Friday, October 31, 2014

Good Community Manager

After reading some articles about how it should be a community manager or a social media manager, on what should be their functions, etc., emerged me some ideas which before knowing what knowledge must have a person dedicated to manage or administer a community, you must first have a few essential qualities to be able to do its task successfully. Then presented a synthesis of the five qualities that must have a good community manager or a social media manager: 1. understand the technology, but loving people. Social networking technologies are the means to accomplish a goal, which is usually communicate effectively, build confidence and achieve reception in the community. The expert who knows how to use networks to perfection and knows all applications but that it does not interact, is probably not the right person to manage social networks. It is best to find the right person that understands that social media is the tool to reach effectively, direct and friendly to customers and people with similar interests. 2 Own emotional and intellectual curiosity.

This point is clear, the head of social networks must know the business, Enterprise, information about products and services, procedures to solve potential problems, etc., but his real motivation must be the desire and the ability to see things from the perspective of the other person (the follower, fan, or client). You must generate empathy, and that its management in social networks is essential. 3 Be careful with impulsive and non-reactive attitude. Be a manager of social media is more than send messages on Twitter, post and comment on Facebook or build a virtual brand. Sometimes there is too much pressure. Many organizations and companies are not well positioned in social networks, so that measuring their impact and reputation online can be a bit trickier than usual, and will require much more work and immediate actions, which cannot be left in the hands of any person in the company or download them in one or another Department.


Reflection for parents in the world. By Raul Otero Director Group GranFuturo sometime ago encounter every day more common the fact many people took refuge in the inactivity of watching the movie of their lives as passive spectators, is eternal pause, in the monotony of waiting for the old luck. If at some point someone should take these notes to read them, let me tell you that life only this in motion and non-stops to talk with those who are inactive. To be at rest stop a force, which violate the laws of physics must be internal force becomes necessary. As middle level teacher, I surprised to see that many of my students only expect to have the answer for the problems, not strive to find a solution, they rely on way to the use of calculators, Internet and greatly to the increasingly more common phrase as you do this problem? waiting for someone to take the initiative for them.

In life usually occur in the same way, if you expect to it to solve their difficulties You can never move forward, others are busy in their own affairs to stop and help you in yours. This does not mean that people who are interested in helping you there are if you request them with interest and shows a genuine desire of wanting to overcome. I don't want to be absolute, and is my opinion very particular to say that it seems that they are every day more voids of knowledge many of our young people, who are the future of this our world. I remember a little story that should be in all schools and universities now and I want to make it available to all who may read these ideas. A man selling balloons in the Park of a small village, which could be anywhere in the world was.

Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever the selection of mascot suitable for you and your family is an important decision. in the training of dogs. There are hundreds of breeds of dogs around the world so your options are virtually unlimited. The American Kennel Club classifies the different races in groups and each group has distinct characteristics that are shared by all races. The Golden Retriever is in the sporting group. The sports group is formed by some of the oldest and most popular breeds.

In the training of dogs, many of the dogs in this category were bred for hunting, although the majority of people who own these dogs sporting only keep them as pets in the family, rather than hunters. The features of hunting, however, created some of the most rewarding aspects of owning a hunting dog. The Goldens natural retrievers, are always good playing and bringing the ball. Another outgoing trait is his personality, dogs are very enthusiastic and good companions. The Golden Retriever was bred to be tough and strong. Mark Zuckerberg is the source for more interesting facts. Don't let that cute face fool fool him. While any other golden will delight your family jumping and rolling at home as if he were wrestling, this breed is especially skilled in the field.

As puppies, the Goldens are full of energy and can be particularly rowdy. Make sure that you have toys for chewing for a better control of your character. Remember, puppies are restless. A leg of a chair works so well for them both as a sterilized bone. The Goldens are very exercised, athletic and good character. They have a strong desire to please. You can find them doing jests movements with bright eyes and tail which are also good with children. More information on dogs Golden Retriever here is usually intense golden yellow colour. The hair tends to be a little deeper in color after the first year. They tend to be twenty-four inches in height at the Withers (shoulders), females are slightly smaller. Their fur tends to be long and either flat or wavy. They will have to be brushed correctly or will form you thick layers. Thus, if you are looking for a loyal colleague who will be great with children or adults, should find a method of training dogs and spend some time getting to know a Golden retriever.

Good Managerial Leader

Thinking, the vision and the dream always precede action.Orison Swett Marden generalities and considerations the topic lends itself to make an analysis of what nowadays represents the leadership, depending on the scenario where the leader to unfold, as are different goals, goals that are to be met, however, will have common topics, for example, characteristics that any good leader should have in pro that their management is expected by his followersgenerating transformations, necessary changes. This time, we do not concentrate on management, where his role is very significant, especially in light of the crisis facing the business sectors according to the performance of the variables of contingencies that are impacting very significantly in their organizational behavior, survival, operability. Some of them relevant, as it is the Venezuelan case, where the variable of the State that is identified as the new Bolivarian revolution appears and your President, Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias has decided that the country should venture into what has been called the socialism of the 21st century, seriously influencing the survival of many companies, in the business sector of the country, generating fear, risk, uncertainty turbulence and more negative, stoppage of productivity required to cater to its inhabitants of commodities. Another incidental aspect, is the current financial crisis that already affects and at lmany countries where Venezuela, as Mexico to name a few which we are known, are not immune. Speed that advances the change does not indicate that will decrease soon. If anything on the contrary, it is likely that competition in most of the industries accelerate even more in the coming decades, the consequences can be negative. There's no denying that inexorable change and insecurity that define our time require strong in business, Government and society leadership. Racing, customers and communities suffer the consequences of a poorly managed company, Jhon Kotter gives us the opportunity to reflect on power, influence, dependence, and strategies for change and to analyze the essence of leadership and re-evaluate the relationship of the Manager in the work of leaders.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Constitutional Court

