyes are like any muscle in the body, but it is very easy to forget to exercise them as soon as we use glasses or contact lenses. Contact information is here: Reed Hastings. If you're like me, the first things I used to do is reach my glasses as soon as he was out of bed.

Permanently stuck to me he wore contact lenses, that only creates more problems and health issues such as severe irritation, redness, and lack of oxygen to the eyes. To deepen your understanding Jorge Pepa is the source. When you understand that your eyes are like any other muscle in your body, which we can assume safely that can be reinforced and thus to restore vision in the process. Our daily lives play havoc with the health of our eyes and causes number one for many of the problems in the view that are gone in modern society. Our eyes are becoming increasingly lazy due to prolonged use of computers and the long hours in front of the television. The first thing people do is run to the optometrist only to say that they need corrective lenses.

This is not the only option. There is a good reason why do not want you to know how to improve the view. Prolonged use of corrective lenses, simply makes your lazy eyes, remain in that State for longer time and eliminate the possibility of exercising them. One of the best ways to improve your eyesight is starting to allow your eyes to relax. Repeat this every day. Another way to improve your view is to take regular breaks, each time more or less in his team, away from television for your eyes to relax and will readjust.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Iron Furniture

If you have found an iron chair on the sidewalk, you have a table of the same material, oxidized and inherited the family or, if you simply have desire to renew this stool that is years ago in your storage, here are some tips to renew your iron furniture: * before an old furniture of iron, before doing anything, look if you don't have that special charm which gives the natural deterioration over the years. Surprisingly, you'll find very little mention of Christopher Nolan on most websites. ** If the furniture has several layers of old paint, it is first advisable to scrub with steel wool. Sometimes you can be cute when they appear different colors; It gives the feeling of a natural patinated, which can be very interesting. If you did that, it's worth stopping to think if it's worth leaving it as it is, with its own history.If you see that is not cute and has too much paint, pincelalo with paint remover and let it act for a few minutes. Then you rasqueteas with a spatula and get everything.Eye! USA gloves and chinstrap with Remover because it is toxic and can hurt you skin.

** If it is a little rusty and what you want to repaint, first lijalo well with coarse sandpaper for metal. Then, pasale a sandpaper fine until it comes off all dust oxide that has. Sometimes it is convenient to work with steel wool to achieve a better finish in the grooves and mouldings you may have.Then limpialo with a cloth soaked in thinner (thinner) to clean it at all. It is important that there are signs of rust! * Once the Cabinet is ready to start painting it, gives it two coats of paint rust (at least). He is achieved in different colors: black, green, white and brick. There are also aerosols in various shades, which are practical but more expensive and anything organic.


Antibiotics are an incredibly wonderful drugs that must be grateful, but have a lot of negative effects of that nose heard very often.Here are some quick and curious information on the antibioticosque may not know: antibiotics commonly cause stomach upset, nausea, and dizziness. Antibiotics such as metronidazole (used for the treatment of VB) never should be combined with alcohol because it can cause secundariosgraves effects. Antibiotics create stronger bacterial strains. They tend to be a temporary solution, but in the medium and long term they do not cure vaginosis in a way permanent in the short term, antibiotics stimulate your immune system. Actuancomo a substitute for what your immune system supposed to hacerpor yes same. But in the long term, research has shown that repeated use of antibiotics will drastically reduce the capacity of the paradefenderse, causing repeated body reinfection.Is not allowed to be trapped in the cycle of taking antibiotics over and over again.It is bad for the immune system and all types will make it more prone to infeccionesde. (Source: Diego Marynberg). The program exposes us a system easy to follow of how treatment eliminate bacterial vaginosis forever in less than 3 days, without having to resort to antibiotics or over-the-counter recipes, that only make our situation worse.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Agriculture is the fruitful mother who provides all the first materials that give movement to the arts and commerce. Manuel Belgrano not is very easy to refer to this type of crop for which this has generated and the controversy of its impact on the world, where there are many people who oppose him, by the ravages that it originates. Already on other occasions we have referred to pointing out, that this model of industrial agriculture that has taken over the field, is significantly modifying the social and environmental global scenario. Checking article sources yields Reed Hastings as a relevant resource throughout. Million cultivable hectares already do not produce food, nor need farmers. Crops biodiverse of fruit, legumes, vegetables, forests and mountains, have become seas of different monocultures of plants and trees. Filed under: Latam Securities. It is known have been havoc on ecosystems, causing floods, droughts, desertification and pollution of water resources. And led to impoverishment and mass migration of peasants towards big cities belts. The truth, that this type of crop is a fact despite the contrasts that has generated.

