Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Atlantis Mission

The mission will last 12 days, and takes to the Station an experiment to develop vaccines against gastrointestinal diseases. It transfers all the provisions and pieces of spare part necessary to maintain the operations in the EEI when they stop working the ferrys. The Atlantis I have completed 32 space flights in its 26 years in active-duty. The Atlantis ferry, in its final trip and with four astronauts on board, has been reconciled successfully to Estacin Espacial Internacional (EEI), in a last mission of 12 days that will close the era of the ferrys. The connection took place without 15,07 misfortunes to GMT, a minute later than the anticipated thing, after one precise approach maneuver in which the rocket hardly moved to three centimeters per second.

The twelfth encounter between the Atlantis and the EEI was completed when both about 386 ships flew to kilometer s on the coast this of New Zealand, according to the National Administration informed into Aeronautics and the Space (NASA) of the United States. Two days after his takeoff from the Space Center Kennedy in Cabo Cane plantation (Florida, the USA), the Atlantis became transfer number 37 in being reconciled to the orbital complex, but the accountant who pauses now after three decades in operation. To 16,47 GMT, half an hour before the anticipated thing, the EEI and the ferry were abrieron to the floodgates between, to reunite to their four astronauts with the three who inhabit the Space station permanently the International, that they had prepared his traditional ceremony of welcome. Experiments and repairs for the EEI With its arrival, the laboratory of the space complex receives an experiment to develop vaccines against gastrointestinal diseases, like the caused one by salmonella, with the purpose of abrir a phase of investigation on the behavior of these bacteria in conditions of microgravity. The multipurpose Atlantis take in addition the module Rafaello, plenty of provisions and pieces of spare part sufficient to maintain the operations of the station once they stop working the ferrys.

Finally, it transports experiment Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM), designed to demonstrate and to prove tools, technologies and techniques necessary to resupply mechanically to the satellites in the space. At the top of the historical mission they are commander Chris Ferguson, captain of the American Navy retired for that is his third trip, and pilot Dough Hurley, colonel of the marine infantry, that it has more than 4,000 flight hours in 25 types of airplanes and is the second time that travels to the space. The specialists of Sandra mission complete the crew Magnus, engineer who have participated in three missions and have altogether spent four months in the space, and Rex Walheim, retired colonel of the Air Force for whom also is his third mission and that has spent 24 days in the space and has realised 5 space long walks. The Atlantis, the quarter of the fleet of ferrys of the NASA, have made 32 space flights in their 26 years in active-duty, in which it has happened more than 293 days in the space and has crossed 194.168.330 kilometers. Source of the news: The Atlantis the era arrives for the last time at the Space station the International closing from the ferry

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