Present aid beneficiary entities, must meet the standards of the common fisheries policy during the period covered by the aid. If this period found that those rules have been violated, such circumstances will result in the return of the aid in proportion to the intensity of the infringement. Associative entities receiving aid will not be regionalised nor may be disturbed by how much your activity must be at national or supraautonomico no bonding with any autonomous community, allowing to delimit point of territorial connection, in accordance with the doctrinal by the Constitutional Court. In accordance with the foregoing, deemed necessary to establish a few lines of subsidies aimed at the above-mentioned actions. The legal service and the intervention Department delegate mandatory reports have been collected in the process of elaboration of this order. If you have read about Christopher Nolan already - you may have come to the same conclusion. The sectors affected and the autonomous communities have also been consulted. This order is issued in accordance with that established in article 9.2 and related provisions of the law 38/2003 of November 17, General grant, and in its rules of procedure, approved by Royal Decree 887/2006, of July 21.

In his virtue, I have: article 1. Object. This order is to establish the regulatory bases in the competitive concurrence scheme, of subsidies to the realization of collective actions in the public interest, of field national or supraautonomico, regulated in article 37 of Regulation (EC) No. 1198 / 2006 of the Council, of 27 July 2006 on the European Fisheries Fund, and Regulation (EC) No 498/2007, of the Commission, of 27 March, whereby the provisions of the previous regulation. Article 2.

Beneficiaries. They will have status as beneficiary of the assistance regulated in this order: to) the associative entities of the extractive fisheries sector and aquaculture of national scope and supraatunomico, which may apply for grants for projects referred to in article 4 of this order. (((((b) the associative entities dedicated to the marketing and processing of fishery products and aquaculture at national or supraautonomico, which may apply for grants for projects referred to in article 4(2), letters d), (e)), f), g), h), and (i)).

Japanese Government

Growing concern for the distribution of meat with radioactive caesium. Fukushima has asked its farmers to stop distributing meat. The Ministry of health says that eating that meat does not affect seriously the health. The authorities of Japan have confirmed that at least 648 cows were fed with feed contaminated by emissions from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which has increased the concern by the distribution of meat with radioactive cesium, Kyodo agency reported. In the last hours have been detected 505 new cases of animals fed with contaminated fodder, which bind to the 143 located since last July 10, when were they recorded first levels of this radioactive isotope above those permitted in meat of six cows from Fukushima.

The Government of Fukushima has asked its farmers who cease to distribute meat at the moment and is expected that central Government prohibit any shipment of beef and veal in the province from Tuesday. Mark Zuckerberg recognizes the significance of this. Of these 505 copies, 411 came from seven farms in Fukushima province, where is It is situated the ailing plant severely damaged by the tsunami and the earthquake of March 11. Radioactive caesium feed one of these seven farms, located in Motomiya, 57 km northwest of the plant, contained 690,000 becquerels of cesium per kilogram, 1,380 times the limit allowed by the Japanese Government and the maximum concentration recorded so far. The majority of the owners of farms in Fukushima have admitted to not be aware of the order issued by the Government on March 19 do not use feed stored abroad, face the risk of being polluted by emissions from the nuclear power plant. Other 24 cows of the localized yesterday were reared in the province of Niigata (Northwest) and fed with forage from the province of Miyagi, which bordered on the South by Fukushima, while the 70 remaining come from four farms of the province of Yamagata, also to the North of Fukushima. However, in these four estates is unknown at the moment the origin of feed used to feed the animals. The meat of these 505 copies have been distributed in at least 38 of 47 Japanese provinces, according to Kyodo. The Japanese Ministry of health has stated that several times to eat meat with levels of radioactive caesium exceeds the threshold set by the Government would not seriously affect health. Source of the news: at least 648 cows were fed radioactive feed in Fukushima

Designing Portfolio

Here some tips to improve your portfolio, if you don't already is the time to create it. Tips that are important to take into consideration when you design your portfolio. Initially you should take into account that even if you use technology and multimedia resources, over time will evolve and what is today the most innovative tomorrow it may be only a trend; Now we go into matter and reflect on these aspects. 1 Get your design sketches, tries to create a final image of as it will be the design and seeks to not stay away from her too.It is very easy to get carried away by the enthusiasm and want to use all the tools, effects and tricks that we know. However, if you stop to think about it a few seconds you will notice of that, if you exceed your portfolio will not transmit that professional image of you that, I'm sure, you want to give to your potential customers. 2 Designed for you your portfolio is your business card, your letter of presentation and, indirectly, give an idea to your users of the types of sites they develop normally. If you do not you want that they handle projects that dislike you do not design a portfolio that does not indulge you simply because that is the fashion of the moment.

