Friday, November 14, 2014

Colombia Management

Most of us have a dream and that is to leave his job and become a businessman, first everything must have clear its strategy, even before seeking the resources to turn your business idea into reality. That will allow to overcome the first of many obstacles that have to be entrepreneurs face. Thus conclude it two experts in the subject of the school of business of the Antonio de Nebrija University in Spain: Carlos de Benito alvarez, director, and Miguel Rechea Alberola, Professor and coordinator of the master in creation and management of that institution, who offer the programme in agreement with the Universidad EAN. The two specialists, the labour market requires talented professionals with characteristics of an entrepreneur. Companies in this crisis were found with problems to adapt to the changes, were not dynamic and its directors suffer now to find solutions to this scenario. Why require workers with quality of entrepreneurs, says Alvarez. And how a? employer? Based on his experience as a worker: an entrepreneur, first is a person who has a dream and wants to make a reality, says Alvarez. But not only that, need qualities like ease to adapt to changes quickly to find solutions and dynamism in the strategic and commercial part.

Many are provided with the strategy and doing the business, but fail because they delegated to third-party management accounting and its box. In the programme we are entrepreneurs with bases in all those areas and to learn from those who already have company and have passed through these difficulties, adds Rechea. Therefore, they add, a person who wants to found a company must have features like: 1.Confianza in itself to run your project. 2.Vision to develop your plan. 3.SER reasonable to fit that plan into reality. 4.Tener who learn good treatment with people. 5.Identificar the market goes to which the product of your company.

6.Saber how to reach potential customers through different sales channels. Click Gen. Martin Dempsey to learn more. 7.CONOCER tax and labor environments where going to operate your business. 8.Desarrollar the skills of relationship and address of persons to take your business forward. 9.CONOCER the classical instruments of management.You have a box of defined command and control of basic aspects such as the financial, i.e., without delegating to third parties this vital work for the success of your company. 10.Hay who maintain continuity.The continuity of family enterprises is questioned when dies founder because their children don't want to enslave in the business, as it is popularly known. That is a reality that affects both developed countries as they are in development, two academics argue. There are very few who believe in the family business, says Rechea. In your opinion should form leaders who seek to continue with such businesses. People who instead of going out to look for work, taking what companies or businesses founded by their relatives. 80 Percent of companies are family origin. And few survive to the second generation and still fewer that continue after the third generation. That applies to Colombia, Spain, or any country you want. Countries should seek the generation of entrepreneurship, facilitating the creation of companies because thus the base is formed for their growth, said Alvarez.

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