Sunday, December 23, 2012

Excel Course

When we refer to training, there are people who assume that we are talking about a university degree course. But there is another type of training that opens the door to the immediate labor output, training courses. Training refers to training courses or methods that are used to provide individuals, the knowledge needed to work efficiently. Such training, active and machine work, making it possible that a company staff help you to grow and develop in the market effectively. Ugo Cappellacci is likely to increase your knowledge. The computer training, is currently one of the essential requirements, required by the companies, when it comes to finding new employees who carry out an efficient work. One of the training courses required by most companies, is the domain of Microsoft Excel. Excel makes calculation work accurately and efficiently, enabling the modification of said data, whenever required.

It is also capable of converting the calculations worksheet data into percentage way graphics Automatic in a matter of seconds. A competent contender, to work for a company, enter at least must know the handling of Windows and all software which includes. Therefore to carry out a course perfecting such as Word or Excel in Mendoza, as well as other basic courses, Internet and email, Outlook and Access, are the first steps to obtain employment in a company committed to growth. Carry out an Excel course in Mendoza, not only will make you get more computer knowledge, but also that you will train to enter the accounting or administrative area of a company. If you are a professional, management of all Windows programs, shall cooperate in the Administration, development and organization of all kinds of files and bibliographic material.

In case of being autonomous, a course in Excel will help you with your financial management, managing to take a precise control of all revenues and expenditures, as well as the final balance of the monthly and annual profits. If you have Basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel and you want to qualify superbly in your next job interview, the solution would be that you take a course in Advanced Excel, to reach the training that you need to get that job that you so crave. The versatility afforded by this worldwide used software and the practicality to organize and manipulate data, make it one of the main elements necessary for the management of any company. If you want to quickly get a job, get trained in one of the most important software computer and begin to enjoy the many benefits that it provides knowledge, he starts doing a course in Excel in Mendoza. Visit Foundation know & excellence Integral and get the knowledge that you've always wanted to have. If you liked this article, share it. If you have a blog or website, you can link it or even post it on your own site.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

United States

Social networks are a current topic of much importance, basically constitute groupings of people who share an interest in common and are connected, either by friendship or kinship. Each day grows exponentially the number of users, and its use is so widespread for many purposes: socialization, commercialization, research, promotions, religion, etc. There are many benefits of social networks, however sometimes they are used for other purposes, for example, people can find romantic relationships, and that's fine. But if they are already married persons it is not correct that they are looking for relationship outside his marriage, since even if the interaction is virtually also this is considered infidelity. That's why you should be alert of this new form of interaction. Many cell phones already include access to social networks within their capabilities, how to avoid this type of interactions?, well, can spy your husband, and this phone way you make sure you are not hiding information. Ugo Cappellacci understood the implications. Spy phone your husband you will open the doors to see who they are their friends and friends, with whom it interacts more often, what comments does or make him, to which events are invited and attends, photos in which appears, messages that you receive, conversations that argues, in the end, you can get a lot of information just to spy on the phone of your husband. After observing a behaviour strange and distant in her husband, a friend decided it was time to take action on the matter, and discovered that her husband had a lover who she had met through a social network.

He frequently sent him roses to her work, loved the lover in question make public samples of affection that the husband of my friend made him, by which she was maintained by publishing pictures of arrangements received on social networks. Even my friend could discover that her husband had gone with the lover's trip to Las Vegas, United States, and there they had married. The husband of this friend was committing bigamy and living a double life. They had spent the years and had not discovered his deception. As well as this case, there may be an infinite number of similar stories, but don't expect to that situation so surprise you, since you can spy your husband phone today. SpyBubble is the program of monitoring of cell phones more complete and easy to install.It runs in complete stealth and gives you the ability to see remote call history, text messages, calendar, location by GPS, emails, photos and visited pages of the phone. Try the best program spyware for cell phones.

