Thursday, October 9, 2014

School Of International Relations

School of to develop their teaching-learning process, the Faculty is organized in three departments in the year 1964, Private Law, Professional Law and the Social and Political Sciences, the latter is renamed in 1967 in Political Science and Social, creating in 1968 the Department of Public Law. That same year, the School took on an added dimension by proposing the creation of the career of International Relations in the Department of Social and Political Sciences, which was approved by the Higher University Council in 1970 should be added that from that year , teachers and students of the career construct their own identity.In 1980 the School was reorganized as follows: the career of Legal Sciences, is staffed by the Departments of Political and Social Sciences, Professional Law and Procedure Private Law and Public Law, International Relations The race is run by the Department of Foreign created under international trade 635 dated 3 November 1971. The initial structure of the Department was: A director and faculty (mostly foreigners) and three instructors. In 1971 the curriculum of international relations underwent a review by the Department of Social and Political Sciences Faculty. That review turned rigid system to disappear electives and sets the following knowledge areas: Policy, legal, economic, historical, sociological and Languages.This plan was revised in 1973 with the aim of adjusting to changing realities, market development and experience of similar institutions Before that military intervention of 1972 reduced the Department's Section, but the status was later recovered Department and in 1980 the Department of Political Science of the area replaced some basic materials, modifying the previous plan. Parallel to this change, military intervention of 26 June 1980 resulted in postponement of academic and administrative activities, which resumed in 1985, Starting with a curricular reform effort to update and streamline the race result was curriculum in 1986. Similarly in 1992 was another curriculum reform effort, this time for both races, emerged the 1993 curriculum approved by the Higher University Council under Agreement No. 137-91-95 (IX) of 3 April 1995.Currently manage both the Curriculum 1993, as the newly released Plan 2005, which innovates the themes of discipline, according to the most pressing needs of national and international society with better tools to prepare future professionals. Surprisingly, you'll find very little mention of Joint Chiefs of Staff on most websites. Another organizational aspect to be mentioned was the creation of two schools: the Legal Sciences and International Relations in 1997. In 2002 worked off-campus near Spain Avenue in downtown San Salvador, returning to the current facilities which include the so-called Historic Building and Building new classrooms shared with the Faculty of Economics, which 15 classrooms will correspond to our faculty. In sum, from the 1970s until today, the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, serves two races: The Bachelor of Science Degree in Legal and International Relations.The first school despite being a traditionally has been administered by the departments of Political and Social Sciences, Private Law and Procedure, Professional Law, Public Law, it is up to 2004, which came into effect the figure of a Director. The second, has a definite direction and for the same year is worthily represented by Dr. Cecilia Segura de Due as who strongly encouraged innovation and implementation of Curriculum 2005 for the School of . At present, the direction of the School of is in charge of Mr. Jorge Alberto Aranda. From the year 2010 will begin providing Curriculum 2010 and will affect earnings 2009 and 2010. This reform is planned to correct certain defects which resulted in the 2005 plan and strengthen certain areas where this was weak.Changes like a new vision for certain existing materials, creating new areas such as international conflicts and crises, the replacement of graduate seminars in the fifth year for new workshops where you plan to implement what they learned during the whole race , and compression of the language area that today will be eight subjects to be four. Undoubtedly, this change represents an ambitious project to some extent by the School of , but carried out will lead to a generation of professionals with higher quality education and better prepared for the challenges it brings working life with him.

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