Saturday, November 15, 2014

Exchange Alternatives

Alternatives cheaper than buying books in common like rent or Exchange establishments. You may find that Interstellar can contribute to your knowledge. To reduce the expense involved each year acquire school text books, Spanish families may opt for other cheaper alternatives that the direct purchase of the books in the shops and usual facilities: rent or Exchange with other users. Both formulas are based on the idea that books are used only for the duration of the school year, and therefore it is not necessary to retain them once finished this. The purchase of text books represents the highest expenditure that families face when a new school year starts. A. Despite the fact that in most of the autonomous communities of our country are established various programs, free of charge (either in the form of loan or cheque-libro), in general these grants do not cover the total cost of this material and in many cases do not reach at all educational levels, especially to the postobligatorios studies (secondary education and vocational training). How can this academic material costs I reduce? In addition to traditional loans or exchanges among family and friends, thanks to which every year you can reuse an important part of the books, it is possible to extend this practice to other families through different platforms on line or opt for an alternative already widespread in other countries: the rental of books. Rent 50% rent textbooks instead of buying them new each year is a common practice in almost all academic levels in other countries, especially in the United States. In this North American country, the idea was initiated at the University level as a service among individuals and today the same university libraries offer this alternative to your users and integrate into different networks of rental of books, like Rent-a-text, with more than 850 centres of Bookrenter, with more than six million students as users, or associated studies.

These services, as well as widespread as Chegg, Campusbookrental or Collegebookrenter, others allow students to save more than 50% in academic material to opt for renting instead of buying. The benefit may be greater if the student is not limited to rent as a single transaction and also opt to resell their own books of the previous course that incorporated into the catalogue of material available on these networks. Alquilibrix currently is the first project that offers these services in our country. On the one hand, it allows that students rent textbooks, from compulsory secondary education (ESO) at the University, for a price 50% smaller that that mark publishers. These students can also make use of the service of share buy-back books by 40% of the purchase price. In total, if you opt for two transactions, the operation can be up to 90% savings in comparison with the purchase of books by the traditional tracks. Moreover, the service is even more comfortable for students in high school 60 institutes of Madrid with them until now, Alquilibrix has reached a cooperation agreement through their associations of parents and mothers (APAS).

In this case, after pointing out the books that you want to resell or rent for the next course, the only student must go to facilities of your centre of studies on the specified dates and deliver and collect the agreed material. Exchange between families another optional formula for those students who cannot access regional aid or want to reduce the cost of textbooks that do not fall in the free programs is the exchange between students. In addition to those they do naturally between siblings and acquaintances, numerous schools, driven by the APAS, have implemented this practice of solidarity between families Exchange, so that upon completion of the course the students delivered the books that will no longer use and collect which will need for the new academic year, which other companions have contributed. Students of the centres where this formula has not been implemented may choose some portals online created specifically for this purpose, like Changebook, which with more than 41,000 books of all levels in catalog is responsible for organizing exchanges among its users through a points system. Other platforms available in the network online Exchange is With more than 30 educational centres currently associated, this application works as a meeting point between the families of the students at these centers to manage exchanges of textbooks in a comfortable and simple way. Source of the news: rental and Exchange, alternatives to deal with the expense of textbooks.

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