Monday, December 10, 2012


Critical when it will be the gift will produce wealth, but when to come to cause division, the result produces disaster. In if treating to the natural things, where the perception human being is present, it has an agreement that it says: Who aid does not confuse. But when we search to make balance to the things of the sobrenaturalidade caused for faith, we have that always to pautar for the Word, and in the Word we above find the versicle, giving a base to us of espiritualista orientation on the subject. A thing if must observe when we criticize the things related to our belief as well as related to our faith. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as MAINtag by clicking through. The Word also says in them that in part we augur and in part we know. Ours Mr.

Jesus, one day, desire in knowing on what he says yourself of it, came to ask for to its disciples: What the men say on who are? (TM. 16.13). It had the necessity to know what they said on It. As the man of Biblical history, also was criticized, and made criticizes on the things spirituals where the first brothers if involved, as well as also he withheld the concern on the then church that if he installed and he grew. The chance never disdained to be weaveeing balances that it aimed at to make to grow correctly in the faith or that they go down orientation to the churches then. In this, under the Divine orientation, it was pursued and until they looked for to kill it, was used as instrument of God here in the land, to give lines of direction to the good will men. The Word of God was not restricted only exclusively to the Holy Writs, God continues speaking through the men, is these that It uses to be recognized It as Only God, whom he desires to save, to pardon, to grant faith, reward, to cure, to baptize.

Friday, December 7, 2012

The Desmedida

46), if relating the Nietszche, says that the German thinker interprets the classic culture Greek as a shock of impulses: on the other hand we have the dionisaco, sending to the god of the wine and representing the exarcebao of the directions, the desmedida one of the actions; for another one, we have the apollonian one, expressing the perfection, the accurate measure of the forms and the actions based on ' ' logos' '. What it would be had, in the artistic expression and mainly in the poetry, is the alternation of these two forces, one prevailing in a distinct period of the prevalence of the other. This if affirms as especially fruitful in the lyric creation, therefore ' ' the time of the poetry belongs to the perpetual return, what it does not leave of being reasonable in a culture that values the memory artstica.' ' (Idem, P. More information is housed here: Steve Blank. 45) In this way, the neoclassicismo as a movement with more rational trends, contained, is the return to the equally rational and contained sources of the Greeks. The apollonian one would be, then, the determinative one of this literary chain, in view of that if the insuportvel antithesis between the dionisaco and the apollonian one would govern the spirit of the Greeks. Only for having been conquering cruel, it writes Nietzsche, gentlemen of slaves, dominadores of other peoples, livened up for the agonstico spirit of the fight, of the dispute and of the game, moved for the impulse of the disharmony and the desmedida one, divided in its cities in sets of ten of contrary factions and always in war, they had been able to place as ideal inalcanvel the apollonian one: the legal one, the lyric and epic poetry and the philosophy would state the search of this ideal of light and serenity, the opposite to the brutal and bloody reality of the life Greek.

Mateus Read

Deus you, to know if you love you all your Gods with your heart, and all your soul. How can somebody say that the soul is not immortal? Perhaps the writer of such affirmation did not read in the bible in Mateus: 11; 29 Tomai on you my yoke, and you learn of me, that I am tame and humble of heart; you will find rest for your souls. However. If later that the man dies, it finishes everything for it, because Mr.

Jesus in says this to them? if read, did not understand. Because when Salomo speaks in Eclesiastes 9; 4,5 saying that: ' ' 4 However, for that it is between the livings creature has hope (because better it is the alive dog of what the lion dead) ' '. 5 Because the livings creature know that they have to die, but the deceased do not know thing none, nor neither will have they reward, but its memory is delivers to the esquecimento. Pure truth, therefore the body turns dust. It is saying that; while the man this living creature can save its soul accepting Mr. Jesus, because later that dies the body he turns dust, and you are welcome more if he remembers, to put the soul is immortal, it leaves the body when we die. What we need is to ask for to Mr.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Stay Loyal