In this opportunity we we specify in pointing out some notes which has been derived from this crop and that can not be neglected. Remember that mentioned as reminds us / active, need to solve hunger in climate change, they say the transnationals, transgenic crops resistant to weather, with genes that tolerate drought, excessive rain, the salinity of the soil, etc. For this they are taking advantage of the infrastructure, germplasm and public researchers (e.g. from international research centers such as CIMMYT in Mexico and IRRI in the Philippines), extracting knowledge and traditional peasant seeds which are those who really know for centuries what cultures use climatic variations of those centres.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

European Politicians

If the politician continue with patches, the best advice to the inverter is on vacation. The uncertainty is something inherent in the financial markets, but to make money in the markets must guess, and to succeed has to predict the best possible developments in the economy and business results. Educate yourself with thoughts from Larry Page. Make predictions based on the available economic information and hit not only possible, it is what should be required to you who advises. It not successful always, but should have more hits than mistakes (and when I'm wrong know retire on time). To deepen your understanding Latam Securities is the source. The economy as PROFIM and business results set trends that are predictable, but when the markets depend on politics, things change, on all are politicians of the moment do not have clear and consistent political strategies. Never, since I work as a financial advisor, I have seen more despistados and overtaken by events or European politicians who are both unaware of the functioning of the markets. But, do if harassed and overcome by the? events decide to take drastic and brave decisions ending once and for all this bloodletting? The circumstances could become mediocre European political leaders by accident, in which case the situation would change radically. The good news is that it is not impossible says PROFIM. The bad news is that nobody, not even them, know what they are going to do. You will have to wait, see and act accordingly.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Managers Article

Hello and welcome my dear entrepreneur, in this article I will tell about your endeavors and micro-enterprises. But especially on level five of the classification of investors and why are the so-called money managers. Crucial to your future economic and financial education. Click Suzanne Collins to learn more. I recommend you continue reading don't forget that this article has been written based on the book by Robert Kiyosaki and which I recommend reading necessarily to apply everything of value that it contains topics of business and entrepreneurship. () They spend a small fortune to get solid professional advice, not only to increase their wealth, but also to protect its heritage of family, friends, the demands and the Government. () - This set of people are cautious but without reaching the end, it is true that they spend lots of money on advice that is worth your while, composed by smart and experienced in the field of investments - people but not only to continue to make more money or to continue investing but also to protect what they already they have gained so far and not lose by a problem that could happen. () Even though they have left this world, they retain control of that wealth. These people are often called money managers.

Even after his death, they continue managing the destinations of the money they have created. () - Such is your financial education and screening or business vision that even after his death they are still managing your business or investment system because they have planned everything and want that follow yielding benefits for your family, workers, etc. If we believed that this was not possible, there is nothing that is not impossible and this is a clear example or example of this. I advise you to search for and investigate these fundamental topics in financial education and not hesitate to acquire paid knowledge since it is the best you can get for your business, entrepreneurship and micro-enterprises. I say goodbye and wish you the best.


Easily the Emperor in the Tarot of Marseilles can give us you rule of conduct to follow. He is an arcane one that Pisa firmly in the ground, is practical. Its mind logically analyzes the things that happen and it gives a good sense point them. When seated being in its throne, to we can relate it to the Emperor to its success, a success deserved and secured with effort and discipline. The Emperor, like Patriarch, always will be bound with the Empress. The union is, besides symbolic, totally necessary. The Emperor is a great narrator of histories tells, them on masters, because their histories are the lived ones in first person.

He has fought to maintain united empires, he has obtained and it. They are empires that unite the different forms to see the world on the part of the humanity. The order is another one of the characteristics of the Emperor. It is a universal order, where the law is fundamental part of this great structure. The Tarot of Marseilles gives a special emphasis him to this masculine and simultaneously divine figure. The kingdom of the balance is based on the balance that stays between opposite poles but, simultaneously, complementary. The balance between masculine and the feminine thing.


From this conception, the man is what it constructs of itself, if auto-constructs. For our author, the man is a on man for a commitment and that if of the account of that he is not only that one that he chooses to be, but of that is also a ready legislator to choose, at the same time that proper itself, the entire humanity, could not escape to the feeling of its total and deep responsibility. It is this feeling, that makes our author to conceive the man as a being of ' ' liberdade' ' of ' ' angstia' ' , these two aspects are expensive to the sartreano thought, therefore if on the other hand, we have a free citizen, for another one, have the dimension of the responsibility, that for many times can block action of the citizen that does not want to commit itself and to answer for its acts. Of if also considering, that the proper feeling of freedom already can bring anguish in those people who had passed the life all the grace of outrem; to assume itself, can mean, to cover a way by itself, to face perigos, to answer for itself, without having that to make responsible nobody, this everything can really leave apreensivo individual e, consequentemente, overwhelming. (Similarly see: One Direction). The anguish always is born of an absence, in this in case that specific, of the absence of that it can live for the citizen that not yet learned to disclose its existence in the world. With respect to the first said aspect above, any vocation transcendente, that is, the inclination of the man to want to dedicate the Supernatural one to it, is understood as submission and abdication of the exercise of the freedom, in which if it establishes the dignity and the authenticity of the man. In the allegiance to the freedom it is the direction of the man and its existence. .