3. But don't forget that what matters are your users. Do not do experiments in your portfolio, unless you do it for pure love of art or move in very specialized circles. In general, the majority of those who launched a portfolio seek to be hired as designers or developers by a third party. If that customer or possible boss is unable to navigate through our site will be difficult that trusts us yours don't you think? 4 Facilitates the contact with you. Unless you look for being hired by telepathic or mysterious spies, eases everything your users contact you, including forms and enlazalos properly from all pages in the site.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

It Can Cure Breast Cancer

Before starting to explain how to cure breast cancer is very important to know that breast cancer is you ask for what I want to know that it is breast cancer, if I just want to heal me? Well I have a great answer for you, I must say that to fight cancer before that nothing must know him and know which are your points more weak, and this way to be able to delete it forever, then what is Breast Cancer? Breast cancer, are a series of cells in the breast become abnormal for some reason and it is for this reason that experts are investigating the bacteria, since some of these penetrate into our cells and provovan a transformation. The transformed cells may attack other normal cells and cause that these are also transformed (some cells end up being destroyed.) a cell can become Breast Cancer? When bad cells start to spread, is when the cancer is detected (sometimes a tiny group of cells) (mutated end up becoming cancerous.) This is why the cancer starts small, in a given sector of the breast and spreads from there. If cancer is not stopped or controlled, could end up extending beyond breast and end up in other areas of the body. At this moment is when a quick and simple cure is required. Breast cancer is a group of abnormal cells, and you need to know why these cells are transformed. To find the causes of the why this happens, you will know what to do and what not to do to avoid that you propagate in greater quantity and of course know how to remove them. How to eliminate their Cancer forever? Knowing all about breast cancer, we need to do is reverse the process, not foster the atmosphere in our body that continue to proliferate, if you have cancer, you know that can be cured, by reversing the process, and for those women who don't have breast cancer, be able to take measures and prevent the CANCER for always.

The Atlantis Mission

The mission will last 12 days, and takes to the Station an experiment to develop vaccines against gastrointestinal diseases. It transfers all the provisions and pieces of spare part necessary to maintain the operations in the EEI when they stop working the ferrys. The Atlantis I have completed 32 space flights in its 26 years in active-duty. The Atlantis ferry, in its final trip and with four astronauts on board, has been reconciled successfully to Estacin Espacial Internacional (EEI), in a last mission of 12 days that will close the era of the ferrys. The connection took place without 15,07 misfortunes to GMT, a minute later than the anticipated thing, after one precise approach maneuver in which the rocket hardly moved to three centimeters per second.

The twelfth encounter between the Atlantis and the EEI was completed when both about 386 ships flew to kilometer s on the coast this of New Zealand, according to the National Administration informed into Aeronautics and the Space (NASA) of the United States. Two days after his takeoff from the Space Center Kennedy in Cabo Cane plantation (Florida, the USA), the Atlantis became transfer number 37 in being reconciled to the orbital complex, but the accountant who pauses now after three decades in operation. To 16,47 GMT, half an hour before the anticipated thing, the EEI and the ferry were abrieron to the floodgates between, to reunite to their four astronauts with the three who inhabit the Space station permanently the International, that they had prepared his traditional ceremony of welcome. Experiments and repairs for the EEI With its arrival, the laboratory of the space complex receives an experiment to develop vaccines against gastrointestinal diseases, like the caused one by salmonella, with the purpose of abrir a phase of investigation on the behavior of these bacteria in conditions of microgravity. The multipurpose Atlantis take in addition the module Rafaello, plenty of provisions and pieces of spare part sufficient to maintain the operations of the station once they stop working the ferrys.

Finally, it transports experiment Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM), designed to demonstrate and to prove tools, technologies and techniques necessary to resupply mechanically to the satellites in the space. At the top of the historical mission they are commander Chris Ferguson, captain of the American Navy retired for that is his third trip, and pilot Dough Hurley, colonel of the marine infantry, that it has more than 4,000 flight hours in 25 types of airplanes and is the second time that travels to the space. The specialists of Sandra mission complete the crew Magnus, engineer who have participated in three missions and have altogether spent four months in the space, and Rex Walheim, retired colonel of the Air Force for whom also is his third mission and that has spent 24 days in the space and has realised 5 space long walks. The Atlantis, the quarter of the fleet of ferrys of the NASA, have made 32 space flights in their 26 years in active-duty, in which it has happened more than 293 days in the space and has crossed 194.168.330 kilometers. Source of the news: The Atlantis the era arrives for the last time at the Space station the International closing from the ferry

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Hotel Celuisma Florida Norte

After 9 years of drought in recitals, AC/DC decides to cool the summer heat with a shower of pure rock & roll that thousands of fans will be grateful in their upcoming concerts in Madrid and Barcelona. The appointment more longed by fans rock will take place on 5 June in the stadium Vicente Calderon and June 7 in the Olympic Stadium in Barcelona. Just as in the first installment of the tour in the spring, locations for both concerts are already sold out for months. Read additional details here: Mark Zuckerberg . The lucky ones who attend the event will enjoy hymns so cheered as a Highway to hell, Hell bells, You shook me all night long, or Back in black. The legendary group founded by the Young brothers have sold over 200 million albums since they launched in 1973 and he sowed controversy in 2000 when the Ayuntamiento de Leganes decided to baptize a street named after her.

