Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Although this topic is not listed as conflict, it would be convenient to make a parenthesis for delving into this, because it is part a family harmony also go hand in hand with a peace with the body. Pause for a moment, landing it. Part of our daily lives, is reflected in our body, or rather the life leaves us their footprints marked in our being. Stress, tiredness, fatigue, just not make it? Of course, gray hair, wrinkles, sagging shoulders, are scars of time. The good thing is that as the days so influence us, also us, from the inside, can influence the days. It's make those better days for us to enjoy them, get them all the delicious juice and investing in our body, is a way to prepare well, fill us with fuel, inflate us vitality, to do so.

The first thing is to keep in the hard line of balance, because as in all balance, there is no other way to enter more than by the force, but once inside and together, not out of him. I speak of compensation toward our being, a way of thanking him for keeping us alive and functional, so: first, you should start with a good diet and this is not so easy. This is a commitment seriously, the truth, making the habit of eating lettuce, chard, nopales, very little red meat and no flour and fried, is not easy and not anyone makes it, but why not any person reaches age 65 with 40 body and power of 20. Every day, these people refrain from the tasty fajitas, succulent Greaves. Every day make the effort to stay healthy. Nothing more is what you eat, besides must add a little exercise. With three outputs to run per week is sufficient and do not know how it revitalizes this, cool air, the smell of dew. Try in your square close a day after raining, you are filled with incomprendidamente positive vibes.

Climbing mountains once every three months, drink lots of clean water, take care of yourself. To this We must add activity to keep the brain healthy. Good ideas unexpected visits are to relatives, decent parties with friends, outputs with children conscientiously just to have fun. Finally the spiritual touch and the best for this is total calm and talking with itself. These two formulas separately you converted into a giant being. Commit yourself to this, will make you more happy, you will enjoy yourself and you do enjoy others. It is a great treasure. Its price, it is equally.

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