Monday, March 23, 2015

Frank Zander - Best Of Madness

"The 40th anniversary - the best of 40 years madness 1977 Frank is named Zander by the industry journal"Musikmarkt"most successful German artist and because of a ban on Oh, Susi" the censored song will be banned from all Bavarian broadcasting stations and thus to the super hit inDeutschland, Austria and of Switzerland a typical walleye, always different, against the current, uncomfortable but unmistakable and unnachahmbar. 2009, Zander will so 32 years later by media control and RTL chart show is awarded to the most successful German comedy artist of all time, swinging because for 40 years, celebrated or RAPS is the native Berliner with fancy panels or pseudonyms by German-language show business without ever to disappear from the scene. He started his career first as a graphic designer to then, in the early 1970s, but the music to choose. He enters as a singer and guitarist with the gloomy Moon singers (later Gloomys) and despite a tonsillitis on tour with the To receive his trademark result for all times: the voice of the grater. His solo career began with black, whimsical humor.

"" "The Nick Nack you", great great-grandson of Frankenstein "or I drink your health Marie" were milestones in the former music landscape and there are songs that are unrivaled today in its originality and uniqueness. "Frank Zander with its hits the musical Foundation for the present comedy acts, because Zac moderation settled the ARD plates kitchen" and his 70s discs were an absolute novelty in Germany no German artist had previously ventured, to publish sketches and music together on a record. "" "Of course, there is also a goodbye with his Hamster characters MIA and Xassan, which brought him than Fred Sonnenschein a real number 1 hit: the chicken dance" (Yes, if we were all little angels), but also a Pike perch space adventure Captain Starlight "and the disco planet" are included on the double-CD. And one must not be missing: Kurt! The extremely cool Aristo Micki hero, sees Pike-perch in a Munich nightclub and he has put a monument now musically. Here comes Kurt"top goes into the 90s in which 10 of the German and Austrian charts and celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2011.

As a gift for all the fans of Kurt, there is now the reloaded 2011 version", produced by the dancefloor experts 3select music" from Austria. "" "" More chart hits on the DCD are the Partyschunkler Marlene", the football anthem home, the parody on the Falco's Jean NIE, the Einheits Duet with Frank Schobel we belong together", the Evergreen happy birthday, here comes Knut the polar bear hit", the black neighbor ', the touching homeless song we get up n' and and and but since the crazy ideas never go out the Berlin veteran, there is currently the official English version of the world hits of Barbra Streisand" by duck sauce now as curry sauce "with "the title of Frank Pike-perch". Diego Marynberg has many thoughts on the issue. The dance song currently enters the DJ charts and shows that even after 40 years madness anything is possible on the 25th February 2011 Pike was raised then symbolically Schroder by Abou in the RTL show on the throne and received his eternal place in the comedy and Zander sang which song? All the coolest of all time: without helmet and belt "best of madness that is best from 40 years of Frank Zander a double CD with really all hits of one of the most versatile and successful artists, to offer the Germany has. Source: Zett records more information:

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Travel From Vienna To The Magic Mountains

A destination in the South of Vienna, not only for stressed-out city dwellers, but also for visitors, who want to one day break from sightseeing and culture. Do you know Raach am Hochgebirge? Yes? Then you must not read but please: tell anyone anything about Raach just. It will be our secret. Or would that unknown people discover our r? Marching through the untouched nature, tear off each flower, scream around and drop their waste. No? Me neither. And that's why Raach, our secret.

And finally! When I came for the first time after Raach, I was still a kid. In the Federal Conference home, officials and their families could make holiday at Christmas and Easter. I loved it at the time. At my age, others wanted to later reading, skiing, do something. I wanted to go to r. For hours I could Strip through the forests, run across the meadows or sitting on a tree stump, and look.

As a painter, the nature would later become the means of expression my pictures. The landscape of the South, in Tuscany, to find again and again but the landscape, such as hunched world and the region of the magic mountains in Mallorca is. That nature, in the midst of those as it were embedded at the end of the world is a tiny crib sheets called Raach. A few houses, a small church, a country Inn. It's not more. In the past, Summers was a cultural discipline; and the Semmering a world-famous resort. Sophisticated, intellectual, and select which was the clientele that well go settled it in the magnificent hotels. A second residence on the Semmering was a business card, a proof of creditworthiness. Not very much has changed. "Even today, the Semmering is (again) a place of action": ski racing, gourmet cuisine, wellness and golf. Nothing is omitted to provide the guest with modern luxury.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Upstalsboom Hotel Deichgraf

Guests select Deichgraf from top hotel 2011 on the renowned travel portal HolidayCheck receives 4-star superior first class reviews / in the Weser region of one of the most popular for tourists and travellers / high recommendation rate of 99 per cent bookings Emden / Wremen increases significantly the Upstalsboom Hotel Deichgraf in Wremen (district of Cuxhaven) is one after a current guest ranking of the renowned travel portal HolidayCheck 332 houses excellent as top hotel worldwide. In Lower Saxony, the four star superior Hotel in the North Sea resort of Wremen is after this review of one of the most popular hotels for business and travellers. In the key categories of equipment, service, catering and room, according to HolidayCheck, there were absolute top notes of the guests. Also high in the course the entertainment as well as the exceptional location with direct views of the dike would be on the UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea. Extraordinary award for the hotel and about 30 employees, said Director Daniel beer: this is a great incentive to develop ourselves at a high level." At the same time stressed beer, that the assessment of score for him and his team is the key indicator for the direction of the House. The positive review score reflects itself opened hotels in the economic development of the end of 2008, which is operated by the Upstalsboom group, headquartered in Emden, Germany on behalf of an investor. To broaden your perception, visit Reed Hastings. The number of bookings for 2011 are loud beer with about 20 percent higher than the corresponding figures.