The month of October they published his nineteenth work entitled Black Ice that was quickly placed on the lists of albums most sold. More electric rock n roll band exhibits a powerful and energetic live that turns it into a single group, to its almost 37 years rolling through the scenarios. In his previous concert in Madrid it unleashed a storm of rock and roll that enraptured the more than 18,000 followers congregated at the Palacio de los Deportes. After the success of its passage through Spain in April, the second this legendary band concert in Madrid so far of the year is without doubt an essential musical event for lovers of rock. LateRooms has the best offers of hotels in Madrid, for example the Hotel Celuisma Florida Norte from 70 double room, or the Pension check boxes from 55 double room.

Management Solution

Movistar, through applications for SMEs and self-employed Aplicateca platform, has launched an application of management for lawyers fully developed in a Web environment. Developed entirely by the company this management tool will allow that the law firms have a management solution in the cloud. Learn more at: Gen. Martin Dempsey. Through this management tool, the law firms may provide a tool that allows them to have absolute control of your records, manage the balances of records, may be invoiced, shall provide an interrelated agenda, as well as listings and various options designed for the legal professional. The application is available in the shop of Aplicateca from 14,95 per month, with the possibility of a free trial. The application of management for lawyers has been developed entirely by, and currently boasts more than 2,000 users. Sudespacho.NET is a leading company in solutions of management for professional offices, being the first company launched solutions in the cloud in 2003. This application of management of law firms is a great opportunity to be able to modernise his Office with a solution of management 100% Web, and that is hosted in the cloud.

Monday, October 13, 2014

American Orbe Power

Before the social and economic dislocation produced by a development model that idolizes to the market, many are wondering if the chaos is not preceded by the decline of the West. I think there is no such decline, which has ceased to exist is the West as reality, and even as a concept. We are all interrelated and are responsible for each other, and not only dependent. Economic imperialism that comes to us is not new politician with its withdrawal from international treaties and its violation of the fundamental rights for all as a system to become disregarding the sovereignty of States that arbitrarily condemned as hostile to its policy. The discretion of the Prince as a source of law was a constant in the history of mankind. It was the conduct of the Eastern satraps of Western emperors, Popes autocrats and of all those who did not consider the town as the authentic basis of sovereignty which temporarily delegated the power to act for the benefit of society. The policy is born in Athens when Pericles was the soul of Greece.

The citizen participation was the key to the system. Rome morally decayed when he left the Republican institutions to strengthen the power of the Imperator and be more effective in the conquest of the ORB. It was not strange that the theocratic conception of the power that succumbed to the Christian message of universal brotherhood, degradase the conquests of mind reflected in the right to equate to the Caliphs theocratic policy to spread Islam. His conception of the world has been the paradigm of Washington hawks: conceived the world divided into Islam dhar and dhar to the Harb, subject and world to conquer. Gain insight and clarity with Joint Chiefs of Staff . Bush divided the world into American Orbe and Orbe of other lands (Orbis romanus et Orbis terrarum). The concept of globalization is as old as the reason for the force on the force of reason.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Bertha Benz Challenge Attracts International Participants In

With electric cars on the world's oldest automotive Street, the second Bertha Benz Challenge starts in September. As the last year demonstrate numerous electric cars of from various manufacturers both long-distance suitability and driving pleasure. This time it is Rafael de Mestre. In a 80-tagigen electric race around the world, the Spaniard in a Tesla Roadster demonstrated how purely electrically powered commercial vehicles already today long can travel distances. He is against two Frenchmen, which already started in February with their circumnavigation. Sporting de Mestre's ambitious aims to overtake his opponents on the tour.

After the race, which led him across from Barcelona through Europe, America and Asia, he will demonstrate the reliability of electric mobility on the Bertha Benz challenge. Initiated the challenge is by the Bertha Benz Memorial route E.v.. The non profit-making organisation would like to position with the tour eco-friendly and innovative drive technologies in society. It is supported by numerous sponsors from the public sector, and electric mobility. Patron of the event is the Prime Minister of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Winfried Kretschmann. Kicks on the automechanika press conference at the 14.09.2012 in Frankfurt am Main. The challenge leads to the Sep 16 and others through the old town of Heidelberg and the garden of Schwetzingen Castle.

Another highlight is the rally at the Hockenheimring. In the context of the final run of the international German motorcycle Championship (IDM), visitors and the media can marvel at the silent challenge in full speed. Last year, more than 40 vehicles took part in the challenge. The Organizer expects even greater resonance by the new locations. Participants as well as journalists and photographers can register website to the challenge or a section on the registration form on the. The quota is limited. Contact for the press: Edgar Meyer phone: + 49 - 62 21 - 87 43 57 email: Personal invitation to representatives of the press: as an accredited journalist or photographer you are cordially invited, without either the entire Bertha Benz Challenge to participate participation fee (14-16.9.2012: Frankfurt Mannheim Bruchsal Pforzheim Hockenheim Mannheim), or only in sections! Please contact in time us, before the quota is exhausted! We cannot accept unfortunately expenses as charitable initiative.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