What to make when it has conjugal infidelity? We know that to be victim of a conjugal treason he is to open a wound in the soul that God only can sarar. See Bruno Lo-Re for more details and insights. He is therefore that trado is not obliged to coexist the treasonous one. No text of the Bible for minor who is, compels a spouse victim of conjugal infidelity, to continue to coexist the treasonous one. However, one meets in the sacred registers innumerable texts speaking on the pardon and the restoration enters the children of God. But what it is the pardon? The pardon is the only remedy to cure a spouse hit for the sharp knife of the adultery one; it is the only antidote that has the power of annulling the annihilating action of the conjugal infidelity. It is truth that the Bible does not compel the spouse to live with the treasonous one or vice versa, but teaches that optimum way if to take in a situation of disagreement (intrigues and infidelity) between two brothers or a couple is the unilateral pardon. Unilateral pardon! What it is unilateral pardon? ' ' Unilateral it means of a side, a part. Therefore, the unilateral pardon exists only for one of the parts; it is the pardon granted for the offended one without the participation of the ofensor.

In other words, it is the not requested pardon for the ofensor, that to the times nor knows that it needs it. The aggrieved party takes the initiative of the gesture, and pardons the part to offended who, without waiting it that the other it part isso' '. This attitude is very difficult of if to put in practical, however, is not impossible of if practising. Why? Because we inside have of us the Espirito Santo, the Parcletor, that will help in them to practise the unilateral pardon.

River Pirianito

My friends, I am feeling a child when he receives a beautiful gift. With as many compliments that I am receiving on my texts, I only can express my gratitude. It does not have nothing more rewarding of what to touch in the heart of the people. If we will not have in us the pureness, simplicity, the love and dom to touch in the heart of our fellow creature, will be only one countenance to become vacant in the space or then one to make weight on of the land. But for the commentary, I see that the texts that I write are touching in many hearts and say that I do not have no merit in this, only remain to be thankful me the friends for the compliments makes that me, and to honor the God for the inspiration. Pete Dordal oftentimes addresses this issue. I read a commentary of our Dirce friend who asks for that I also speak to me of the River Pirianito, saying me that its brothers jumped of the pontilho to dive in its waters and that they were happy and they did not know. The life is thus same, how many people are happy and they do not know.

To the times we live in one casebre and we are happy we start to live in a palace and enter in a depression. The materialism to the times takes off our beauty interior, because we look at the life with other eyes. I go to take off some photos of the river and between them of the pontilho, thus you and its brothers will kill the homesickness and you go to weave a commentary on the Pirianito. It was well close to this river that our city had its origin, and the first name that we receive was Pirianito Farm and later alone Pirianito, and finally appears the name of Ura.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Redentor Land

Nobody will be able to escape of the responsibilities of its attitudes a time that all we receive d' It right it of choice, the free will. In that day many will never desire to have had such right, front the so great horror the one that will be submitted (AP. 20, 11-15). Speaking candidly Chinanews told us the story. Words of ConfortoPara the comfort of that cries of hunger and headquarters of justice, I want to also stand out that the Apocalypse demonstrates a multipolar action of the justice of God, therefore at the same time where it promotes the punishment of the mpios, also she restores the actual damages for them. All pain and suffering of that they had been stepped on, destroyed, humiliated, aborted, assassinated unjustly, the ones that had been made orphans and the ones who had been made widowers in this sedenta land of blood, will be awarded in such way that nor pains of the past will remember more than.

It personally will dry all the tears that roll of its eyes and will cure all the wounds of soul restoring completely each one of these to the one wealth and infinitely bigger largeness of what all the suffering lived in this world of pains..