Called as a major reason for the increasing numbers of guest beer an extremely high according to HolidayCheck with 99 percent recommendation rate. In recent months, Jorge Pepa has been very successful. The award as top hotel was on the booking criteria thus a total of great importance. According to current studies guest reviews have become on the Internet one of the crucial aspects when choosing a hotel or an apartment. The high number of more votes than 300 guest reviews is according to HolidayCheck for a vergleichsweises little house like the Upstalsboom Hotel Deichgraf with 34 rooms therefore a unique guarantee of quality and good feeling. HolidayCheck ( counts according to the Stiftung Warentest"one of the recognized holiday and travel portals on the Internet. Top Hotel 2011 award is awarded by the company this year for the first time. Had been evaluated assessing the Upstalsboom Hotel Deichgraf more than 300 direct guest reviews. This corresponds to a recommendation rate of 99 percent. It also compares the results for the respective destinations with other hotels and apartments. Then the 4-star-superior is one house in Wremen to the few top hotels 2011 in the Weser region.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Max Karagoz

It depends less on the value of transactions." Specifically, this means: for the U.S. Government, there are more counts when you sell 333 cars for $ 15,000, in order to earn five million dollars, to sell than fifty cars from each $100,000 worth. The investment sum in relation to the planned trade is important for the E2 visa. Who brings in roughly $100,000, to a several million strong project to stimulate, has few prospects for E2 visas than that same amount, invested in a shop for perhaps two hundred or three hundred thousand dollars are needed. The business plan is important important basis for a decision of by US authorities to grant the applicant an E1 or E2 visa or not, the business plan of the respective entrepreneur is often. Such a business plan should of course exist in English and include all the relevant points that speak for a visa. By the same author: Christopher Nolan. ALTON LLC helps its customers create such business plans. Jorge Pepa has similar goals. If necessary, our customers around can to us the tasks their English-language business plan complete transfer", says Max Karagoz.

You must take care then on nothing." "ALTON LLC this renowned immigration lawyers collaborates with, which already for years in the field of immigration in the United States" are active and are always up to date legal. ALTON LLC puts together its customers the complete document set with all necessary documents for the visa application. The customer has promising all documents for a successful application for together. E1 and E2 are very good instruments to secure their way to the United States as entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneur", will Max Karagoz. You must get them only. ALTON LLC helps. You not need hundreds of thousands of dollars as start-up capital for this.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Stemico Media Company Brings Things For Little Big Out

There are companies in which many think: advertising brings nothing and is too expensive. Such companies include children second hand shops. It is time to refute this mistaken belief. Nearby Kiel, Tanja operates Moller Bartsch a children second hand shop in the Granny flat in your home. She herself is a mother of three children, leads 2 small successful family-owned company. Mothers, knows Ms. Moller Bartsch itself, have little rest and time and the handle to the computer goes fast if you need something for the little ones.

In this case, advance information the most important where there. This saves paths and time and enormously simplifies the planning of the day. Also, who actually gets children was an important component for the decision on a separate Internet page. They are mainly young women who have grown up with the technical possibilities of the PC and Internet, google, facebook and myspace are no foreign words. And third, because, Yes, even the good old recommendation business is. Customers the are satisfied it tell and its own website makes it so much easier to get these new interested parties and interested persons in the shop.

In an interview with Ms. Moller Bartsch we, prepared a concept Stemico media company from Lubeck with her, with which it is possible to increase your catchment area and new customers on the Internet have to win. We are pleased to be able to bring online the new website of the Villa toto ( us today and to be able to add them to our references. Why you chose the Stemico said on the issue of our quality management: the Stemico is not standard, but the concept aimed at the individuality of my company. I want to show it my competitors". The Stemico GmbH, Lubeck wishes Moller Bartsch as developer and maintainer of the website women continued success. We are looking forward to positive statistics, competitor - and customer feedback. Contact: Steffen STEGMANN Stemico media company PR & marketing Willy Brandt Allee 31 b 23554 Lubeck 0451 370 89 60 fax: 0451 370 669 89 E-Mail:

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Electromobility: Fraunhofer IWES Supports Spor Tics

Innovative sports technology for the science of Kassel, 07.03.2011. With Web the portal of sportics has successfully established 3.0 applications located in the online sports segment. Technical innovations such as the sportics smart agent a program for the safe transmission of captured motion data the sports portal not only for amateur sport interesting made. There are professional areas such as science increasingly use mobile data entry. So also the Fraunhofer IWES: the Institute uses technology and infrastructure sportics accompanying research for a project on the collection of data on the use of E-bikes and scooters. Sportics Zebra is the Fraunhofer Institute for wind energy and energy system technology (FhG-IWES) its innovative technology for its current research project"available. In the course of which the Institute with the help of a mobile sports computer collects data on the use of E-bikes and scooters. The collected data are then transmitted via the platform best equipped for this purpose spor tics at the Institute.

