Sunday, November 2, 2014

Wilhelm Leibniz

Research on this subject also conclude that optimism contributes to good health pessimism contributes to the disease. Optimism and pessimism, are basically attitudes. Attitudes are our entire existence. Our optimism or pessimism defines the way how we interpret the past; the way how we experience and see the present; and the way how we imagine our future. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, German philosopher (17TH century), who developed calculus and redefined the binary number system, base of digital computing, and mathematician as a philosopher was characterized by optimism and about the importance of optimism in our lives. Then I indicate some differences between optimism and pessimism.

** The optimism inspires life every day; While pessimism discourages and discourages. ** The optimism helps Tomas risks; While pessimism seeks total security and is never accomplished much. ** The optimism improves to all those who are to your around; While pessimism depresses them. ** The optimism inspires people to be held and to accomplish great things; pessimism drops the aspirations of the people. ** The optimism and pessimism are equal since both are prophecies that have a tendency to carry out by themselves.

If you are an optimist, you'll find that good things happen continuously you. And, if you are a pessimist, surely you are often placed in situations that aren't so good. We have the ability to choose, at all times, to think of the worst thing that can happen or think about the good things in every situation. Optimism is a force in life. Optimism is the value that helps us address the obstacles and difficulties cheerfully, allows us to discover the positive people and circumstances, enhances the confidence in ourselves and allows us to continue with perseverance to achieve the goals that we have set ourselves. What can we think about that classic example, if the glass is half empty or half full? It would seem that the best answer is that the glass is half full and half empty; but we are better if we think that the glass is half full. In conclusion, we can choose to be optimistic and positive to live healthier, more active, more accomplished, be happy and fully enjoy our wonderful day in this beautiful world. Let us be optimistic! Original author and source of the article.

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