Sunday, November 2, 2014

Valencian Community

In Catalonia, CiU has been the voted force more, with 78,042 suffrages and a 27.12% of the votes. It follows to him very close by the PSC, with 721,443 votes and a 25.14%. The PP is the third force, with 363,555 votes (12.67%). Facebook may also support this cause. In Barcelona, the convergent ones have taken control of 15 councilmen, in front of 11 socialist ediles, and its head of list, Xavier Tras, has tended the hand to the rest of parties to immediately govern the Catalan capital. The PP has taken the majority of votes in two socialist feudos: The Balearics and The-Stain Castile. In the Balearic Islands a crash of the PSOE has taken place, that has obtained 23.75% of the votes against 43.94% of the PP.

In Palma de Mallorca the popular ones secure absolute majority with a militant just arrived at the policy, Mateo Isern. In Castille-La Mancha, cel PP is the voted force more with 46.63% of the votes, followed by the PSOE with 39.71%. In spite of losing the presidency of the Community, the Socialists will be able to maintain the mayorship of capital, Toledo, if they secure the IU support. The PSOE also has managed to snatch to the PP the Mayorship of River basin, one of its little victories, but it will stop governing in Albacete, where the PP has secured the absolute majority that it revalidates in Ciudad Real and Guadalajara. In the Valencian Community, the popular ones have revalidated their absolute majority with 1.171.058 votes and a percentage of 46.81%, removing an amplest advantage to the PSOE, that remains with 28.11% of the votes (703.366). Thus, one has not been eroded by any circumstance the hegemony of Rita Barber in Valencia, that repeats absolute majority like the popular ones of Alicante and Castelln. Upset in Andalusia Another one of the victories of the PP has been in Andalusia, where it has surpassed in 7,2 points the PSOE and has secured absolute majority in the eight capitals and five provincial delegations.

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