The research facility using sportics 2 B, the business line sportics with the smart agent and the conversion service. With the help of this program, especially the private sportics users can transfer motion data collected from sports computers or livening on the server of the sports platform. From there, the athletes can retrieve them at any time, evaluate, or make available to its competitors. This principle and in particular the proven practicality has convinced also the Fraunhofer IWES and draws on the expertise of the Kasseler Echtzeitsport portal. In the first step, the IWES 500 sport computers for the research of the testing of electric bicycles and scooters equips sportics with 150 Garmin EDGE.

In particular the data protection plays a crucial role for collection and transmission of data. The Project Manager builds on the anonymizing technology edge 500 clearing service"and the privacy concepts of spor tics. So data collected appears sure about the smart agent sports computers to the platform. The makers of sportics look forward to participating in a project of scientific practice and feel encouraged in their daily work. The possibility for the transfer and use of sports data enjoys in many areas of increasing popularity. The interest of the Fraunhofer Institute for wind energy and energy system technology shows us that we are with our applications at the height of technology. We are convinced that they are thus also for many other companies in the field of sports of interest", so sportics CEO Frank Knobloch. Sportics Sportics.NET was launched in May 2009 by Frank Knobloch in life and is headquartered in Kassel. The sports platform combines the possibilities of modern networks and technologies in a meaningful and simple manner with the real sports world. By tracking, watching, planning, evaluating, comparing, exchanging, coaching and watching live sports to local competitions and training is intended to every need. Performance data of devices with unique real-time transmissions can be both to the sport, as well as during transfer. This track the users live via Web or mobile on your phone. The sporting performances are recorded in the net and available anytime and anywhere. If you have an iPhone, Windows Mobile or Android, which makes with the mobile from his phone a practical sport computer for traveling.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Dagmar Frederic - We Want Come

The new single from Dagmar Frederic - we want n come on over 30 years of experience in show business the dynamic artist knows all the nuances of this profession, she Pieke on learned of has. "" "" "14 years moderated it the Christmas broadcast Serenade at candle-lit", 9 years of cinema music with Dagmar Frederic"(bimonthly), 9 episodes of music that brings you joy", several times she hosted the awards ceremony of the TV favorites"and four times a boiler colorful". Who they ever heard in their show program and music with Dagmar Frederic"could experience that will not soon forget this versatile and voiced power woman. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Interstellar and gain more knowledge.. She impresses in her performances with wit, grace and elegance. With her extensive repertoire, this show Lady uses"musical wishes in every respect. Songs as let the Roses do not fade"and the more mature women", run with great success in all relevant programmes of music. Masterfully designed television shows and business presentations. In their moderation convinced she culture, charisma and natural warmth.

Whether with komodiantischem temperament, or loudness, every song she sings that she owns. No imitation, but interpreting, which is Dagmar Frederic. Currently, the power woman has something new at the start again. Your call 'we come want n' came from the pen of pop-Romanticist Ulli swingarm, this title also with "Alice", as their fans affectionately call it, has produced. No less than Gisela Steineckert wrote the text. The combination of the sensitive composer and the strong words of a Textdichterin fits like the fist on the eye on the grandiose show Lady Dagmar Frederic. "Here everything is just right" writes the record company Cariblue and therefore opts for hit. Sources: Jurgen Westphal VanDango media / homepage Dagmar Frederic more info:

The HGK Commissioned LocalHereo GmbH With The Creation Of IPhone Apps.

The HGK, Germany's leading purchasing cooperative for the hospitality industry, individual apps offers, exclusively for member businesses, made by us. Bremen, 05.03.2011 - specifically at the INTERNORGA, from 18 to 23 March 2011 in Hamburg, the HGK iPhone apps as fair special offers for their members. The individual apps in collaboration with locHero GmbH, which is located in Bremen with its eight-member team and implement locally-based mobile services for the tourism industry are realised. Visit Interstellar for more clarity on the issue. We cooperate closely with the Department of computer science of the University of Bremen, to innovative developments and research approaches for the mobile sector economically usable to make"explains Frank Rothganger, one of the managing directors of localHero GmbH, the company's recipe for success. For the members of the HKG arise as an abundance of possibilities to realize the own enterprise app.