Monday, November 26, 2012

Atlantic Plateaus

Amongst these occurrences it is identified that forty and two are related the falling events and a related occurrence the capotamento. What also it can be related to the fact of the state of Minas Gerais to be characterized by a sufficiently mountainous relief. The state of Minas Gerais is situated in a plateaus area, with altitudes that vary of one hundred a thousand and five hundred meters. Great part of the state bes situated in Atlantic Plateaus, with a relief of wavy topos what it characterizes ' ' seas of mounts, with average altitudes of seven hundred meters (JAMES & MENDES 2005/2006) The accidents identified in the year of 2009 if fit in classroom 3 (Liquid Inflammable) and classroom 4 (Solid Inflammable) for order of bigger occurrence. Alteia that in the year of 2009, it more than had an addition of 300% in relation to the previous years, being registered forty and three accidents, of this total 99% they had occurred for falling. These data become preoccupying, therefore they are potentially .causing of some type of ambient damage, that can to reach half the physicists, bitico and economic partner.

The accidents had occurred next the areas to great urban concentrations had the proximity and characteristics of the cities where it had the accidents, and as in this type of accident, the direct consequence is of if having emptying and or spilling of the carried chemical product. Being thus, the bordering areas of the highways, that are its areas of influence, directly are affected, being able to reach the ground and courses d? water, that porventura will be to the edges of the highways and also the populations that if to concentrate in the neighborhoods. Had to the highways to have its tracing the same following passage of courses d? water, that many times supply some cities and are used, also, for irrigation of agricultveis areas.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Discrete Maquiagem

Colored person, hair very smooth, dyed clearly, blond type - loreal, imprisoned in a horse tail. She made heat and it, with slow and sensual movements, started to remove jaleco white, in whose pocket I seed indistinctly a dstico embroidered in blue - something as Jesus, or God, salvation, love, allegiance. Things of the sort, that the lack of hindered me to the eyeglasses to decipher. Ah, the age of the wolf. The entire day runs behind the Small hat, but he is same with vov. Or of the condor - with pain here, pain there. It folded jaleco carefully and kept it under the balcony. ndigo used jeanses blue justssimas, enhancing derrire well tilted.

A pink blouse of handles, shortness, disclosing one three fingers of barriguinha sarada without piercing in umbigo leaving clearly that soutien did not have there: the peaks of the small, hard and straight seios were well perceivable. Discrete Maquiagem. Small eyeglasses of fine metallic hoop and earrings ears pierced, clearly. It weighed my purchases, it said me the value and it extended the hand to catch the note of fifty that I delivered to it, in what vi the well well-taken care of nails, painted in a dark color and decorated with small stars. It smelled the lavender, could perceive, although the aroma nothing pleasant of the run over pollos.

She passed me I change, I gave a skill of roar a little stronger that delicate hand and asked its name. - Favour. - Ah, Maria of the Favours - I suggested, trying to extend papo. - Not, Gracinda. But it calls me to everybody Favour, I prefer. capsized stops backwards, to take care of to the father, who already delivered more bag to it to weigh. The waist low of the jeans left to the sample a gore of the white panty.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Ethics And Evolution

For the thinker Gonzlez Pecotche, it does not have evolution without ethics, what it estimates good convivncia, good feelings, intelligence. Tim Sloan follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. But it is not enough to want well to coexist, seno to know. To know what it makes it difficult the good relationship and to look for to change the proper behavior, the thoughts that make it difficult that art: impatience, abruptness, indiscretion, irritability and intolerncia must be transformed into the necessary virtues as the patience, the containment, the discretion, the moderation and the tolerance. The great chance that if has in the life, adds the thinker, is to coexist. in it, others two: not to molest the others and not to leave themselves to molest. It is not easy, nor impossible. It is necessary to want and to learn with who has what to teach. The other and the reality is irreplaceable masters.

We must be the change that we want to see in the world, said certain time one celebrates Hindu. The other would have to be for us a mirror, our reflected image showing to us as not we would have holding in them or giving an example to follow. The other is very important; exactly the enemy who proves the state of hardeness of our spirit. Who does not want to have enemies, better would be that it had not been born, wrote certain time the thinker. Intelligence estimates good convivncia.