School Of International Relations

School of to develop their teaching-learning process, the Faculty is organized in three departments in the year 1964, Private Law, Professional Law and the Social and Political Sciences, the latter is renamed in 1967 in Political Science and Social, creating in 1968 the Department of Public Law. That same year, the School took on an added dimension by proposing the creation of the career of International Relations in the Department of Social and Political Sciences, which was approved by the Higher University Council in 1970 should be added that from that year , teachers and students of the career construct their own identity.In 1980 the School was reorganized as follows: the career of Legal Sciences, is staffed by the Departments of Political and Social Sciences, Professional Law and Procedure Private Law and Public Law, International Relations The race is run by the Department of Foreign created under international trade 635 dated 3 November 1971. The initial structure of the Department was: A director and faculty (mostly foreigners) and three instructors. In 1971 the curriculum of international relations underwent a review by the Department of Social and Political Sciences Faculty. That review turned rigid system to disappear electives and sets the following knowledge areas: Policy, legal, economic, historical, sociological and Languages.This plan was revised in 1973 with the aim of adjusting to changing realities, market development and experience of similar institutions Before that military intervention of 1972 reduced the Department's Section, but the status was later recovered Department and in 1980 the Department of Political Science of the area replaced some basic materials, modifying the previous plan. Parallel to this change, military intervention of 26 June 1980 resulted in postponement of academic and administrative activities, which resumed in 1985, Starting with a curricular reform effort to update and streamline the race result was curriculum in 1986. Similarly in 1992 was another curriculum reform effort, this time for both races, emerged the 1993 curriculum approved by the Higher University Council under Agreement No. 137-91-95 (IX) of 3 April 1995.Currently manage both the Curriculum 1993, as the newly released Plan 2005, which innovates the themes of discipline, according to the most pressing needs of national and international society with better tools to prepare future professionals. Surprisingly, you'll find very little mention of Joint Chiefs of Staff on most websites. Another organizational aspect to be mentioned was the creation of two schools: the Legal Sciences and International Relations in 1997. In 2002 worked off-campus near Spain Avenue in downtown San Salvador, returning to the current facilities which include the so-called Historic Building and Building new classrooms shared with the Faculty of Economics, which 15 classrooms will correspond to our faculty. In sum, from the 1970s until today, the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, serves two races: The Bachelor of Science Degree in Legal and International Relations.The first school despite being a traditionally has been administered by the departments of Political and Social Sciences, Private Law and Procedure, Professional Law, Public Law, it is up to 2004, which came into effect the figure of a Director. The second, has a definite direction and for the same year is worthily represented by Dr. Cecilia Segura de Due as who strongly encouraged innovation and implementation of Curriculum 2005 for the School of . At present, the direction of the School of is in charge of Mr. Jorge Alberto Aranda. From the year 2010 will begin providing Curriculum 2010 and will affect earnings 2009 and 2010. This reform is planned to correct certain defects which resulted in the 2005 plan and strengthen certain areas where this was weak.Changes like a new vision for certain existing materials, creating new areas such as international conflicts and crises, the replacement of graduate seminars in the fifth year for new workshops where you plan to implement what they learned during the whole race , and compression of the language area that today will be eight subjects to be four. Undoubtedly, this change represents an ambitious project to some extent by the School of , but carried out will lead to a generation of professionals with higher quality education and better prepared for the challenges it brings working life with him.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ginna Nuclear Power Plant

The Ginna Nuclear Power Plant of Rochester natural gas Gas and Electric's, is close to Rochester, New York, USA. It consists of a single unit of pressurized water energy costs reactors from Westinghouse two cycles, similar to those in Point energy Beach, Kewaunee, and Prairie Island. Rochester Gas and is responsible for the operation of this plant which is owned by the RGS Energy Group.
The Ginna plant was subjected to a mild nuclear accident when, on January 26, 1982, a small amount gas of radioactive steam escaped into cooking gas the air by a broken pipe. The flight that lasted 93 minutes caused the declaration of gas emergency for the site.

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25 Year Celebration Of The International Association Of Scientologists (IAS)

Scientologists came the birthplace of the International Association of David Miscavige from around the world this year to the Silver Jubilee of the IAS to Saint Hill (England) the IAS - thousands of Scientologists from around the world welcomed in Saint Hill (England) - to the 25 year celebration. Initially, he stated that Scientology at one point is reached, which would have been unthinkable 25 years ago. The churches and missions span the whole world today and applied the methods of L. Ron Hubbard in almost every country. Until 1984, the Scientology religion had a sparse presence in 39 countries.

This year, the International Association of Scientologists was"(IAS) established to support many projects and to spread the religion extensively. Today, Scientology in 165 countries is represented. It monumental court decisions were made in 48 countries, which were seized in the rights of Scientologists and the publication of the works of L. Ron Hubbard. In 28 countries, Scientology was Church in the last 25 years religious recognition. in 1984 there were This only in a country.