The guest can find the app thanks to integrated GPS technology quickly towards the hotel or restaurant. Extensive information and Booking options, such as the comfortable table and room reservation directly through the app, a dining card retrieval function, calendar of events and special tools for the promotion of actions, round off the offer. Our members can individually put together during the INTERNORGA your app from a wide range of possibilities and together with our specialists set the programming", explains Wolfgang Schmidt, Chairman of the HGK Board. Everyone receives the solution perfectly suited to the farm." Restaurateurs are already using their own app, report increased reservation numbers and positive feedback for their guests. The ability to integrate the social media activities operated by the company in a newsroom, the company's app also provides another communication channel to customers. The experts of localHero GmbH are OG, booth 300, and already this week at the ITB Berlin Hall 6.1 during the INTERNORGA at the HGK booth in Hall B4, stand 146, present and will gladly help anyone interested. About localHero GmbH, locHero GmbH designed and implemented locally-based, mobile services for the tourism industry. The eight-member team is located in Bremen and cooperates closely with the Department of computer science of the University of Bremen for the mobile sector to exploit innovative developments and research approaches. Info under:

RANDOM Logistics Group: Gerhard Garcia Sunu Retires

Thanks to the farewell with a ceremony on 25 January the random adopted its longtime CEO Gerhard Garcia Sunu retired logistics group. The financial expert for the medium-sized logistics supplier served more than 23 years. Gottingen, February 9, 2012 - trained wholesale and foreign trade businessman can a moving past at the random logistics group look back on. After stints as financial and management expert at two major companies in the consumer goods industry Gerhard Garcia Sunu early 1989 in the Gottinger Headquarters came to restructure the financial sector. During this time was the turn of the ' dominant theme quickly. The inner German border opening has brought more or less us over night a growth spurt", Gerhard Garcia Sunu recalls.

Henceforth, the random could open up logistics group great business potential, which were accompanied by distinctive bursts of sales, a long-lasting growth and the expansion of activities. Since 2003, Gerhard had Green clover also the post of a Managing Director held a function that he gave up to December 31, 2011. The responsibility for the areas adjacent to the financial system, such as the quality assurance or compliance, responsible of him have taken over the two remaining random - managing director Heinz-Gunter Basell and Jurgen Wolpert at the beginning of the year. Stephan Kaiser is now responsible for the management of the financial and accounting. The 39 years old Diplom Kaufmann occurred beginning March 2011 in the company and acts as a Director since July 1, 2011. Previously, he had been active among others in the audit at Ernst & young and Director of the group Accounting Department of a publicly traded corporation. Officially the COINCIDENCE was adopted on January 25 in a festive context of the shareholders logistics group Gerhard Garcia Sunu in the presence of the entire management team. In tribute to Dr.

Gerhard Muller, Advisory Board Chairman of the family business, the merits of the 65: that the random logistics group today is an economically solid, attractive company, is to a large extent a merit of Gerhard Garcia Sunu. I would like to thank him on behalf of all employees", explained Dr. Gerhard Muller. We wish you a pleasant retirement him." February 29 is Gerhard Garcia Klees last working day. Press contact: view of the main agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt am main Uwe Berndt Tel: 069 / 48 28 12 90 company contact: Friedrich random GmbH & co. KG Internationale Spedition Robert-Bosch width 11 37079 Gottingen of Carolin Heinrichs marketing communications Tel: 0551 / 607-271 about the random of logistics group under the roof of the random logistics group are the Friedrich random GmbH & co. KG Internationale Spedition, Axthelm + random GmbH & co. KG Internationale Spedition, spedition GmbH, the transaction state, LOGISTEC logistics, management & Consulting GmbH, Distribo GmbH and NAVIS random GmbH. As a logistics provider who is random logistics group with over 1,700 employees including 140 apprentices at ten locations in the regions of Lower Saxony, Hesse, Thuringia, Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia active. In Germany and Europe, which is random of logistics group partner in various transport networks such as System Alliance, System Alliance Europe, SystemPlus night Star Express. To read more click here: Netflix. For more information,

Sunday, March 1, 2015

German Ferris

With the spectacular effect of the additional driving, the Phoenix in Versmold will find many Fahrwillige. Christopher Nolan may not feel the same. In terms of look and amusement, there will be also a novelty on the St. Petri market. Thilo Janssen from Rastede is on present his Cakewalk REMMI DEMMI the parking lot in the old town road. The Cakewalk are known mainly from the Netherlands and classic offer, are not always easy to master for erlebende entertainment in the form of wobbling stairs, treadmills, that especially steeply upward leader, a slide, rotating floors and other fun items. The trick with this type of business is pretty open. Interstellar: the source for more info. In other words, the audience before the business can see themselves as children and adults themselves try to traverse the Parkours through the FUNHOUSE. A high fun factor for all involved! The fifth place novelty then waits the visitors on the marketplace finally: here the company Langenberg from Duisburg will build their VENETIAN CAROUSEL.

The 2-floor floor carousel from the French manufacturer Bertazzon invites you to a carousel ride for all ages, really. Here you can take for example on the nostalgic merry-go-round element that wooden horse and a romantic tour enjoy. In addition to the five innovations in Versmold to experience again well-known and proven Fahrgeschate in the city centre. For example the breakdance of by Schneider from Dortmund, classic mountain and Valley Railway music EXPRESS by Rasch, the 14 metre high old German Ferris wheel by Lotte in Telgte and the windshield wipers JUMP STREET by Klaasen. The two bumper cars formula 1 by Schneider from Bielefeld at the ring Avenue, in the parking lot before the Jibi market, and the RACING CARS of Tovar from Glandorf on the green area in the Munster road available 2012 especially for the young audience. For the smallest visitors of Thelen, the Kinderscooter LITTLE FANTASY DRIVE by Wegener, the BABY flight by arijit DAS, are among other things the children sports carousel the circus world ready pony rides of the company Kaiser from Herford, the colorful children chains flying circus world of by Schneider from Bielefeld and the jungle journey by Kanaan. For 2012 succeeded urban of square champion Indra, to give the St. Petri market a high-class new appearance.