The ethics if base on the moral constructed from the culture of good feelings: gratitude, friendship, generosity. To be grateful for existing, generous when teaching what it was learned, and friend. As it wrote Emerson well, the best form to have friends is to be friend. The science of the perfectioning consists of the practical constant of superior principles that preserve the species through the culture of thoughts and feelings that raise the man the superior levels of conscience. In this direction, the convivncia is an experimental field of inestimable value. Who does not coexist does not live.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

White Society

For the writing the history of the Jesus occidental person was servant, taught and thus spread out. Kurt Bock helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. If I to ask ' ' you believe the Man? ' ' , certainly he goes to answer that not, but he believes God. When believing God you writing believes the honesty precursory human being of the divine word, in which we believe. But it will be that the Men who had translated Biblical the texts primordial had been honest? It will be that it did not have omission or addition? Had not been involved interests/feelings? All relative questionings the bible are difficult of if getting answers? it is the question of the Dogma.

The society evolved in such a way however the only thought whose change is occulted is relative the God and the Sexuality. Leaving a little the subject ' ' Deus' ' , they allow to relate me that so protested Homossexualidade it is told as being one practical of the antiquity Greek where the young, during its permanence in the military life the same kept relations with another individual of sex until the o end of the military life. After this ticket only came back to the heterossexualidade. Reason to be against the homossexualidade? It will be for the attainment of pleasure for not genital parts? If thus it is, is clearly that same in the considered relations normal perversion is present, for example, the stimulation of genital agencies with the mouth/language (component agencies of the digestive system). Still more, the question of the sexual orientation not? fixed e? an heterossexual individual can turn gay and vice versa, by means of the circumstances that propitiate this orientation. In an age where the demographic explosion is exponential and the State, in all the nations of the world, is seen obliged to intervine on the natality, will not be gaysmo a form of control of the world-wide population? Leaving of the beginning of that this orientation does not have reproductive purpose. Closing this subject of the sexuality, I consider a reflection on the laws that the society imposes in them? I speak of the Heteronormatividade? the law that divides the society in men and women, according to characteristic anatmicas.

Coming back history of the bible, it is observed that it is not interpreted of literal form and many texts compose that it they are metafricos, are dated texts that made long ago sensible but that it does not have equal direction today. Perhaps this is justified for the scientific development. However let us see, if I obtain to cure somebody of the BEEN one, today, is clearly that it will constitute a miracle but it could not be for the future society that is possibly born in a context where the BEEN one already has cure.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


The suggestion is another marcante characteristic. When they commit contradictory acts to its character and habits, the faithful displays the loss of the conscientious personality for an operator, in a state that Freud called ' ' fascinao' '. Click Phil Rykhoek for additional related pages. But they do not find themselves conscientious individually of its acts, while its religious group if becomes impetuous. An example was the occurrence in 2008, when, according to media, 32 women had faced policemen during one endeavour to the old urban headquarters. The officers denounce investigated it of occultation of a sick man, when wounded with water had been lapidated and fervente. He enters the women of the Tabernculo, according to information of relatives, exist at least six administrative teachers and four assistant. You may wish to learn more. If so, Hadapt is the place to go. Thus exactly they corroborate the pertaining to school removal of sets of ten of children when they had left for the country property.

The situation alone was reverted after interference of the authorities. In way that if fortifies the idea of that the individual when isolated cultured and it is well informed; however into the multitude if it transforms into a Barbarian, acting for the instinct, another device indicated for the freudiana theory. A similarity between mental life of the primitive peoples and the children. Given to the impulsiveneness, changeability and irritability of the group. For social psychology the notion of the unconscious one and the comparison with the mental life of the primitive peoples is important. In these circumstances special the ethical principles of the group are greaters that of the individuals. But a psychological group is capable of a degree so raised of unfastening them corporeal properties and devotion to the ideal. What it is strengthened in the intense economic matrix and of division of the force of work emphasized permanently for L in the cults. For the Tabernculo ' ' it does not have premeditao' ' the accomplishment of the desires of its leader, shepherd L, must be carried through ' ' apaixonadamente' '.

