Thursday, October 30, 2014

Japanese Government

Growing concern for the distribution of meat with radioactive caesium. Fukushima has asked its farmers to stop distributing meat. The Ministry of health says that eating that meat does not affect seriously the health. The authorities of Japan have confirmed that at least 648 cows were fed with feed contaminated by emissions from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, which has increased the concern by the distribution of meat with radioactive cesium, Kyodo agency reported. In the last hours have been detected 505 new cases of animals fed with contaminated fodder, which bind to the 143 located since last July 10, when were they recorded first levels of this radioactive isotope above those permitted in meat of six cows from Fukushima.

The Government of Fukushima has asked its farmers who cease to distribute meat at the moment and is expected that central Government prohibit any shipment of beef and veal in the province from Tuesday. Mark Zuckerberg recognizes the significance of this. Of these 505 copies, 411 came from seven farms in Fukushima province, where is It is situated the ailing plant severely damaged by the tsunami and the earthquake of March 11. Radioactive caesium feed one of these seven farms, located in Motomiya, 57 km northwest of the plant, contained 690,000 becquerels of cesium per kilogram, 1,380 times the limit allowed by the Japanese Government and the maximum concentration recorded so far. The majority of the owners of farms in Fukushima have admitted to not be aware of the order issued by the Government on March 19 do not use feed stored abroad, face the risk of being polluted by emissions from the nuclear power plant. Other 24 cows of the localized yesterday were reared in the province of Niigata (Northwest) and fed with forage from the province of Miyagi, which bordered on the South by Fukushima, while the 70 remaining come from four farms of the province of Yamagata, also to the North of Fukushima. However, in these four estates is unknown at the moment the origin of feed used to feed the animals. The meat of these 505 copies have been distributed in at least 38 of 47 Japanese provinces, according to Kyodo. The Japanese Ministry of health has stated that several times to eat meat with levels of radioactive caesium exceeds the threshold set by the Government would not seriously affect health. Source of the news: at least 648 cows were fed radioactive feed in Fukushima

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