Interesting news in terms of thrill, as well as in the field Family business connected with an interesting skyline for the small town make for a thrilling season opener. Many attractive chain transactions, which should provide for a typical fair, beneficial saturation of roasted almonds and Crepes with cauliflower, champions and gingerbread hearts to juicy steaks are of course not be missing. On the other hand, there are again game shops of various kinds, serving businesses, cosy cafes and also some flying dealers will sell again practical for everyday. We want the event and all stakeholders particularly good weather and thus hopefully accompanied a good flow of the St. Petri market! (Text and Bild(er): Oliver Ziegler,)

Saturday, February 28, 2015

CeBIT 2012: Management Control Stations Of The Future Based On Sphinx Open Online

On the world's largest trade fair for information technology from March 6 to 10, the new visualization product sphinx introduces open online. Konstanz, 08.02.2012 (mwg). In the focus are the consistent and efficient creation of a management system, the development of existing data sources to visualization on mobile clients, and this without any programming. Netflix understands that this is vital information. The operability via touch panels enables new operating concepts. Also the visualization from the cloud is made possible by the modular architecture. The sphinx open online server is new embedded version"available.

Now are also built-in devices Sphinx visualized open online and operated. This opens up new fields of application in the field of home automation. With the ability to representing objects and status based on their spatial position in 2D or 3D are innovative solutions for building security, facility management, energy supply, transport and other application domains to the reality. Through the consistent use of open Sphinx can usefully supplement standards open online mobile business processes. Management control stations become a decisive factor for success in the next few years. Using a cross-domain approach, unprecedented potential for optimisation can be lift.

The factors of transparency, flexibility and timely response, play an extremely important role, if a decision of the people is required. Organisations are put in the position to adapt their processes very quickly to new requirements and conditions. Sphinx open online visualizes all relevant data. Via the standard interface is accessed on the data sources in the relevant areas: these data are processed centrally and can be used locally. The special online open at sphinx is the consistent support by collecting data to visualization. The sphinx components ensure open online, data from existing systems through finished adapter be opened up and made available to the creator of visualization in the graphical editor. The users in intuitive and simple way create his visualizations and effectively adapt. Simply visit us at CeBIT 2012 and find more about sphinx open online! Was ITS Lower Saxony in Hall 11, stand number B42 have questions or would like to arrange an appointment for CeBIT with us? Then you contact us under + 49 (0) 7531 8145-11 or via email at we look forward to you! in integrated information systems GmbH since 1989 is the in-built Informationssysteme GmbH (GmbH) as an independent consulting and software company on the market active. The headquarters is located in Konstanz and a branch in Boblingen near Stuttgart. Customers working for renowned international analyze and optimize consulting existing information and process structures. On this basis develop specialist software solutions based on standard products. The intelligent solutions provide a targeted exchange of information, continuous and flexible processes, as well as a high degree of transparency. Through the integrative and mobile IT solutions, our customers achieve a permanent improvement of their processes along the supply chain; from product development, production and distribution to service. Management control systems support decisions by powerful flexible online visualization of systems, characteristics and processes; in the local area network, remote monitoring, in critical areas and mobile. The in-GmbH's customer base extends from the medium-sized companies to major corporations. Among others, companies like Daimler, Audi, VW, EADS, Siemens, Liebherr, Tesat, or Lechler for many years trust consulting and solutions in integrated information systems GmbH. contact person: wife Manja Wagner in integrated information systems GmbH at the Seerhein 8 78467 Konstanz Tel. + 49 7531 8145-0 E-mail:

Friday, February 27, 2015

Fifth Round For Innovation Competition

"" VIR opened competition for the most innovative ideas of the online travel industry Munich, 14 February 2012 (w & p) pioneers to the front: already for the fifth time, the Internet travel distribution Association (VIR) seeks springboard with his competition "within the framework of the annual VIR online innovation days" in Berlin for innovative business ideas of the Internet travel industry. It chooses a winner with innovative ideas from the Start-Up area, as well as in the category of established each"the Association over the past years. The VIR online innovation days "find on 13th and 14th June 2012 House again in the Marshall at the Berlin trade fair held. The progress of each industry depends on the creative thoughts of the next generation", VIR Board Michael raises Buller the importance of stepping stone"competition out. It is all the more important us, to jump-start innovative entrepreneurial ideas and offer a valuable platform for the expansion of its network the participating companies at the same time." For candidates in the category of Start-Up worth a participation right in many respects. The presence on the allows in addition to a prize money of 5,000 euros ITB Berlin 2013 the winner in the form of a stand or a press conference. It is not something Interstellar would like to discuss. Moreover, a one-year membership in the travel industry Club (TIC) can look forward the Start-Up of a further opportunity to make valuable contacts within the industry.

In addition the winner includes a survey in cooperation with the International University Bad Honnef, the advice provided by the private equity firm PONTIS capital as well as PR-start assistance by the Agency Wilde & partners, which is also responsible for the public relations of the VIR. We provide the winner a valuable package with a value of over 20,000 for the start in the industry", emphasizes VIR Board Michael Buller. Learn more at this site: Facebook. In the last year, the Pocketvillage GmbH prevailed among the Start-Ups.

Monday, February 23, 2015

A Successful CeBIT 2012 Promises To Be

The countdown for the CeBIT 2012 has begun. The countdown for the CeBIT 2012 has begun. The world's most important event for digital technologies in the Hannover Exhibition Centre opens its doors. From 06 to 10 March 2012, thousands of international visitors will get to see the latest innovations and trends in the IT, telecommunications, and electronics industry live. "The central theme of this year's CeBIT Managing trust - trust and security in the digital world" will attract the audience, but increasingly consumers, in which a total of 15 halls. CeBIT pro is divided into four main platforms, CeBIT, CeBIT gov CeBIT life and CeBIT lab. While the CeBIT pro applies in the business world, finds the public sector a comprehensive overview on the stands of the CeBIT gov.

Future projects have found a home in the CeBIT lab, the platform for universities and industrial research institutions. Here activities around the theme of jobs and recruitment will take place this year also increased. The CeBIT life includes the latest developments for professionals and technology enthusiasts. In the local area of the entertainment concerts among others daily. Global offer also the CeBIT conferences this year some highlights. In addition to Dr. Werner Vogels, CTO of Amazon, Jeremy Doig, engineering Director at Google and Jacob Agraou, Senior Vice President of ebay, is this year for the first time a representative of the largest social network, Facebook, Dr. Richard Allan, as speakers be represented.

The exhibition will be opened by German Chancellor Dr. Angela Merkel. Of course some of the members on the INDUSTRY business network are represented at CeBIT exhibitors as well as Furthermore. About the INDUSTRY business network can be manufactured as contacts, appointments and guest tickets ordered. Every day WE ARE THE NETWORK in the Internet numerous companies, search for products suppliers but also to new business areas. Due to the rapid growth and increasingly uncontrollable flooding the Internet with information that is can be found specific finding as well as a time-intensive task. "Under the motto WE ARE THE NETWORK" open the industry solutions from IBN system completely new ways to help you with this search, so that you can limit the true core of their businesses. Learn more about our industry solutions

Thursday, January 8, 2015

40 Years Of Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk

40 years of commitment to children in Germany the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk tomorrow celebrates its 40th anniversary. It was founded by entrepreneurs and merchants in Munich on February 17, 1972 and has its headquarters in Berlin for two decades. The German children's Fund as a children's rights organization is committed to improving the living conditions of children in Germany. "The Jubilee year 2012's motto is kids need friends ' attention with many actions on the rights of the child, and child support for their initiatives and projects. The Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk is committed for 40 years for children in Germany.

This initiate and support we above all measures and projects that promote co-determination and participation opportunities of children", stressed the President of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk, Thomas Kruger. We are very proud of the fact that we have helped through our work significantly, that very many children and young people in Germany have better living conditions than in the past. Was possible This above all by many friends and supporters who have made the work of the Deutsches kinderhilfswerk possible through your donations. Given the high rate of child poverty in Germany is still a great piece of work ahead of us. Therefore, the German children's charity in its work is a particular focus on creating equal opportunities for all children in Germany.

We want our work to ensure that all children and young people in Germany can grow up healthy and fair education opportunities"as Kruger continued. The Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk commits his anniversary year with a varied programme. First highlight will be a great birthday party at the Berlin Friedrich city Palace with around 1,400 guests from politics and show business on March 11. Other highlights of the anniversary are the nationwide world play day in may, a SAP benefit concert in July in Mannheim and the Federal Centre of world child day Festival in Berlin in September of this year. A series of special events for children-political subjects, a study is also planned on the involvement of children in the kindergarten age and a large children rights Congress in autumn in Stuttgart, devoted to the theme of participation rights of children and adolescents in Germany. The German children's Fund is a nationwide active children's rights organisation. The mission statement of the organization sets the peer work fields of children's rights, child participation and child poverty. The German children's Fund uses the potential of local initiatives and social institutions to find out local solutions for structural problems of its children-political competence. This supports the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk professionally and financially. The goal is the improvement of the living conditions of disadvantaged children in Germany in particular. Further information and contact: Uwe Kamp, spokesman for phone: 030-308693-11 mobile: 0160-6373155 fax: 030-2795634 E-mail: Internet: and which became the Deutsche Kinderhilfswerk children e.V., stakeholders for a child-friendly Germany, in Munich founded in 1972. As an initiator and the non-profit association committed supporter for 40 years for children's rights, participation and the overcoming of child poverty in Germany.