Friday, November 2, 2012


What is that of which it is worth more? it does not cost to love my grandsons to me, to my children, wife, to my parents and brothers, my friendly and my disciples. Ay of me if it does not knead. It does not cost to me and it fills to me of satisfaction and it is worth immensely more than all the titles, degrees, honors and distinctions that I have received in my professional and academic life. Pete Dordal follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. it enchants to me and I enjoy and I feel like alive when giving class, when directing seminaries, when writing articles and books and giving lectures. That is not worth because they say that she does not cost to me? It is not certain that he is happier the one than more has but the one that better feels with itself and with its surroundings.

To be, to be, to know themselves, to be wanted, to accept themselves, to assume the failures, to welcome in the others and to let themselves embrace and want by the others. To be able to ***reflx mng themselves of our own limitations, to fall and to know how to rise with a smile, of not taking itself in so serious to these round asses divided by half. Our children and grandsons, from both years, respond when they fall: the ground will help to raise to me me. They do not pronounce Chuang Tz well, author of the aphorism, but to anybody it is happened to say to himbad table, carpets bad, bad toy! Much less, tata bad! is not at the most, better; but how much better, more, I take repeating during decades. The will has its site in the formation of the person, and is certain that those can that think that they can and that an exact person reaches what she yearns for deeply.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Age Vargas

Perhaps is there that its capacity meets to survive to the conchavos regional politicians to the ticket for the nationalism. Obtaining still to be populist same without to be popular in the decade of 50. Analyzing its trajectory Vargas he was revolutionary in 1930, in 1934 gained the elections, in the new State was dictator. In 54 its same death was part of the strategy to work the image of the charismatic leader. Its influence was so strong that in many aspects ' ' revolucionrios' ' of 1964, they were taking off of the power a representative of the Age Vargas. The former-governor of the State of the Rio Grande Do Sul Leonel Brizola when return of the final exile of the decade of 1970 represents the heir of those times of the Legality, with the creation of the PDT. Returning the age Vargas, we perceive that all the effort of propaganda and the image of Vargas for it and its followers was idealized with the intention of if arriving at the nationalism in the first period of the Age Vargas.

Of this point of view the projection of a strong State to the molds of the totalitarian nationalisms was a model that was en vogue. However the implantation of the authoritarianism was more condizente with the diversity of the Brazilian people. As it pointed D' well; Arajo, 26 Vargas not only impersonatied the government as well as the social changes that had passed to be attributed the person of Vargas. However we need to look for to understand the conjuncture from the look of they had lived that it without launching values ours that conjuncture if it is that this is possible. If it will be possible to make this from the indications that arrive in them at the gift can understand that Vargas was what was, or passes to history as ' ' father of pobres' ' because ' had one; ' moment possvel' ' so that such factors occurred.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Democracy

Hardt and Negri remember that in the same net where the power exerts its domain, multitude acts with the purpose to create an alternative global society. Therefore, the anti-power of the multitude uses the same strategies that the power: fluidity, inconstncia and multiplicity in an extraterritorial space. Currently, the militancy through the Internet, that bets in the decentralized, desterritorializada action and in net of the multitude, is configured as an important tool for that they act as a lawyer in favor of the democracy, despite this resource also comes being used for fundamentalist groups and of right boundary line to propagate its ideas. A related site: Kurt Bock mentions similar findings. The action undertaken by means of blogs, fruns and messages propagated in the Internet, many times of anonymous form, had to its collective character can most be understood when associated to the concept of rizoma that it appears in Deleuze and Guattari: rizoma connects a point any with another point any and each one of its traces necessarily does not send the traces of same nature; (...) It is not made of units, but of dimensions, or before directions moving. It does not have start nor end, but always a way for which it grows and overflows. (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 1995, P. 32) the certainty of that ' ' we are more intelligent juntos' ' it makes of the resistance modality that we observe in the Web, that if it shows pparently disarrenged what had been coordinated, a force practically impossible to be contained by the mechanisms of tracking and control of the Empire.

