Friday, October 31, 2014


Reflection for parents in the world. By Raul Otero Director Group GranFuturo sometime ago encounter every day more common the fact many people took refuge in the inactivity of watching the movie of their lives as passive spectators, is eternal pause, in the monotony of waiting for the old luck. If at some point someone should take these notes to read them, let me tell you that life only this in motion and non-stops to talk with those who are inactive. To be at rest stop a force, which violate the laws of physics must be internal force becomes necessary. As middle level teacher, I surprised to see that many of my students only expect to have the answer for the problems, not strive to find a solution, they rely on way to the use of calculators, Internet and greatly to the increasingly more common phrase as you do this problem? waiting for someone to take the initiative for them.

In life usually occur in the same way, if you expect to it to solve their difficulties You can never move forward, others are busy in their own affairs to stop and help you in yours. This does not mean that people who are interested in helping you there are if you request them with interest and shows a genuine desire of wanting to overcome. I don't want to be absolute, and is my opinion very particular to say that it seems that they are every day more voids of knowledge many of our young people, who are the future of this our world. I remember a little story that should be in all schools and universities now and I want to make it available to all who may read these ideas. A man selling balloons in the Park of a small village, which could be anywhere in the world was.

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