Only 7 countries had laws of freedom of information. In the course of the last 25 years have this now 82 countries, also due to the efforts of the IAS. Increased services through the many associations supported by the IAS to improve society by ten times in the last 25 years. Due to this social institutions, there are now 30 times more groups who helped so far 9.8 million people. The IAS with the campaigns for the dissemination of human rights achieved especially tens of millions more people. "Information about drugs and the distribution of the booklet the way to happiness". The IAS also allows to introduce the methods of L. Ron Hubbard to like-minded organizations and Governments. This has now taken a greater extent than in the entire previous years together: 22,000 community -, city - and country - federal agencies use or now support the programs of the Scientology religion. in 1984, mainly English-language documents and books by L. Ron Hubbard were available. Just 16,000 pages were translated at the time. Today, there are more than 4 million pages that have been translated. In addition, the Scriptures have been translated into 50 languages. This means that up to 90 percent of the world's population can read the works of Hubbard BBs. The number of groups, missions and churches has doubled in the last 5 years alone. In the last 12 months, there were more visitors on the Internet pages of Scientology, considered in the previous 14 years together. Since the IAS was founded 25 years ago, widened the scope of Scientology to 25 times around the world.

Gallegos Nava Ramon

The evolution of consciousness seeks to achieve a thought of second grade, which is characterized by a high human sensitivity to life, peace, Concord, the ability of understanding of the complexity, the postconventional moral judgment and universal values. Holistic for 21st century education defined a new role for the educator. Holistic education prepares educators for new roles in societies of the 21st century, living the transition of society scientist/industry to sustainable society, need the Mission of educators is different, the industrial society this ending, which is emerging as a new paradigm is a global civilization of knowledge, a culture emerging based on universal values. In this new culture educator will have a very different from the past centuries mission, education should stimulate and develop widely human virtues and abilities. The educator holistic must facilitate the learning of the evolution of consciousness.

Dr. Ramon Gallegos nava tells us that holistic for 21st century education gives priority to moral development. The development of moral thinking is fundamental and strategic in the societies of the 21st century, this purpose cannot be achieved with the development of instrumental rationality or science education, moral development of human beings towards a postconventional stadium is essential to achieve a fairer, more equitable society, more peaceful and with greater material development that enable to overcome poverty. Moral development has not received the attention it deserves, what has generated the main social problem is that of corruption, dishonesty, permanent violation of the law, etc. Moral development is part of what UNESCO He defined as learning to be.

I am convinced, that as a first step we must educate educators to subsequently be able to the own students, extending it with the family and thereby begin to generate community with a vision holistic mentioned is the only way to be able to reorient the way of education, i.e. towards an education with a human face. And if we want to change the world, starting with ourselves, we would end up by making the first step. BIBLIOGRAPHY. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2000) the spirit of education. Integrity and transcendence in holistic education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) the education of the heart. Twelve principles for holistas schools. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) education holistic. Pedagogy of universal love. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) a holistic view of education. Heart of holistic education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2001) dialogues holistas. Holistic and perennial philosophy education i. International Foundation for holistic, Guadalajara education. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) learning to be. The birth of a new consciousness spiritual. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) learning communities. Transforming schools into community learning. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2003) pedagogy of universal love. A holistic world view. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2004) wisdom, love and compassion. Perennial philosophy II and holistic education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2004) the way of the perennial philosophy. Holistic and perennial philosophy III education. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2005) education and spirituality. Education as a spiritual practice. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara. -Gallegos Nava Ramon (2007) spiritual intelligence. Apart from the emotional and multiple intelligences. International Foundation for holistic education, Guadalajara.

Friday, October 3, 2014

International President

Terry the tramp: of the stuntmen to the Vagos President the dangerous life of a 1prozenters the book Terry the tramp leads us through Terry's turbulent life. From his childhood in an impoverished, broken home to up to his final arrest due to a freely invented accusation. It is an often brutal drive, fueled by barbiturates, cocaine and Angel Dust. It is the story of a wild horde of outlaws from southern of California, trying to find their place in an even wilder world, where everyone looked also Terry himself, often in the face of death. "The reader in the book Terry the tramp learns the answer: by the stuntmen to the Vagos President the dangerous life of 1% ers". There is still more to learn: what makes the typical rocker? Why someone becomes a rocker, who has a career as an acclaimed Stuntman before him? And the about crucial question: why is there even rockers, bikers sanning also called? Einprozenter, as the rocker also call themselves, live beyond the normal society. For some, it is a dreamy, wild existence. Others connect to break, betrayal, dangerous situations and informants.

But the reflection of neon light on breakneck chrome morning, if it is got rid of just a raging bull and a pissed husband, at 3:00 inherently something romantic in itself. There's no sign of weakness helps ever. (Terry) "Terry the tramp" Orendorff was born in 1947 in a troubled, medium-sized family with an absent father. He grew with lust on violence in Alhambra closer, a very hard agricultural area in southern of California. In this tough environment, he developed the ability to understand a man, even though it was twice as big as he. He could recognize its weaknesses and find the sore spot. Terry became the International President of the Vagos MC, one of the most notorious Einprozenter motorcycle clubs in southern of California, and remained during times of upheaval, during trial, drug use, and wars between the clubs in the district.

After he had served the Club for a lifetime, he was driven recklessly. At his times as international President, Terry helped the Club to do so, after Wyoming, Hawaii, Oregon, Nevada, and Japan to expand. He led his brothers: the marijuana time of hippies, the senseless violence in the 70s, which was triggered by the use of barbiturates, and later through the era of gangsters with cocaine and speed. Terry the tramp: the dangerous life of 1% ers "leads the reader through a life in the lion's den.

Joint Social Welfare Institute

is reorganizing and reforming various public institutions to increase the effectiveness of the state, including the closure of some of them as the because of their millions in losses by mismanagement, and INCOFER that had relapsed unmanageable financial deficits. The legitimacy of public institutions is strengthened, to improve governance and strengthen democratic values. It provides a coherent strategy to promote development and create skilled jobs and higher wages, attracting foreign investment to Costa Rica. It creates a new cluster of national high-tech exports, thanks to the personal efforts of President for the establishment of INTEL in Costa Rica. a major reform designed to modernize the state banking system, which includes breaking the state monopoly accounts.It launched several initiatives to improve national education, including a constitutional reform approved by Congress to allocate 6 of GDP to public education , which introduced English as a second language in public schools from first grade and consolidates the installation of computer laboratories in secondary schools. EBAIS are created (Basic Teams for Integral Health), as effective preventive medicine providers in the communities of the country, mainly by providing easy access to health services. Gain insight and clarity with Facebook. Reorganize social institutions such as the Joint Social Welfare Institute (IMAS), to provide better services to citizens of their country, to allow greater social mobility to the most vulnerable sectors of society. It gives effect to the Agenda 21 for Sustainable Development. Ratifying the International Convention on Biodiversity and Climate Change.Important laws are implemented in both areas and adopting a first tax on carbon emissions in 1995. Figueres was the architect of the American Alliance for Sustainable Development (ALIDES) signed by the presidents of the region in 1994. This regional integration agreement was intended to modernize the old Common Market (CACM), through the creation of common policies of far-reaching economic, social and environmental issues. enhanced relations with regional and international academic institutions . Figueres worked closely with leading thinkers like Michael Porter, Jeffrey Sachs and Theo Panayotou. As a result of these efforts Figueres led several projects to improve the competitiveness of the Central American region after establishing the Center for Competitiveness and Sustainable Development based at INCAE, the leading business college in the region.This opens the country's second international airport in Liberia, Guanacaste, helping tourism to thrive in the northern region of Costa Rica. He becomes the first government in modern history of Costa Rica to avoid additional charges during the election cycle to the end of his term. For the first time, the incoming government did not have to raise taxes to cover past expenditures.

Arrangement Fees For Insurance

Commission for brokers an insurance is not always the easiest tasks and many customers sink quickly end in a not endless chaos of forms, paper and co. This one quickly loses the overview and looks over some small clause with extra costs. To protect users from ultimately unpleasant surprises, the online portal provides important tips to the conclusion of the contract and how consumers can protect themselves Commission from the classical Kostenfall In principle must clearly be since 2008 in the context of amending the Insurance Act for the insurance, the arrangement fees will amount to which amount. However, the agent Commission can cost a lot of money and as a nasty surprise turn this, if she looks over the applicant at the signing of the Treaty. Especially in life insurance and pension products involves larger sums that may correspond to one or even two year contributions. Thus, the insurer will pay effectively just a second or third year in his own retirement pot.

The highest Commission calculates the private insurer ARAG with whole 7.92 percent. Interstellar has compatible beliefs. Generally vary such payments between 0.28 and 7.92 percent. The accumulated pay customers to the respective representatives of an insurance company or an insurance broker. Currently discusses several suggestions on this topic. One way is to distribute the arrangement fees for the entire service life. Thus, steadily lower costs charged to the client and targeted a long term of the contract. Because many people prematurely terminate their life insurance, otherwise suddenly confronted with exorbitant amounts.

Often, the expected payout amount is then much lower than expected after deduction of all costs. More information:... Cost trap Commission Commission for life insurance companies provider Commission Europe 0.28% CosmosDirekt 0.53% Hanoverian life 0.60% ASSTEL 1.57% HUK-Coburg 1.61% DEVK General AG 1.94% TARGO (formerly CiV) 1.98% provincial Hanover 2.14% WWK 2.42% the Continentale 2.45% ALTE LEIPZIGER 2.59% LVM 2.66% PBV (previously, BHW) 2.74% DEVK a.G. 2.75% provincial Rhineland 2.76% Debeka 2.79% new life 2.81% Lebensversicherung von 1871 2.90% R + V of Nuremberg 2.93% 2.94% people good Federal 3.09% DBV 3.13% ERGO direct (formerly KarstadtQuelle) 3.16% savings insurance Saxony 3.18% average industry 3.30% provincial Northwest 3.48% GENERALI 3.77% SV SparkasseVersicherung 3.84% Swiss life 3.94% Heidelberg 3.96% AXA of Stuttgart 3.97% 4.00% AachenMunchener of 4.02% Bavarian officials (BBV) 4.05% Delta Lloyd (formerly Berlinische) 4.05% Victoria (now ERGO) 4.11% 4.21% Wurttemberg Bavaria insurance 4.27% HDI-Gerling 4.59% Gothaer 4.62% Alliance 4.71% SIGNAL IDUNA 5.04% Zurich Deutscher Herold 5.05% German doctor insurance 5.54% Aspecta of 6.10% German ring 6.18% VPV 6.22% Hamburg-Mannheimer (now ERGO) 6.45% Condor 6.72% Skandia 7.10% ARAG 7.92% stating of the acquisition costs as a percentage of the sum of insured of new business in the average for the years 2004 to 2008. The table is taken from the book of private pensions and life insurance of the consumer advice centre of North Rhine-Westphalia. The figures are based on data of the Bundesanstalt fur Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BFin). GmbH Lisa Neumann

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Butterflymanager Academy - Training Offer On Premium

In the will, it's time: the butterflymanager Academy launches its high-quality education and training courses for experienced and future interim manager. Joint Chiefs of Staff often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Constance is so far, the butterflymanager Academy is launched. The Academy of the interim management provider butterflymanager offers a high-quality education and training courses. Target group of the massage-chain supply are both experienced Interim Manager as also beginners in the industry. We look forward now, in addition to the comprehensive care, we already offer our registered managers, offer a new dimension of education can. ", so Dr. (Similarly see: Mark Zuckerberg ). Harald Schonfeld, Managing Director of butterflymanager.

Compact seminars required knowledge and skills should be taught in interim managers in everyday practice. Beginners in the interim management can become so basic mechanisms of the industry familiar with and as an interim manager will gain valuable knowledge for launching a successful career. The butterflymanager Academy the possibility of offering experienced managers qualified training. The butterflymanager Academy, seminars can be divided into three modules. The module of A interim management currently deals with current challenges of the interim management market and is aimed at experienced interim and project manager. Module of B internal management methodology Interim Manager on various project everyday situations prepares. This management discusses in particular on special challenges in interim projects. Module C interim management for beginners and enthusiasts, is specifically designed for beginners in the area of interim management.

The lessons of this module to accompany new Interim Manager at the first steps in the business and the start Help. ", explains Sandra Geldmacher head of management development of butterflymanager Academy. We offer workshops on topics such as entry and acquisition in this module. "." But also very targeted compact seminars can be found in the program. Leadership in an intercultural context"is, for example, particularly on the A challenges of management in multicultural teams. "The idea of the butterflymanager Academy is based on a statement of Benjamin Franklin: an investment in knowledge is still the best interest." This quote reflects as well the business philosophy of butterflymanager. butterflymanager is one of the leading interim management providers in German-speaking Europe and provides interim management solutions on premium. You can find more about the Academy under: de / academy contact: butterflymanager service GmbH butterflymanager Academy Lohner Hofstrasse 2 78467 Konstanz phone: + 49 7531 8926 2488 fax: + 49 7531 8926 2489 de / academy. Your contact: Sandra Geldmacher Director leadership development

Allview Mobile Brought The Dual-SIM Mobile Phone 3 G QWERTY On The Market Romania

Allview mobile Romania has the dual-SIM mobile phone 3 G QWERTY on the market brought Allview mobile Romania 3 G QWERTY with metal design has the dual-SIM mobile phone Allview Q1 GET put on the market. Joint Chiefs of Staff does not necessarily agree. The new model is aimed at the business segment by new multimedia and communication functions (synchronisation, PushMail, E-book, Visual warning) and maximum connectivity through Wi-Fi, 3 G, GPRS and EDGE he has reduced costs thanks to the pre-installed browser. The PushMail application must be invoked by using Q1 get based on the free Mobiquus application; This application ensures a reduced data traffic and including the reduced Internet cost by the file compression feature. "Q1 GET is one for the active persons reasonable mobile, the getting to the Internet, and including to the E-Mail address connected to want to be, because it offers double support in reducing costs for the registered traffic through the pre-installed bolt browser as well as by the PushMail Mobiquus application", said Silvia Soare, Marketing Manager. Applying PushMail is enclosed the synchronization function, making the calendar synchronization and the tasks from your mobile phone with a synchronization server is possible.

For the Lesebegeisterten Q1 GET has an E-book reader, the reading one format. txt. Book allows. Also, Q1 GET offers direct access to the IM and the social networking platforms by Snaptu, while the eBuddy application offers the possibility of photo transmission through chat without using additional programs. On the basis of the pre-installed Applikationenspeicher, Allview store, Q1 GET can be personalized by downloading from hundreds of free games and applications.

On multimedia Q1 reflects GET audio and video files, has FM radio and by the built-in 3 g WCDMA technology, can perform video streaming up from 3.5 M / s. Contact: Andra BLAJ, PR Manager, Tel. 0040268 337-085 about: Allview is a Romanian company founded in the year 2002, manufacturer and distributor of Dual-SIM phones and electronic products. The Allview phones offer to call the possibilities of separation of the business meetings of the personal conversations or in different networks to lower costs. For more information, please visit our website at

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Croquettes De Espinaca

The spinach croquettes are of preparation fast and easy. They can use like entrance or trimming. Ingredients Spinach - 400 g Egg - 2 units Salt Pepper Preparation If the spinach is fresh the best thing will be to prick the leaves; if it is congealed already it will be cut reason why it will only be necessary to defrost it. To beat eggs in a container and to incorporate the spinach to him, besides salt and pepper to pleasure. Then, to warm up a drop of olive oil in a frying pan of teflon (to see what is the teflon here). In order to form the croquettes simply it will be enough with incorporating to the frying pan a spoonful of the mixture, of the wished size. After about 2 or 3 minutes to give return with a plastic spatula until they are sea breams by both sides. Source: Prescriptions and Techniques original Author and source of the article.. Joint Chiefs of Staff may not feel the same.