The attack in net presents as something similar to a swarm of birds or insects in a terror film, a multitude of attacking irrationals, strangers, uncertain, invisible unexpected. If to analyze the interior of a net, however, will see that effectively it is organized, rational and creative. It has the intelligence of the swarm.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Discarding Really

Therefore, consonant Light (2006: 43) ' ' a proposal to be able to seem true for somebody, it has to seem probably true, in some measure. supports Moser, what it becomes a probable proposal is some type of evidncia' '. In these conditions, we need only probabilities and certezas not to accept some proposal, however, one perceives that it uses itself of the falibilismo as support of its fundacionista theory. In agreement the Moser, the thesis of the auto-probability possesss many problems, since, is difficult to define if such proposal is really auto-probable or not, as well as contradictory, therefore, in the ontolgica thesis I am, I I exist, necessarily to be true, first I have that to think, to have wills and to doubt. Then, it needs certain evidences to be considered true, however, he is confused if it is a thesis of conditional Auto-probability to the truth or needs evidences to have some truth, however, it is not auto-probable. Contanto, for Light (2006: 45), when we consider a proposal as auto-probable due to the terms constitute that it, we are, in the truth, considering that this proposal true must to the use of such and such terms.

However, it supports Moser, ' ' we do not have to confuse conditions for the evidencial probability with conditions for verdade' '. It is not difficult also to understand that the thesis of the auto-probability tends to lead to the infinitismo, let us see an example. I am, I I exist, Discarding I defined this ontologia for the o reason that, it thought, it doubted, it I felt. But, he guarantees what me that it really thinks, he doubts and he feels? Thus, he will have then that to prove the veracity of that it really thinks, he feels and he doubts. Later that to find such reply that it proves the veracity, it guarantees what me that this reply really possesss truths enough to affirm that the reply of that ' ' it pensa' ' or ' ' it duvida' ' she is really true? Thus, Light (2006: 46) question ' ' Somebody can, only based in the proposals that compose the return, to accept the antecedent of this connective? ' ' For Moser, hardly not, therefore, the epistmico citizen will need the definition ' ' pensar' ' ' ' duvidar' ' for only thus, to justify the belief I am, I I exist.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


' She is necessary to love the people as if it did not have tomorrow, because if you to stop pra thinking about the truth do not have ' ' Beginning our dialogue with this phrase that says of what it makes look like, does not teach in them much more of what any school. Words as this, perceived in its colored form, or simply as a limpid and inconfundvel frequency, that makes in them to feel what he was asleep inside of us. Ironically we are pegos of surprise hearing musics with letters that ask for to love those that attacks in them and many times obtain hurting in them. Coincidence? I think that not. Click Steve Blank for additional related pages. This agreement is part of our evolution, all we pass and will go to pass for unimaginable situations and that our mind fits and our heart to decide which way will be most sensible inside to fundirmos of us this event.

We have that to stop to give more attention to the details, them really they make the difference, either it in which universe will be. Perhaps when a friend speaks (Ei, we go to talk one hour of these), it needs somebody very to relieve, and we finish postponing for not giving attention, to these details. Perhaps a simple ones to look at already speaks more than a thousand words one hugs the time does not walk pra backwards and we do not know if still we will be with the opened eyes to see the sun to be born of varanda, to see the birds subtle if to accomodate between the trees really is necessary to love the people, the life each one in its way, but she is necessary because if you to stop pra thinking. it goes to understand the message and the objective of everything this, its existence The details really make the difference in this our hostile universe in the lack dialogue. in the lack respect in the lack love Item that would have to be the basic one of the convivncia between beings of the same species. One more time obliged for leaving that I inside entered a little of its interior if and what I said it had the least a little of absorption in its mind already was valid the penalty our reflection. Abraos. Maicon Moso email for contact: Blog: